About us

Our Mission is:

To ensure that the University's core values, aspirations, mission, vision and accomplishments are communicated to the community, through the media events and hospitality services.
To promote clear communication of the University's goals and strategic plans within the organization.

Our Work:

Events Management
Media Relation
Hospitality and Community-relations
Marketing and Promotion
Issues Management

Our Teams:

The 3 functional teams of our office :
Media Team
Event Team
Marketing Team

Our Contact:

  Address: G03, University Administration Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
New Territories, Hong Kong
Email: cpr@cuhk.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3943-8899
  Media Team
  Email: media@cuhk.edu.hk

   Media team

Press publicity (press conferences/ interviews/ gatherings, and press releases)
Media enquiries
Media relations
Media monitoring
Issues management
Expert list

   Event team

Event management of lectures, banquets, ceremonies and visits:
Venue selection
Guest Invitation
Physical setup
Transportation & accommodation arrangement
Guest reception
Manpower deployment
Press arrangement
Post-event arrangement

   Marketing team

Corporate Identity and marketing campaign management
Promotional tools e.g. brochures, map and corporate souvenir
Photo archives and corporate video management
CPRO website management
Provision of news monitoring report and analysis