Media Coverage

Feature Articles on QSIP

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策略性提升評估素養 藉回饋促進教學效能
E-Newsletter 2020.12.08


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面對疫情挑戰 「混合學習」成教育新常態
E-Newsletter 2020.11.10


Feature Articles on Ming Pao School Improvement Series

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QSIP與仁濟醫院攜手合作 專業支援推動學校中層領導發展


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QSIP專業團隊全方位支援 助德望學校加強中層領導培訓
《Ming Pao》2020.11.17


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QSIP專家助天水圍循道衞理中學 實踐校本評估 提升學與教成效
《Ming Pao》2020.11.03


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QSIP專家協助瑪利曼小學 實現課程改革推自主學習
《Ming Pao》2020.10.20


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中大優質學校改進計劃 以校為本 全方位專業支援
《Ming Pao》2020.10.06


Feature Articles on Other Newspapers

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Setting Cultural Tradition in Motion
Promoting Chinese Culture: Integrating Intangible Cultural Heritage into the Primary School-based Curriculum
《Ming Pao》2019.07.02


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong
Quality Schools in Hong Kong: Promoting Holistic Education
《Ming Pao》 2019.05.30


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong
Quality Schools in Hong Kong: Explore New Directions in Holistic Education
《Sing Tao Daily》 2019.05.30


Feature Articles on Partner Schools

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QSIP-CEAL x Tin Shui Wai Methodist College
Lifelong Learning is Not Limited to Students: A Brief Introduction to Our Teacher Professional Development Committee


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Setting Cultural Tradition in Motion x PLK Tin Ka Ping Primary School
Inheriting Chinese Culture
《Collection of students' works on Chinese Culture》 2019


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
 I Love, I Care, I Share – A Service Project in My Neighbourhood Shan King


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QSIP x Yan Chai Hospital Lim Por Yen Secondary School
Adapting to Secondary School Life: Smart Tips from a Principal 
《Oriental Daily》 2019.11.12


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Bishop Hall Jubilee School
Creating a Positive Learning Environment: Value Class-based Uniqueness 
《Sky Post》 2019.04.25


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Bishop Hall Jubilee School
In Pursuit of the Truth of Education: Implementing Holistic Education 
《Headline Daily》 2019.02.12


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School
Hunger Banquet: An Astounding Reality Experience
《Future Youth》 2018.07


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
Students at Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School Tailor-made Smart Tools for Seniors
《Sing Tao Daily》 2018.06.20


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School
A Love-filled Christmas: Cross-curricular Service-learning


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong x Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
Quality Schools in Hong Kong


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Quality Schools in Hong Kong  x Father Cucchiara Memorial School
Holistic Educaion


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QSIP: Support for Learning Diversity x HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.1 Secondary School
English Rising Star


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QSIP x Holy Angels Canossian School
Life-wide Learning: Knowing the Old Hong Kong
《Ming Pao – Happy PAMA》2008



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QSIP x Kowloon Women's Welfare Club Li Ping Memorial School
Life-wide Learning: The Apprentice Rose Noire of Li Ping VS The National Treasure Swindlers 
《Ming Pao – Happy PAMA》2008


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QSIP x St. Paul's Co-educational (Kennedy Road) Primary School (Now renamed as St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School)
Life-wide Learning: An Inerview with Ms Pauline Chan

Feature Articles on Partner Bodies

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QSIP x Teach for Hong Kong
Summer Institute
《Annual Report 2018-2019》 2019


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QSIP x Teach for Hong Kong
Summer Institute
《Annual Report 2017-2018》 2018