Facilitator |
Dr Anna Kwan
Chairlady, HERDSA(HK)
Assistant Professor, School of Education and Languages,
The Open University of Hong Kong
Panel members |
Professor Carmel McNaught
Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Dr Eva Wong
Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning,
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Peter Duffy
Special Assistant (eLearning) to Vice President Academic Development,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Sean McMinn
Senior instructor, Language Center,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
The panel discussion session is co-organised by HERDSA(HK) (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Hong Kong Branch). HERDSA(HK) was established in 1997 as a local chapter of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia which is a scholarly society based in Australia for people committed to the advancement of higher and tertiary education. Since 1997, HERDSA(HK) has organised a variety of activities to encourage professional exchanges among higher education scholars and professionals in Hong Kong on a range of interesting topics such as Teaching and Learning Quality Process Reviews (TLQPRs), outcomes-based education, online student evaluation of teaching, general education, plagiarism and e-portfolios. The activities are mainly in the form of dinner dialogues, which begins with a brief introduction by renowned scholars or experienced colleagues from local institutions, followed by open discussion among participants in a relaxed atmosphere at the dinner table. With your participation, HERDSA(HK) is being established as a platform for the advancement of higher education practices.
For details of HERDSA(HK) and coming events, please visit the following website: