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Hot Tips for CUHK Runners

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon will begin in two weeks! Are you ready?

To help CUHK Marathon Team runners better prepare for the race, the University has arranged field trainings and shared effective strategies to improve running performance. In addition, sports professionals of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education and the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology at CUHK also shared suggestions through the video for the final stages in preparing for the marathon. Topics cover every aspect of preparation, including final training strategies, warming up before the run, a guide on nutrition and how to keep hydrated during the competition. These professional tips will certainly be a great help to CUHK runners in achieving the best result in the run!

Don't wait! Watch the video now and get yourselves prepared.

Andrew Ng: Education without Limits

On 27 December, Professor Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Coursera and Chief Scientist of Baidu gave a talk on campus for the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture, titled ‘Education without Limits’. The lecture attracted over 200 guests, including scholars, students and teachers.

As one of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers, Coursera has been offering online courses from top universities for free since 2012. In 2013, CUHK partnered with Coursera and started to open online courses on areas including humanities, social sciences, economics and finance, as well as information technology.

During the lecture, Prof. Ng explained to the audience the mission behind his MOOC platform and the benefits it can bring to the users. He believes that, “Education shouldn’t be just for the elite or the privileged. Getting education should be a fundamental human right.” At the end of the lecture, in a Q&A session, the speaker and audience discussed further the development of the MOOC platform and the challenges to it.

Let’s review the lecture through the video.
Highlight Version
Full Version

Vote for CUHK Campus

Hong Kong Architecture Centre has recently launched a campaign named “My 10 Most ‘Liked’ Hong Kong Architecture of the Century”. Through the campaign, the public can vote online for their 10 favorite pieces of Hong Kong architecture among the 100 shortlisted entries. The main campus of CUHK is in the list for public voting.

Built on a hillside, the structures of CUHK are laid out in striking variety in a setting of rich greenery. Over an area skillfully carved out of the rocks, the campus has stood for over fifty years as a stunning example of architectural design in Hong Kong. Right at the centre of the campus, the Science Centre, the Main Library and the University Mall in-between have together composed a simple but beautiful structure. The campus perfectly matches its natural surroundings and fully demonstrates the humanistic spirit through its design.

Besides online voting, the campaign has also prepared a series of related events including public lectures, guided tours and an exhibition to help the participants better understand the city and their living environment. The voting will last until 31 January, and the result will be announced on 20 March.

Please click the link and vote for No. 73, The Chinese University of Hong Kong to show your support. You can also enjoy the aerial view of the campus through the video.

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Communications and Public Relations Office website http://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk

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