大學與學校夥伴協作中心 Centre for University & School Partnership Faculty of Education, CUHK

Executive Committee 2020-2021

Professor CHEUNG Chi Keung, Alan
Director, Centre for University and School Partnership, CUHK
Professor HO Sui Chu, Esther
Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, CUHK
Professor LAU Wing Fat, Wilfred
Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, CUHK
Professor LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin
Dean of Education, CUHK
Professor WONG Heung Sang, Stephen
Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK
Professor SIT Hui Ping, Cindy
Associate Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
Professor YIN Hong Biao
Associate Director, Centre for University and School Partnership, CUHK
Professor SO Wing Chee, Catherine
Associate Director, Centre for University and School Partnership, CUHK
Member & Secretary
Mr. NG Ka Kit, Clement
Administrative Co-ordinator, Centre for University and School Partnership, CUHK
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