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change, 找到 33 個
n.confusion, chaos (arch.); change (arch.); aboriginals in Southern China (arch.)
v.move; start; shake; excite; rouse; take action; stir; act; get moving; change, alter
v.change; transform; smelt; influence; turn; convert; melt, dissolve; burn up
v.evolve; transmute; hand over; replace; abdicate; change in succession
v.change color
v.change, seethe, churn
v.magically change
v.move from one place to another; change; exile
v.to change; to err
v.to be ashamed; to change the complexion
v.to change, to alter; to repent; to stop; to reform
v.to change; to hide; to do evil secretly
v.seek; look for; find; pay a balance; exchange; give change; call on; want to see; approach
v.fall, drop, shed, come off; move; shake; change; lose
v.exchange; change; remove; substitute
v.change, alter, transform, revise; correct, rectify; improve; remodel, reform
v.to suffer heatstroke; to change colour
v.change, alter; attend to; be experienced in; replace
v.substitute, replace; change; discontinue; intermit; supersede; deteriorate
v.violate; change; overflow
v.ret, soak or steep and cause to change; paint honey
v.pull by hand; say, call; change
v.change, repeat, turn
v.move across; shift; transmit; convey; influence; change; remove; alter
v.halt; put up at; change into mourning garments after the allotted period has passed
v.close; gather; be obedient to, submit to; change
v.blackmail; change, move; cheat; to swindle
調v.transfer; move; change, shift; tune; stir up, instigate, provoke; mix; blend; harmonize; adjust; train; investigate; arrange
v.to change, to transform, to alter; to rebel
v.shift; move; turn; change direction; revolve; transfer; transmit; pass on
v.move; change; relocate; transfer, migrate
v.remove; change, transform