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in, 找到 833 個
𤏻v.to burn and roast in a big fire (arch.) to liaise and harmonize (arch.)
𦵯n.a herbal plant in Hunan province, very close to thyme
var.archaic variant of 之, and in bronze script variant of
idiomin order to; by means of
n.proper name in antiquity
n.a tree; a kind of birch found in Manchuria
n.confusion, chaos (arch.); change (arch.); aboriginals in Southern China (arch.)
n.gentleman, man, husband, elder; unit of length in old China equal 3.3 meters
v.ascend, go up; go on; send to; pay in; go ahead
n.short wall to hide from arrows in defense
n.assistant officer (in ancient China); deputy
prep.among; within; in; between
n. child's hairstyle bound in two tufts
v.manage; be in charge of; indicate; signify; hold a definite view about something
adj.last in a series; tender, small
prep.at; in; from; than
onomatopoeiaforas in pingpong
onomatopoeiapong as in pingpong or table tennis
int.exclamatory particle suggesting pause in speech
particle(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying strong affirmation
adj.having an position merely in name
n.well; pit; shaft of a mine; The Well, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.surname; The Neck, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.Bo, capital of Shang Dynasty; a city in Anhui Province
idiomin order to; by means of
idiom(coll.) three in count (cannot be followed by a measure word like 個)
v.trust to, rely on, confide in; appoint, employ; bear, be responsible for, assume office, take up a job; allow, tolerate, let
v.prostrate; yield; suffer; lie in ambush; hide; conceal; suppress; sit on eggs
trans.Character used often in the transliteration of proper names of foreign languages; transcription of first syllable of Gamma Ray; transcription of Sanskrit 'gha' in Buddhist texts; transcription of first syllable of the Carmelite order
adj.easy, graceful in movement; hunchbacked
n.ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient China
adv.all, completely; together, in company
v.in the company of, along with
v.build; put in order
n.officer in charge of royal chariots; assistant; herdsman
conj.if in case; perhaps
n.man; son-in-law
n.price, value; a turn in course
v.fall in ones back, lay down; cease, stop; lodgy
v.be together with, be in the company of
v.depend on; assist a ruler in governing a country; accompany; follow
n.a word used in one's name
v.prepare; provide; put in order; complete; be equipped with, have
n.the Dai nationality in South China
adj.sham, hypocritical; undue; fault, crime, in disorder; modest
n.Nung, an ethnic nationality in Yunnan Province
adj.black; fast; dark green silken fabrics becoming white in color
n.name of the god of South Sea in ancient Chinese myth; flash; name of fish
conj.if; supposing; in case; in the event of; in case of accidents; if anything untoward happens
v.fill up; satify; act in place of; become; pretend to be, pose as; charge; serve as
v.confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc.
v.enter; come in, come to; join, be admitted into; put in
v.be in charge of; control; mortgage; give in pledge
adj.cold; in disorder
n.knife; sword; razor; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Qi State
v.arrange in order; enumerate; classify; line up; list
v.cut in two; divide; judge; decide; distinguish, discriminate; sentence; condemn
adj.former; preceding; in front of; before
v.prick with knife; stick in the ground; stab
v.to kill or execute a person in secrecy
v.cut off the nose (a punishment in ancient China); cut off
v.add to, add; plus; augment; put in; append; increase; grant; raise to; appoint
n.horizontal stroke in writing
v.bridle; restrain; extort; force; coerce; engrave; rein in
v.be engaged in; devote one's efforts to
n.work, labour; meritorious deed, service, toil; shrikes (a species of bird as in 伯勞)
adj.hectic; urgent; in haste, hurriedly
v.ascend, arise, rise, go up, hoist; advance in office, promote
adj.united in; joint; common
v.aid, help; harmonize, be in accord
n.seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system
n.danger; peril; The Rooftop, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
adj.thick; deep; profound; substantial; generous; sincere; virtuous; genuine; secure; rich or strong in flavour
v.to place a coffin in a temporary shelter pending burial
v.go away; remove; get rid of; do away with; kill; depart; go up; go in
n.The Three Stars, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky; corresponding to the three stars in the centre of the constellation Orion (arch.)
v.counsel; consult together, refer; join, enter, take part in; intervene; consider; collate; compare; impeach; report; mix, blend; visit a superior; reach to, penetrate
idiomin addition
idiomin time for
adv.besides; in addition; separately; again
v.to like, to take pleasure in, to regard with favour (arch.)
v.hold or contain in mouth
adj.same; together; alike; identical; similar; in common
v.share in
v.hold in the mouth; contain; cherish, nurse, harbour; embody; restrain
v.draw in the breath, inhale; suck up; absorb; attract
v.talk in distinctly; whisper; lick, taste; petty
v.be on good term with; be in accord with; harmonize; rehearse ensemble music; draw
n.name of place in Taiwan
v.groan, snort; hum, croon, chant in a low voice
v.to chant (as in Buddhist singing)
v.to put in the mouth
v.hold in the mouth; harbor, cherish; contain; accept
n.noice made in coughing or vomiting
v.chatter; mumble in repetition
v.hold in the mouth
v.sigh, heave a sigh; gasp in admiration, highly praise
adj.affectedly sweet, talk and act like a spoiled child; rever in, be proud of; excellent, outstanding
v.keep in the mouth or eyes, contain; hold in the mouth
adj.long-winded, wordy; strong; murmur, in a whisper
v.to move the mouth as in speaking; to chatter
n.rare personal name used in antiquity
v.somniloquy; speak in ones sleep; shiver
n.a note in singing
v.put in jail; defend
prep.at; in; on
v.consist in; be present, exist; be alive; rest with; depend on
n.furrow in field, small drainage
n.lump; bar in sea; word used for place's name
n.earthen terrace; an earthen stand for putting goblets in ancient ceremonies; circles
n.hollow; col; a flabland in a mountain range
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.chalk; The Cretaceous Period (geological period 140-65m years ago) as in the term 白堊紀
n.flat ground in either end of a bridge
v.block up; bury in oblivion; waste
v.collapse, cave in; lose, fall; keep close to; settle down; sink, droop
v.model in clay; mould
v.stop up; block; cork; fill in; squeeze in; stuff
n.partition-wall; wall of a house; screen-wall; cliff; The Wall, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.press; oppress; crush; repress; keep in order; urge
n.rampart; base in baseball
n.black and solid earth; adobe table in ancient wineshop; wineshop
n.foot (coming downward or closing in)
n.a legendary one-legged creature; Name of musical official in Chinese antiquity; Kui prefecture
idiomin addition
adj.long-standing; early; former; in normal times, usually
adj.great, big, large; tall; vast; extensive; noble; high in rank; major; much
adv.greatly; fully; in a great way; in a large scale; very
n.pit, depression; used in name of places
n.hip, the stride of man; name of constellation; The Legs, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
adj.bright; great; generation, age; in sequence of generations
n.name of a prominent Buddhist monk in the Tang dynasty
n.woman; daughter; girl; The Girl, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
adj.a woman being jealous of her husband (arch.); being jealous in general
n.a surname; a word used in woman's name
n.mother in general (arch.); a deceased mother; woman ancestors
n.sisters-in-law; wives of brothers
n.female name in antiquity
n.a word used in woman's name; a concubine of Chou hsin who is the last ruler of the Shang dynasty
n.gynecological events in women, such as menstruation, labour, miscarriage, etc.
pron.A pronoun used in antiquity by a woman referring to herself
v.depute; send; appoint, entrust, put in charge of; commision; give up; abandon, throw away, cast aside; bow under a burden
n.Jiang River; an ethnic group in Western China; a surname
n.old woman; mother-in-law
n.awe; pomp; mother-in-law (arch.)
n.couple; brother's wife; sister in law
n.younger sister; sister-in-law; the younger ones among the many concubines married to the same husband
n.Aries; sow that seek for life mate; surname; The Bond, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.old woman, mother-in-law
n.beauty; a word used in womens name
n.mutual term of address used by sons-in-law; a brother-in-law
婿n.husband; son-in-law
婿v.become son-in-law
n.daughter-in-law, wife
n.female proper name in antiquity
adj.compliant, yielding; easy-going; gentle in temperament
n.girl (in a intimate or mocking tone); affront
adj.beautiful; fine looking; elegant (in ancient Southern dialects)
n.proper name for women in antiquity
v.evolve; transmute; hand over; replace; abdicate; change in succession
n.lady-in-waiting; ancient term for female court officials
n.aunt; wife of father's younger brother; younger brother's wife; sister-in-law
adj.in pairs
v.propagate, multiply, breed in large numbers
v.pacify; soothe; settle; place; fix on; arrange; set; rest in
v.settle in a strange place, live in a strange place; be a stranger
n.house; mansion; home; apartment; room; wife; The encampment, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.to live in groups
n.government official in ancient China; prime minister
n.house; family; home; relatives; household; residence; specialist in a certain field; noun suffix for a school of thought (eg. Confucian or Taoist) or for a specialist of some kind (eg. physicist or musician)
宿adv.usually; in advance
宿v.stay overnight; be in; be stationed; imply
n.officials in charge of the allotment to the feudal nobles
v.live in solitude (arch.)
n.bedroom; imperial bedroom; coffin chamber in a imperial mausoleum
v.to murmur in one's dream; dream talk
n.archery, being one of the 6 basic items of classical education in Chinese antiquity
idiomand besides; in addition to
v.add; append to; honour; esteem; surpass; ascend; go to; proceed; be in charge of
n.tail; rear, behind; the end; extremity; stern; promontory; remaining part; remnant; The Tail, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.dwell, reside, live; remain; be in; occupy; put into practice; sit; claim; assert
n.in time, in place; the set time
int.(Cant. vulg.) obscene exclamation equivalent to "fuck" in English
n.the name of a mountain in Henan province of China
n.a county in Shanxi province
n.a hill in Hunan
n.mountain in Northwest Szechwan
n.a territorial division during the Ming dynasty; mountain in the province of Gansu
n.name of mountain in Shanxi province
n.place name in Hunan province
n.a place in Taiwan Tainan
n.high mountain in Tibet
n.Xiao mountain; the name of a mountain in Henan
v.landslide, landslip; collapse, crash to the ground, burst apart; fall in ruin; break, down burst
n.flat-topped mountain with steep slopes; used in names of places
n.name of a legendary hill in Shanxi
n.proper name for a mountain in China
n.the name of a mountain in Szechwan
n.cliff; cave; a place in State of Sung during the Spring and Autumn Period
n.the name of a mountain in Gansu province; the place of sunset
n.mountain in Shaanxi
n.name of a pass in Shanxi province
n.Name of hills in Shandong
n.range of mountains in Hunan
n. a nationality in South-Western China; one revolution or one round of circular motion; cuckoo the bird
n.islet in river (arch.); a region; a state; departmental division, political division; a county; empire division in ancient China
n.worker; labour; labourer; job; time occupied in doing a piece of work; work; project; man-day
巿n.sacrificial clothing in imperial Chinese courts
n.calico; cotton cloth; shirting; linen; cloth; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Jin States
n.object held by dancer; a multicolored prop used in dancing
n.commander-in-chief; local leader; governor
n.teacher, instructor, master; model, example; multitude; troops, army; capital city; a division in the Chinese army
v.put in jail; hide
n.rule; law; limit; measure, a unit of measure; an interval in music; degree; manner; extent; tolerance; magnanimity; consideration
n.hut, cottage; hostel; name of a mountain in Jiangxi province
v.stretch, string, extend, expand; draw a bow; set forth; snare; open out; make a display, publish, proclaim; The Extended Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
v.to catch in a trap
onomatopoeiasound of curtain blown in wind
n.divinatory commentary in The Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine
v.perambulate; publicly expose; comply with, give in to; sacrifice; display
idiomin vain
v.obtain; acquire; gain; effect; attain; result in (of a calculation); need
adj.in order
n.heart; mind; affection; intention; centre; middle; The Heart, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
adj.hurried; in haste; anxious; busy; flustered
怀n.bosom, breast; carry in bosom
adj.terrified, be panis-stricken, be seized with terror; stunned; in a daze
v.to rely on; to persist in; to presume to
n.nature; disposition; spirit; temper; property; quality; character; sex; gender; character used to make up abstract nouns in the translation of loanwords
adv.thus; so; in this way
v.to trust; be in confidence
adj.stuffy, stifling; depressed, boring, bored, dejected, in low spirits; muffled; dull; gloomy, melancholic
v.be perplexed, be puzzled, be bewildered; puzzle, delude, confuse, mislead; indulge in; lose
v.love; be fond of; like; be keen on; covet; cherish, treasure; hold dear; take good care of; be apt to; be in the habit of
adj.accustomed to; experienced in; addicted to
v.be used to; be in the habit of
v.encourage, exhort, urge; do one' best, do all in one's power
v.carry in the bosom; cherish; dwell on; long for; comfort; conceive
n.weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname
v.store up; stop; converge; live in seclusion; restrain
v.cut in two; intercept; obstruct; sever; stop; check; stem
n.house; building; room; wife, concubine; branch of a family; The Room, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.name of a state in Western region of ancient China
v.collect, draw in, gather; receive
v.pull, draw; turn round; debate; climb; seek connections in high places
v.throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project
v.bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work
adv.in sequence, by turns
v.to pluck; to gather in the fingers; to rub; to scrape off; strock
n.a form of scraper for levelling a seed-plot; a form of Eight used in accounts to prevent fraud
v.carry or hold in both hands; cup one's hands; praise, support
n.right-falling stroke in Chinese characters
v.hold in palm; behold, estimate, judge, weigh
v.manage; control; superintend; hold in one's hand; be in charge of
v.place in order, arrange; dispose; push; clear out; open out; settle; rehearse; exclude, eject, discharge
v.support sb. by the arm; assist; tuck in; hide; thrust in one's belt
n.arrow-quiver; a move in Taichi (太極), being the first part of a sequence of four moves constituting the trick Lanquewei 攬雀尾
v.hold in both hands; scoop; grasp; curl
v.lift in the hand; raise, put forward, bring up; pull up; pick up; mention; refer to; bring forward; suggest; carry; promote
v.hide or carry in ones clothes; put in pocket of; be pregnant; impose (one's views,etc.) on others; measure; estimate
v.to knead; to rub; to hide or carry in one's clothes; to thump
v.do; carry on; be engaged in; make; produce; work out; set up; start; organize; get, get hold of; secure
v.to jab; to stab; to prick; to stick in; to push hard; to exchange; to seek; to hold; to dip in; to soak; to feign ignorance; to daub; to thrust
v.dismiss with a hand gesture; get rid of, abandon; strike; fall; lock in arms; fasten tightly to sth.
n.left-falling stroke (in Chinese characters); things liking left-falling stroke
v.contrain; pick up, collect; put in order; examine
v.squeeze; press; crowd; conceal; hold in one's arms; embrace; hug; gather around; have, possess
v.lift up; prop up, bear, support; hold; cup one hand in the other before the chest
v.scour; clean; rub in; wipe; spread on; put on
v.pick, pluck; hold in the lap
v.put, place; spread; arrange; set in order; wave to and fro; shake; move
v.pass through; jab the poker into a stove to stir the fire in order to remove the ashes
v.climb; seek connections in high places; depend on; implicate
v.fling, throw; do sth. in a hurry; instigate
v.spread out, unfold; take a share in, contribute
v.attack; assault; apply oneself to; work at; accuse, charge; study, specialize in
v.put, place in, place on; release, free, liberate, loosen, let go; drive away, banish; indulge; issue; accord with; reach to; imitate
v.set in order; put right; repair, mend; adjust; marshal
v.grant, carry out; apply; narrate in detail; propagate; be sufficient for
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.to hack with a knife or an axe (or in expression of anger); to attack; to strike; to cut with a sword; to chop
v.to chop off; to beat; to strike; to cut in twain
prep.in; on; at; by; from
v.revolve; circle; spin; move in an orbit; come back
n.banner made of feathers in five colors used to decorate a leading vehicle
n.a banner emblazoned with falcons, which is displayed by high officials in feudal times; naturally wavy hair
n.in the evening; late in the day; sunset; dusk
v.to stand in the sun
n.sunlight; daylight; used mostly in personal names
n.daylight; a surname in Chinese legends
adv.formerly; ancient; in beginning
n.star; point of light; planet; spark; heavenly body; The Star, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.Pleiades nebula, The Hairy Head, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.Name of feudal state Jin in the Eastern Zhou dynasty; also name of the imperial dynasty (265-420 CE) that succeeded the Wei Dynasty; Short for Shanxi (Shan1Xi) province; one of 64 hexagrams
v.shine upon; dry in the sun
v.dry up; the sun up; to dry in the sun
v.dry in the sun; suspend, treat coldly
v.dry in the sun; exhibit; stick out; stand out; bulge
v.expose to the sun, dry in the sun, bask; print by light; shine upon
v.change, alter; attend to; be experienced in; replace
idiomin place of
n.the strips of meat cut from the flank and dried in the wind; Qu county
v.to bend; to offer dried meat in sacrifice
n.moon appearing in the west sky towards the end of the lunar month
v.visit in the beginning of each moon (arch.); bear (arch.)
v.bind, tie; control; restrain; keep in order
adv.futile, in vain
v.dye; infect; catch a disease; apply colour in painting
v.to lock up in a cage
n.willow; The Willow, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.an instrument made of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra
n.a wooden peg, a pin; a bottle stopper, a switch, blockage as in thrombosis
n.hemp plam; a place in Jiangsu province
n.astrolabe used to perform augury in ancient China; a kind of tree
v.comb one's hair; put in order
n.a kind of tree mentioned in antiquity
n.small tree with branches that can be used in making walking sticks; fence
n.a kind of tree known in antiquity
n.bushes and shrubs (arch.); name of feudal state Chu in the Eastern Zhou dynasty
n.hardwood; terminal posts used in building a wall in ancient times; mainstay, pillar; evergreen shrub
v.engage in
v.to assist; to support in the state
n.Chinese torreya, a species of yew found in North China
n.spear, long lance; a board game in antiquity
槿n.Hibiscus; the rose of Sharon; a tree, the blossoms of which fade in a day
n.stake, pile; the first player in a game; a piece of (case)
v.stick in
v.to rely on; to carry things in a sack
n.a call to arms in ancient times; letter
n.a kind of tree recorded in antiquity, with very hard wood, ilex
v.escort in prisoner's van; imprison
n.railing; balustrade; pen for animals; column in a newspaper
n.item; an amount; article in a treaty; desire, wish; inscription
n.She county in Anhui
v.stop; desist; rest in; detain
v.use up, exhaust; exterminate; be in a coma
adj.be in great difficulty; be perplex
n.a die-young person; the dead in a battle
v.to die young; to die in childhood; to die
v.lay in coffin
v.funeral and burial; keep a coffin in a temporary shelter before burial
n.a fine woollen blanket or cloth; a mat used by the emperor in worshipping
n.base; root; Di nationality in ancient China; one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.deuterium 2H (an isotope of hydrogen); heavy hydrogen, with 1 neutron in the nucleus, so atomic weight=2
n.tritium (another isotope of hydrogen); radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3
n.name of a river and a villiage in Shandong province
v.wash; wash in a pan or basket
n.Qian county in Shaanxi Province
n.Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself
n.Bian River in Henan Province; Bian prefecture, Eastern capital of North Song Dynasty (=Kaifeng nowadays)
n.Fen River in Shanxi province
v.indulge in
n.name of 2 rivers, one in Anhui province and one in Henan province
n.small island in a stream; islet
n.name of a river; name of a town in the State of Wei; dimness
n.tributary; arm, small bay in a river; Tuo River
idiomin addition
n.Mao lake; still waters; River in Kiangsu
v.to sweat; to dip in ink
n.the name of a river in Hebei
v.spread and sink in
n.a whirlpool; the Fu River; an eddy; a race; used in place-names to indicate the spot as a stopping-place for boats
n.Zhu River; a small stream in Shantung
n.river in shaanxi
n.Affluent of the Yellow River in Henan
n.proper noun for a river in Shenxi
v.penetrate, blend in with
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.name of river in ancient China
n.Su River in Shansi
v.wash in a pan or basket; spend; search for
n.Lu River; the tributary of the River Hsiang in Hunan
v.have illicit sexual relations; allow to run wild; be greedy for; indulge in; exceed
v.quench; grind; temper by dipping in water, oil, etc.
n.name of a river in Shanxi; Wei River; Wei prefecture (arch.); the roaring of rapids
v.wash with water colour in Chinese painting; play up; exaggerate
adj.flowing; in disorder; drunk
v.be given to heavy drinking; indulge in; back on, turn back
n.Ju River in Henan province
n.river in Hubei province
n.name of river in ancient Shandong
n.Li River, river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.Zhen River, one of the sources of the River Hwai in Henan
v.to mix the powder with water; to wash; to excrete stool and urine; to urinate; to spit; to excrete semen; to soak in water as meals
n.a river in Hu Bei province of China
v.drown; indulge, give over to; be stick in; pass urine
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.rising and dashing of waves; county in Henan
n.tributary; a branching river (used in place names)
n.the water of washing rice; urine; water in which rice has been boiled
n.The name of a river in Shanxi province
n.a river in Hu Bei province
n.dripping water; rain pattern, river in Guangxi province
v.to agree; to chime in with others
v.slant in; sprinkle; slip back
n.name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China
n.Sheng River; the name of a river in Henan and Shandong
n.name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan
n.a river in Hubei; a bank; a foreshore; waterfront
n.a river in Guang Xi Zhuang autonomous region
n.Huihe River; water ditches in field
n.name of a river in today's Henan
n.river bank; a river in He Nan province; gush
n.small lake; a tributary in Yunnan province; a place in Yunnan province
n.Pu River; Pu prefecture; county in Henan Province; surname
n.a river in Hunan province; a place in Xiangxiang city of Hunan province
n.name of a river in antiquity
n.rapids; Long River in ancient times
n.(proper name) a spring in Henan province
n.Rang River (in Henan province); flowing of water
n.a river in Shandong province; a sluice
n.Ba River in Shensi; Ba city
n.the River Gan in Jiangxi
v.fry in fat or oil; scald; explode; burst; blow up; blast; bomb
v.brand; bake in a pan; cauterize; burn
v.to evaporate; to steam; to advance; to involve in an adulterous act with a female member of an older generation
v.heat with vapor in airtight vessel
v.decoct; torture; fry in shallow oil
adj.circling in the air; solitary; lonely, alone; desolate; sad; orphaned
v.to stew; simmer, heat; burn; roast in ashes; roast in fresh cinders
n.used in personal names
v.burn; roast, scald; singe; illuminate; hunt in night
v.to poach in hot water to remove feather or hair; to learn or memorize by heart
v.heat up in hot water; scald, burn; iron; perm;wave
v.braise, cook in a covered pot over a slow fire, stew
n.Torch;candle; power in terms of watts
n.used only as personal name in antiquity
v.to roast in hot cinders; to stew
prep.in, from
n.wooden tablets or slips for writing in ancient times; archives, documents; correspondance; books
n.ox; cow; bull; The Ox, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.to tend as a shepherd, to rear cattle or livestock in general; to herd
n.name of the legendary beast in Chinese myth; Armadillo; Cingulata
n. Gelao, a non-Han ethnic group in Guangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou
n.a badger like animal in ancient China; an ethnic minority in China
v.(of animal) flee in a frightened manner
v.hunt in winter; visit
n.a river in Hu bei; a bank; a foreshore
adj.fierce and malicious; hurry; in random
n.a minority in southern China
adj.vulgar in speech
n.a kind of monkey found in West China
n.a wild animal in ancient legend
n.a kind of beasts; a jackal; the name of a tribe in Kwangsi and Hunan
n.a dog breed in Southern part of the Zhao state
n. an ape-like animal black in color but a white waist
n.Lao nationality; a word that the northerners would call the southerners in a scold during the ancient times
v.to hunt in night; to hunt with the torches
n.a breed of hunting dog in antiquity
n.a species of wolf; name of an aboriginal tribe in South China, mostly hunters
v.take in hunting; seize; capture, catch; obtain; win; reap
n.a kind of ape; a minority in ancient China (in today's Sizhuan)
n.a dog with a long snout or muzzle; a derogatory name of the northen nomads (later known as Hsiungnu or Huns) given by the Chinese in the Zhou Dynasty
n.jade with defect; jade carver; surname; a state in the Western region
n.a kind of gem inferior to jade; a place in Mian Chi of Henan province
n.a flaw in a piece of jade; defect; stain
n.place name in antiquity
n.a jade tablet or baton, which varied in shape according to different ranks, conferred upon the feudal princes by the emperor as a symbol of dignity and authority
n.the jade piece put in the mouth of the dead before the burial
v.manage; run; put in order; tidy up; pay attention to; acknowledge; regulate; arrange; regard
n.a place in south-eastern Shantong, namely 琅琊
n.beautiful jade; stone inferior to jade; the second star in the bowl of the constellation Big Dipper (Urs Major β)
n.earthenware vessel in two parts
n.hand-net (arch.); name of a constellation that resembles a hand-net; The Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.put in order; define; capture, seize; plunder; omit, delete, leave out
n.rectangular pieces of land in a field separated by ridges, fifty acre; field; form
v.plant in a field
classifiernumerary adjunct for patches of crops in agriculture
n.field with burned grass as fertilizer; She nationality; fields in the third year of cultivation
v.burn grass and wood in the field and use the ash as fertilizer
prep.in; at
adv.on end, in succession
v.hate; be in mourning
n.a seasonal disease that appears in summer; dialect
n.lump in the abdomen; ruffian
n.leprosy (as in 痲瘋); numbness (as in 痲痺); measles (as in 痲疹)
v.to worry; being ill in prison; to die in prison from cold and hunger; to treat with cruelty
n.spasms or convulsions in young children caused by indigestion
v.to recover, to be healed, to convalesce, to improve in health
n.spoken part in a play
n.Bulleye in archery, shooting target (arch.)
n.an utensil used for containing food in ancient times; lid of a caldron
v.move; disturb; swing, sway, wave; loose in morals
v.to gaze in astonishment
adj.blind in one eye; having one small eye smaller than the other; faraway; very small; exquisite, ingenious
v.glare; be keen on, indulge in
adj.be blurred in eyesight; dull and mixed-up; dim-sighted; bewildered
v.see, look at, observe, watch; read; examine; look in the direction of; consider, think; look after, take care of, guard; look upon; regard; treat; call on, visit
v.narrow; take a nap; unable to open one's eye while getting something in it; be blinded
v.to look askance at, to take a glance at somebody in disdain; to glare at
adj.blind; stupid; fake; groundlessly; aimlessly; at random; in vain
v.close the eyes in death; sleep, doze off
n.blink; twinkling, in a wink, a flash
v.to look right and left in alarm; to look about in fright
adj.short; low; be low in grade
n.stone probe, stone needle used in acupuncture; hillside
n.ancient town near the present Ichang in Hupeh
n.place name in Shanxi province
n.a word used in place name; suburb
n.punishment by dismembering the head and extremities from the body; right falling stroke in Chinese calligraphy
n.pile of sand and gravel in water, moraine; desert
n.rock; reef; ore riched in silver
n.arsenic, name of some places in Fujian Province
n.side altar inside ancestral temple; river in Shandong
n.order in sacrificial ceremony
v.to bury in the same tomb; to worship ancestors
adj.in secret, evil
n.a ceremony of purification held on the edge of a river in spring and autumn for averting evils
n.a term applied to a deceased father after his tablet has been placed in the ancestral temple
n.ear of grain; grain in the ear (Bible expression) (arch.)
n.order, precedence, rank; official salary; decade=10 years (used in representing age of elderly people)
v.gather; arrange in order; offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors
n.rice growing in the field; paddy
adj.in disorder; dirty; evil, ugly, abominable; corrupt, foul
v.live in caves
idiomafter all, in the end
v.to burry; to put a coffin in a grave
v.being in a cave
n.cellar; pit, vault; store in pit
v.live in caves
n.birds nest in cave; nest; house; division; vacancy; pit, hole
v.fumigate; keep in dark place, store away in cellar; conjecture; close
n.a tablet-shaped hold; a wooden pail; a small door or window; a hole in the wall
adv.in private, secretly
idiomafter all; in the end
n.series; grade; degree; class; order; sequence; graduates in ancient times
v.to divine by stalks of plants; divining rod; diviation as prescribed in Iching or the Book of Changes
n.sieve; dust pan; garbage bag; The Winnowing Basket, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.govern; care for; control; manage; run; be in charge of; provide; guarantee
n.a wood wind instrument in ancient China
v.wear in ones hair; stitch meet
adj.sugared; in syrup
adj.in a wretched state; in a mess; bad luck; pickled with grains or in wine
n.provision; grain; food; ration; tax in kind
idiomafter all; in the end
n.heavy silk; thick silk fabrics; a cotton fabric; a coarse, thick, greenish-black pongee; a kind of artificial silk material in modern times
n.carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river
v.pass through; pass by; undergo; experience; manage; regulate; transact; plan; arrange; deal in; engage in; stand; bear; endure
adj.colorful; luxuriant (in ornaments and colors)
v.plait; weave; fabricate, invent, make up, cook up; arrange in order, organise, group; edit, compile; enroll; register; write, compose
adj.faraway, remote; in detail
n.purse; small bag; sack; place in ancient China in today's Gansu province
n.part of a garment in antiquity; knee cover
v.draw in; draw back, withdraw, recoil; coil up; contract, shrink; shorten; bind fast
adv.in detail
v.fly in the air
n.fabrics; a red silk ribbon; a womans hair dressed in a bun
idiomin that case
n.big square banner or feather banner used in ancient Chinese army or in ceremony; a streamer
n.a crack in earthenware; a split; loopholes; a grudge; fissure; cleavage
n.the handle of the Big Dipper; a hill; the name of certain stars and the gods supposed to live in them
n.clan name of Chu State in the Spring and Autumn period
n.the Qiang nationality living in Sichuan
n.father-in-law; old man; man; father
n.feathers held by dancers during ceremonies in antiquity
v.circle in the air, soar
n.feathers used to decorate coffin; large wooden fan carried in funeral procession
v.soaring in the heights
n.wings; shelter; The Wings, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.deceased father; flaws in jade
adj.aged; in one's eighties
n.the weeding hoe; the indulgence in sensual pleasures
n.lobule of the ear (or its hanging piece of soft tissue); mostly used as proper name in antiquity
v.indulge in; be keen on; delay, hang fire; take on
n.stomach; The Stomach, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.dried meat in lieu of salary for a teacher (arch.); fine food
n.natural fibre veins of skin; line of thought in writing
v.(meat) dip in condiments
idiomin discord with
v.to send, to deliver; to convey to (arch.); cause, incur, bring about, occasion, result in; retire, resign; extend to; apply to; transmit; devote
n.one of three stars in Ursa Major, one of the three highest dignitaries of State; platform; stage, terrace; stand, support; Taiwan Province; desk, table
v.give, offer, grant, allow; get along with, be on good terms with; take part in, participate in; concede to; share in; be present at; be concerned about
n.a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname
n.s small boat; a place in Taipei city, Taiwan
var.variant of 屆, used in the State of Song (宋)
v.pull in to shore
n.wild; the mat grass in the lairs of beasts and birds
n.hollow pulse, one type of pulse identified in Chinese medicine; scallion stalk; onion, leek
adj.numerous; deep and rich in colour
adj.growing in profusion
n.the pad in a shoe; the seed or the female plant of the nettle hemp; a gunny; a sackcloth; a rush
n.a herb mentioned in ancient text
n.Name of a county in Shandong province
adv.to be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour and speech
trans.used in female names
adj.sedate, serious, grave, correct in conduct
n.village; farm; place of business; banker in gambling game; manor
n.river in Shandong province
n.A kind of fruit called Averrhoa Carambola, possibly yangtao or star fruit in Canton; used in personal names
n.personal name in antiquity
n.grass in spring time
v.hunt in spring or autumn; review troops; gather
n.name of county in Yunnan province
n.a medicinal herb; milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine
n.an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient Chinese literature; iris; flower
n.yarrow, milfoil, reed; plant stalks used in divination
n.a kind of grass mentioned in ancient texts, used as inlay of shoes
trans.the second syllable of the name for Tibet in ancient China (Tobo)
adj.vast; large; magnificent; easy and plain; level; broad and long; peaceful; unsettled; vagrant; dissipated; licentious; reckless, loose in moral; agitated; disturbed
n.skill; ability in handicraft; craft; art; trade; accomplishment
n.Chinese iris; surname; bulrush used in making mats
v.dwell; abide in, stay on; be at rest in; occupy; decide; judge; punish; settle, end; manage; adjust; attend to; place
n.big mound (arch.); void; emptiness; empyrean; The Emptiness, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.captive; slave; non-Han nationalities living in the North and West in ancient times
n.a kind of very small crab known in antiquity
v.to move slowly (in the manner of a worm); to tip-toe
n.water-beetle; a form of money in antiquity
adj.in swarms
n.egg; the Dan ethnic group in South-Western China
n.a weevil found in rice etc; mantis
v.to move in a zigzag or meandering fashion
n.a kind of scorpion; a sting in the tail
n.slave; savage, barbarians (in the south)
v.walk; do, act; travel; circulate; carry out; perform; engage in; put into effect
n.local authorities, government office in old China; court
n.a vent in the sides of a garment; a slit in the middle of a skirt; the open seam of a garment which allows free movements
v.lie; put ones clothes in order
v.put a thing in the sleeve
n.buskins; knee-pads; costumes of aboriginals in the South
n.white underwear in summer; Uighur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front; a loop for fastening a button
v.to give birth to , to propagate; to multiply in number
v.tie horse with silk ribbon; curl upward, twine, wind; wave in the wind; sway
v.to take off the clothes and expose the body; to carry in the girdle
adj.long dress billowing in the wind; flag flapping
v.carry in the bosom or the sleeve; wrap, conceal
n.folds or pleats in a garment; folds of the stomach, intestines, etc.
n.lapel; front of a garment; brothers-in-law; mind
conj.if, suppose, in case
v.to spy on; to observe in secret; tp peek; to peep
idiomin person
v.to spy on; to observe in secrecy
n.horn; angle; corner; point; a tenth of a dollar; The Horn, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.butt, vie in contest
n.horn-like hair on the owl-head (arch.); beak; The Turtle Beak, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname
adj.to be hesitant in speech; to be cautious in speech
v.record, write down; keep in mind, remember
v.explain archaic or dialectal words in current language
v.give imperial edict; recruit; call in
v.chant, sing, intone; narrate in poetic form; sing the praise of
v.to adulate, to flatter; to cajole; to toady; to act in an obsequious way
v.to consult, to confer; to communicate in
v.to speak with a friendly voice in a relaxed pace
n.a high official demoted to a minor post in an outlying district; fault, mistake
adj.being stubborn in speech; obstinate; not easily subdued
v.to teach wholeheartedly; to edit, to compile; to write; to have; to exhort with precepts; to discourse in the praise of something or someone; to compose
v.cry in pain; shout
adj.clear, open, open-minded; in a twinkle, in a flash
n.vertical stroke in Chinese character; young servant; fellow
n.pig big in size
v.feed pig with grains in sty; feed, raise
n.a kind of wild dog in the steppe; prison
n.a northern minority nationality in ancient Han dynasty
v.to include; to summarize; to have, to possess; to give; be prepared for ; be included in; be embraced in
v.to seek in an underhanded way; to bribe
n.fine payable for one's crime among the southern tribes (comparable to indulgence in the West)
n.tribute paid by tribes in Han dynasty
v.see sb. for the first time with gift; hold in one's hand
n.a son-in-law who marries into wifes family taking her family name
n.an amount of money paid in advance to show earnestness
n.Kingdom Yue in the late Spring and Autumn period; general term for Southern Chinese; Vietnam
n.upward cut in Chinese calligraphy
v.to jump; moving about in a hurry; to stand out markedly; to show forth
趿v.walk in slippers; tread on
adj.crouching; be confined in; careful; cramped
adj.stiff in death
adj.walk in rhythm; in movement
v.walk; go in a hurry
v.to walk in small pace; to feel or show constraint
adj.urgent; embarrassed; distressed; worried, be in straitened circumstances
adv.personally, in person
v.carry in cart
n.a crossbar in carriage for guiding direction
n.cross board at rear of carriage (arch.); carriage; rash; peg for tuning stringed-instrument; The Chariot, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.horizontal bar in the front of a sedan chair
n.land on hill slope; used often as nme of places in Southern China and Hong Kong
v.act personally in all affairs, decide and act alone
onomatopoeianoise of vehicle in motion; noises of traffic; loud music playing
v.pay; bring in what is due; transport; introduce; lose; be beaten; exhaust; be wanting; submit; convey; contribute; donate
v.toss about in bed; roll; turn
n.bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty
v.to meet; to welcome; to receive; go in person to meet; to greet
v.alternate, take turns, do sth.in turn; stop
v.run away, flee in disorder; gush, spout; burst, break
v.abscond, flee; be behind in payment; slack, delay
idiomin order, in succession, one by one
trans.used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty.
v.swagger; sway in walking
v.escape; gallop; excel; retire from society and live in solitude
v.go to; reach; follow; pursue; marry; suit; succeed; be blessed with; happen; fall in with; (a woman being) married to
v.be proficient in, master
v.to walk in crowds
n.an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river
n.the name of a small principality in what is now called Shensi, the home to the founder of the Chou dynasty
n.a place in Sichuan province of China
n.a surname; proper name for a state in what is today Hebei
n.Han village in today's Hebei province; personal name
n.surname; state in modern Shanxi
n.Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname
n.Bin town in ancient State of Sung, which is now in Shantung
n.Bei state in Henan
n.an ancient name for districts in Kansu and Shensi
n.Hou town in the State of Lu
n.ancient state in Shandong province; surname
n.an ancient feudal state, in today's Shanxi province
n.Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname
n.Xi- the name of a fief in the state of Chin; a crack; a rift; an illness
n.name of a country in Spring and Autumn period in modern Shandong
n.Mei county or Mei town, both in Shensi
n.an ancient state in Henan
n.name of a district in ancient Shandong
n.place name (near Linfen in today's Shanxi Province)
n. a place in Henan province; an ancient state in Henan
n.Yun state; Yun city; county in Hubei province
n.county in Hebei province
n.Yong feudal state in the Zhou Dynasty, in today's Henan
n.Yan city or Yan state in Henan
n.surname Deng; an ancient state in today's Hubei
n.county in Shandong province
n.(proper name) name of a district in Gansu, close to present Xining
n.county in Hebei province
n.feudal state in today's Henan province
n.Zou village in Shantung (the birthplace of Confucius)
n.name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname
n.name of county in Hunan province
n.name of city in Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period
v.to turn acid; to pledge a host in wine; to recompense
v. to deal in liquors or spirits
v.to pour wine in a libation; offering wine to a deity
v.pickle in soya sauce
v.sacrifice with wine in ceremonies marking a man's coming of age or in weddings; marry (usually used in re-marrying)
n.bitter taste in wine; long after taste of wine or liquor
n.bronze, metals in general (arch.); gold; money; Mercury (the solar planet); aurum (Au); No.79 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.cauldron used in ancient China
n.long needle used in acupuncture; long lance; Beryllium (Be); No.4 of the Periodic table; a chemical element
n.bell-shaped gong used in march; front of a bell body
n.sickle; grain crops harvested; ancient place name located in today's Anhui province
v.hold in the mouth; accept; harbor, cherish; contain
n.indium (In); No.49 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.spoon, key; a technique in acupuncture
n.surname; a kind of cauldron used in ancient China; ring
n.a pewter heater for keeping spirits warm; a lathe; a thread in a screw
v.to turn in a lathe
v.engage in fierce battle; noise
v.engrave; chisel; keep deeply in mind; cut down, reduce; demote, reduce to a lower rank
n.a small bell used in the army (arch.); bracelet
n.anvil; axe or mat used for cutting sb. in two at the waist (a punishment in ancient China); name of a star
v.lock up; come in
n.interval, space, space in between; place; opening
prep.among; in; on
n.Dougong, a unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets used in traditional Chinese architecture
n.powerful individual, family or group; left-hand entrance in a triple gate; classification according to rank
n.gate of an alley; lane; door, house; community of 25 families in ancient China; native village; surname
n.sluice board for controlling water in the lock gate
v.to live alone, live in solitude
n.boss, person in charge
n.the side door of the palace; the residence of the imperial concubines; the bedroom of one's parents; women's quarters; the examination hall or room for imperial examinations in ancient times
n.the door or window in an upper storey
v.to shut, to close; to lock up, shut in; to close down; to connect; implicate; to involve; be concerned with
adv. in distress; adverse
n.name of lake in antiquity
v.place in battle array
n.place in Shanxi province; ladder
n.negative or female principle in nature; genitals (both male and female); north of a hill (e.g. 華陰); south of a river (e.g. 淮陰)
v.sink, cave in; involve; beguile; betray; get stuck, get bogged down
adj.clear; bright; superior; upper; front; positive; south of a hill (as in 衡陽) or north of a river (as in 洛陽) where more sunlight can be expected
n.sun; heat; the male or positive element in nature; principle of light and life
n.a bend in the river; mountain recess; bay; bend; corner
adj.in a disorder
n.city walls in ruin
v.collapse; fall; corrupt; fall in ruins
n.name of a place in antiquity
n. slave, servant (arch.); a way of writing prevalent in the Chin and especially the Han dynasties
n.graupel; thin and floating clouds in high altitude; sky
v.to fall in drops
v.call in a subordinate, invite; make up
adv.personally, in person
n.dried leather; used in the Han Dynasty as part of the phonetic transcription of the name for (possibly) the Roman Empire
n.leather-made shoes filled with Ula grass in order to keep warmth
n.sheath; drum used in army in ancient China
n.ball used in ancient China; a surname
n.nomads in the north; tartars
n.surname; one of seven main warring states in ancient China; Korea
n.music in Shang Dynasty
idiomin accordance with; in sequence
v.obey; agree; go with; persist in; allow; indulge
idiomin advance
n.a time; a turn; rest in music; a meal
v.bow the head; stamp the foot; put in order, arrange, settle; prepare; pause; cease; injure; lose; discard
adj.in a difficult position
v.to sway in the wind
v.dance in the air, flutter; fade and fall
v.floating in the air
n.wind in high places
v.fly; go quickly; hover in the air; flutter in the air; dart
v.to sup, to dine; to soak the cooked rice in the water
n.Wonton, a type of dumpling in Chinese cuisines
n.Wonton, a type of dumpling in Chinese cuisines
v.carry food to laborers in the field
v.to feast; to provide dinner for; to entertain; to sacrifice; to offer food and drink; to enjoy; to receive entertainment; to grant; to offer in sacrifice or at a feast; to enjoy a sacrifice as the gods
adj.in good condition, in good shape (referring to a horse)
n.a horse in blue-black colour (blue roan)
n.bay horse (horse with a reddish brown coat); a livestock animal which is red in colour
n.dark-blue horse; steed, fine horse; kylin, mythical unicorn in Chinese legends
n.horse, the tailhead of which is white in color
n.horse with the right hind foot in white; horse
adv.horses galloping in herd
adj.tall; high; exalted; lofty; noble; eminent; good in quality; high in price; loud in voice; elevated
idiomhair rolled up in a bun; hair dishevelled, as in mourning
n.wispy bun, hair worn in a bun or coil
v.dress hair in coiled knot; maid
n.the tulip wine used in the offering sacrifice; a bowl case; sacrificial spirits made by fermenting millet and fragrant herbs
n.earthenware vessel in two parts
n.ghost; spirit; The Ghost, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.the four stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper; chieftain, leader; chief
n.mask worn in exorcistic rite
n.salmon; name of a fish in ancient; macular hemibarbus; cooked fish
n.a big fish; the huge fish found in the Yellow River that is said to be unable to close its eyes; a widower; a unmarried man
adj.black; dark (in color)
n.owl-like bird; Otus scops; buzzard; in antiquity supposedly a bird that signals bad luck
n.a pheasant-like bird in antiquity
n.a kind of bird in the Eastern part of China
n.water bird pale white in color, related to some species of wild duck
n.name of waterbirds; general name of a family in biology
v.stew in soy sauce
n.mythical unicorn in Chinese legends, legendary auspicious animal
n.trees in the foot of a hill; foot of a hill or mountain
n.black wood; Yi county in Anhui Province
n.a drum used in the army in ancient China; drumlet
n.take in both hands and offer to; to present in both hands
v.to chew the cud (in cattle or other ruminants)
v.hold in veneration; behold with respect