Project WeCan (2011 till now)


Project WeCan, at present, is one of the most comprehensive and largest-scaled partnership schemes between universities, the business sector and schools. The Wharf Limited, in 2011, endorsed the project with HKD$200 million for the provision of school improvement support to 13 prospective and potential schools which have inadequate resources.

Such resources are utilized on funding the comprehensive professional support for member schools in QSIP and supporting schools on various developments such as teaching and learning, students' other learning experience, extra-curriculum activities, life planning, learning environment, teacher professional development and parent-school cooperation. In the support process, we have been working closely with Project WeCan to facilitate school development. The project funds and professionally supports schools to create a richer space, a richer learning experience and brings forward an inspiration for students.


Collaboration between University, Business Corporation and Schools

Project Features

 Teaming up with university, be professionally supported

In charged by QSIP, Project WeCan tailor-made school-based improvement proposals and supports schools comprehensively and professionally according to schools’ contexts and students' needs. With such support, schools can attain sustainable development in a comprehensive perspective:  understanding school context, enhancing curriculum and teaching strategy,  enriching students' development and life planning, facilitating teachers’ professional development, and establishing a self-improving mechanism.

 Partnership with the business sector, be open to new insights

Project WeCan provides an innovative platform enabling connection to business cooperation and other partners, as well as a linkage to social resources to broaden students’ horizon and help them in planning for their futures. Each school is paired up with a business cooperation/ organization. Members of these organizations have been  providing students with diversified learning activities and life planning experiences (including sharing sessions, business visits, career forums, occupation shadowing, internships, etc.) according to the needs of the schools and the students. The business sector also offers venues for students to carry out performances or exhibit their masterpieces.

 Inter-school network and the collaborative effect

The school network built by Project WeCan has formed a platform for sharing resources. Schools can now utilize the network to organize various student activities, teachers’ training or inter-school experience exchanges. Such collaborative effect within the network creates bigger room for students learning and growing. It also flavors teachers' professional developments as well as the holistic developments of the schools


Partner schools

 Project WeCan Project School   Business units in collaboration with schools
Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College Plaza Hollywood
Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College i-CABLE
CCC Kei Heep Secondary School WTT HK Limited
Chiu Chow Association Secondary School Times Square
Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School Modern Terminals Limited
Fung Kai No. 1 Secondary School Wheelock and Company Limited
HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School Harriman Property Management Limited
Hong Kong Sea School Pacific Club
Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School Lane Crawford
Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School Marco Polo Hotels – Hong Kong
Ng Yuk Secondary School Wheelock Properties
Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School Wharf Limited
Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School Harbour City

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English WeCan英文學習課程 「紙飛機」創意寫作班
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發展項目分享 (Chinese Only)


專題研習活動:發現海港城 透過「課堂研究」優化教學







師友計劃(五育) 班級經營與學生培育
生涯規劃:職場體驗與參與 生涯規劃:文化考察與升學體驗之旅