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Rex Tso: It’s okay to talk about it

Hong Kong's "Wonder Kid" Rex Tso, a professional boxer, was invited by Sunshine at CUHK to talk about how he handles pressure.

Rex, who has just scored his 21st straight victory, used to have another nickname, “Flat Tyre Rex”. “I was lazy when I was young…I could fight skillfully in the first bout, but often lost my energy in the second bout, like a punctured tyre”, said Rex in the video. Trainings were tough. When feeling stressed and frustrated, Rex turned to others for opinions, “When I asked others for their opinion, they readily give me advice from their point of view. Sharing and talking with friends helped me to break through the bottleneck.”

Let’s hear his story through the video.

The Sunshine at CUHK campaign was launched in 2016. As its name suggests, the campaign aims to guide students to weather adversity and foster an atmosphere of warmth and mutual care on campus. Please click here for details.

Untangle Mystery of Eastern Inflammatory Bowel Disease Gut Microbiota

CUHK is collaborating with research centres in Australia and Mainland China on a research project entitled ‘The ENIGMA Studies - Eastern Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Gut Microbiota’ (ENIGMA). The aim of ENIGMA is to study the association between the disease and the patients’ gut microbiota and dietary habits. CUHK has received a USD 1.8 million grant for this research project, one of the largest grants received by the University in recent years.

IBD is a non-infectious chronic inflam­matory disease of the intestine. Crohn’s disease is a major sub-type of IBD. The incidence of Crohn's disease in Asia has continued to rise. In Hong Kong it has multiplied by seven in 20 years, to 1.5 per 100,000 persons in 2014. Severe cases may be associated with intestinal perforation leading to complications such as sepsis and peritonitis.

In recent years, studies have found that Crohn's disease and the patients’ living environment and eating habits are closely related. Physicians also believe that the microbiota in a patient’s gut is one of the important factors in the disease’s development. Researchers from world-class scientific centers at CUHK and the University of Melbourne will lead the ENIGMA project together with the University of Queensland and key IBD partner laboratories in Mainland China. The project focuses on identifying the causes of Crohn’s disease across different countries and examining the interactions between ethnicity, geography, diet and gut microbiota.

Members of the public can learn more about the ENIGMA project and Crohn’s disease via email to digestivehealth@cuhk.edu.hk.

A Cultural Night

CUHK students from different countries, and consuls in Hong Kong recently joined a cocktail reception on campus, enjoying a variety of cross-cultural performances and programmes.

The cocktail reception offered a stimulating time for the participants to meet with friends who came from different parts of the world. It also featured students’ performances, including a traditional Chinese dragon dance by both local and overseas students, and a fascinating performance by Papillon Blue, an a cappella group formed by CUHK students. Several fun and craft-making booths such as flour sculpting and sugar painting were also set up for guests to enjoy the Chinese heritage.

Prof. Pai Hsien-yung on "My Story, from Literature to Culture"

Nordic Imageries – Dialogue between Prof. Joseph Sung and Mr. Patrik Lindvall

I.CARE University Lecture on Civility 2016 by Chiang Hsun
Enduring Presence: The Art of Professor Jao Tsung-i in the Collection of the Department of Fine Arts and Art Museum, CUHK- Lecture 2
Workshop on “Migrant Labour and Ethnic Minority Cinema” cum Special Screenings of A Yellow Bird and Apprentice
CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia Environment and Climate Change Forum Series: Waste-to-energy
Wide Range of Summer Programmes on Offer in CUHK for Local and Overseas Students
CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia Holds ‘MoCC Environment Fair 2017’ to Foster Climate Action
CUHK Faculty of Engineering Honours 25 Distinguished Alumni

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