
Project ID Project Title Project Leader
Department Amount Granted
1 Interactive/Animated Map for ENGE1640 Prof. Grant HAMILTON Department of English $50,000
2 A Megatrend Monitoring System for Marketing Students Prof. Alan Tse Department of Marketing $50,000
3 PopQuiz – Video-based Learning and Practicing Platform Dr. WONG Tsz Yeung Department of Computer Science and Engineering $65,000
4 Term Paper Wizard Prof. Irwin KING Department of Computer Science and Engineering $97,000
5 E&M-basedVideo Vignettes for Upper Extremity Neurological Examination Prof. Kumta Shekhar Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology $50,000
6 A Course-Oriented Mobile Learning Application (HSApp: HS(a)App & HS(b)App) for Health Science Education in Medical Faculty Package Dr. Isabel Hwang School of Biomedical Sciences $50,000
7 Interactive e-learning courseware for obstetric nursing Prof. IP Wan Yim The Nethersole School of Nursing $62,000
8 Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes Utilizing Mobile Handheld Devices in Pharmacy Education for Medication Safety (MedSafe) Prof. Lee Wing Yan, Vivian School of Pharmacy $75,000
9 Learning platform for Chinese Materia Medica Mr. Michael Chung School of Chinese Medicine $80,000
10 The Global Health Concept Study Tool on “Climate Change, Disasters, and Humanitarian Crisis” Prof. Emily Chan Ying Yang The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care $50,000
11 Enhancing communication with older people with hearing impairment Prof. Janita Pak-Chun CHAU The Nethersole School of Nursing $80,000
12 Environmental Monitoring Prof. Linwei TIAN,
Prof. Kin-fai HO
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care  $60,000
13 Development of an Interactive Web-based & Mobile-based Courseware for Effective Learning Dr. LEE Kit Ying, Rebecca School of Biomedical Sciences $58,000
14 Instructional Video for Introductory Organic Chemistry Experiments Dr. MAK Kin Wah, Kendrew  Department of Chemistry $67,000
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