- Zhihua Zhang, Xuefeng wang, J.B. Xu, S. Muller, C. Ronning, Quan LI "Evidence of intrinsic ferromagnetism in individual dilute magnetic semiconducting nanostructures " Nature Nanotechnology (13 July 2009) doi:10.1038/nnano.2009.181 online available [pdf]
- Z.F. Hou, X.G. Gong, Quan Li "Energetics and electronic structure of aluminum point defects in HfO2: A first-principles study" JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (1): Art. No. 014104 JUL 1 2009
- Fujun Yang,Hao Wang, H.B. Wang, Jun Zhang,JianHua Zhu,Quan Li, Yong Jiang "Effect of hydrogen annealing on L1(0) ordering transformation and magnetic properties of CoPt thin films on B4C underlayer" JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 42 (11): Art. No. 115001 JUN 7 2009
- MinJie Zhou, Haojun Zhu, Yang Jiao, Yangyan Rao, suikong Hark,Yang Liu,Lianmao Peng, Quan Li "Optical and Electrical Properties of Ga-Doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays on Conducting Substrates" JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 113 (20): 8945-8947 MAY 21 2009
- Liang Shi, Yeming Xu, Quan Li "Shape-Selective Synthesis and Optical Properties of Highly Ordered One-Dimensional ZnS Nanostructures" CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 9 (5): 2214-2219 MAY 2009
- Xiaofeng Wang, Juan Wang, Quan Li, Moreno MS, X.Y. Zhou, J.Y. Dai, Y. Wang, D. Tang "Interfacial structure of epitaxial SrTiO3 on Si: experiments and simulations" JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 42 (8): Art. No. 085409 APR 21 2009
- Muller S, Minjie Zhou, Quan LI, Ronning C "Intra-shell luminescence of transition-metal-implanted zinc oxide nanowires" NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20 (13): Art. No. 135704 APR 1 2009
- Hanbin Wang, Hao Wang,C. Zhang, Fujun Yang,C.P. Yang,H.S. Gu, Minjie Zhou, Quan Li,Yong Jiang "Effect of annealing on the magnetic properties of solution synthesized Zn1-xMnxO nanorods" MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 113 (2-3): 884-888 FEB 15 2009
- Liang Shi, Yeming Xu, Quan Li "Controlled Fabrication of ZnSe Arrays of Well-Aligned Nanorods, Nanowires, and Nanobelts with a Facile Template-Free Route" JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 113 (5): 1795-1799 FEB 5 2009
- Fujun Yang,Hao Wang, Baoyuan Wang, Haoshuang Gu,Minjie Zhou, Quan Li, Y. Jiang "Thickness dependence of microstructure and magnetic properties in FePt/B4C multilayer thin films" APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 94 (4): 981-985 MAR 2009
- Yun Gao,G. Shao, Rushan Chen, YT Chong, Quan Li "TEM study of self-assembled FeSi2 nanostructures by ion beam implantation" SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 149 (3-4): 97-100 JAN 2009
- Hanbin Wang; MinJIe Zhou; Fujun Yang,Juan Wang, Yong Jiang, Yi Wang,Hao Wang, Quan Li "Monolayer Assembly and Fixation of FePt Nanoparticles: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties" CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 21 (2): 404-409 JAN 27 2009
- Juan Wang, Quan Li, Lianmao Peng, Malac M "The dielectric response of the H2Ti3O7 nanotube investigated by valence electron energy loss spectroscopy" APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (1): Art. No. 011915 JAN 5 2009
- Xitian Zhang, Huiqing Lu, Hong Gao,Xiaojing Wang2,Haiyang Xu,Quan Li,SuiKong Hark
"Crystal Structure of In2O3(ZnO)(m) Superlattice Wires and Their Photoluminescence Properties"
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 9 (1): 364-367 JAN 2009