[2020][2019][2018][2017][2016][2015][2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003][Previous]


  1. Nasir Mahmood, Jinghan Zhu, Sarish Rehman, Li Quan "Control over large-volume changes of lithium battery anodes via active¨Cinactive metal alloy embedded in porous carbon"  Nano energy    vol: 15        page: 755-765     2015. [pdf]  
  2. D. Sun, M.X. Wang, Z.H. Zhang, H.L. Tao, M. He, B. Song, Li Quan "Effects of inverse degree on electronic structure and electron energy-loss spectrum in zinc ferrites"  Solid State Communications    vol: 223        page: 12-15     2015. [pdf]  
  3. Hongning Chen, Qingli Zou, Zhuojian Liang, Hao Liu, Li Quan, Yi Chun Lu "Sulphur-impregnated flow cathode to enable high-energy-density lithium flow batteries"  Nature communications    vol: 6        page: 5877     2015. [pdf]  
  4. Wang Xina, Xu Yang, Tong Rui, Zhou Xiaolong, Li Quan, Wang Hao"Compositional effects and optical properties of CdSeXTe1-X alloyed nanotube arrays"  CrystEngComm    vol: 17        page: 960-966     2015.   
  5. Yuan Huang, Hao Liu, Yi-Chun Lu, Yanglong Hou, Li Quan, " Electrophoretic lithium iron phosphate/reduced graphene oxide composite for lithium ion battery cathode application "  Journal of Power Sources    vol: 284        page: 236-244     2015. [pdf]  
  6. Zhiqin Chu, Kaikei Miu, Pingsai Lung, Silu Zhang, Saisai Zhao, Huan-Cheng Chang, Ge Lin, Li Quan, "Rapid endosomal escape of prickly nanodiamonds: implications for gene deliverys"  Scientific Reports    vol: 295        page: 11661     2015. [pdf]  
  7. Saisai Zhao, Silu Zhang, Jiang Ma, Li Fan, Chun Yin, Ge Lin, Li Quan, "Double loaded self-decomposable SiO2 nanoparticles for sustained drug release"  Nanoscale    vol: 7        page: 16389     2015. [pdf]