The objective of the research laboratory is to advance the knowledge and practice of exercise and fitness to health through quality research, so as to enhance the quality of life of human beings. Research focus lies in physical fitness (both health-related and performance-related) and physical activity investigations. Recent projects include Exercise-is-Medicine: promoting health of diabetes and hypertension patients through community exercise programme; Tai-chi and walking for mental health via EEG analysis; Taichi and walking for cardiovascular health and metabolic rate; Virtual Trainer: improving health through wearable technology; Asia-fit Study: comparison of fitness, obesity, and physical activity between 8 metropolitan cities in Asia, Yijinbang (易筋棒) exercise for improving shoulder pain; Evaluation of physical fitness and physical activity patterns of school students (primary & secondary); Development of physical fitness screening tests for pre-employment recruitment for Disciplinary Departments (Customs & Excise; Immigration; Correction Services, & Police). Community Fitness Evaluation and Sports-for-All Study on Sports Participation and Patterns of Hong Kong citizens supported by the Leisure and Cultural Service Department ….etc.

Prof Stanley Sai-Chuen HUI (許世全教授)

Prof Stanley Sai-Chuen HUI (許世全教授)

Dr. Jacky CHAN (陳嘉威博士)

Dr. Jacky CHAN (陳嘉威博士)

Research Team (2019)
From left to right: TK Wong (Project Coordinator), James Wan (Research Assistant), Kent Liu (Project Manager), Wylie Li (Project Coordinator), Kathy Hu (PhD Student), Ru Zhang (Post-doc Fellow), Wyinga Ip (Research Assistant), Prof. Stanley Hui, Sharon Chan (intern), Sabrina Lu (Research Associate), Menglei Chen(intern), Yujie Qi (intern), Yuxin Yang (intern), Sen Lin (intern)
From left to right: TK Wong (Project Coordinator), James Wan (Research Assistant), Kent Liu (Project Manager), Wylie Li (Project Coordinator), Kathy Hu (PhD Student), Ru Zhang (Post-doc Fellow), Wyinga Ip (Research Assistant), Prof. Stanley Hui, Sharon Chan (intern), Sabrina Lu (Research Associate), Menglei Chen(intern), Yujie Qi (intern), Yuxin Yang (intern), Sen Lin (intern)

Research Team (2016)
Front row (left to right): Jacky Chan (PhD student), Prof. Stanley Hui (Lab in-charge), Man Lee (PhD student)
Back row (left to right): Christin Shen (Post-Doc Fellow), Sabrina Lu (Research Assistant), Wyinga Ip (Research Assistant), Moonica Hu (MPhil student)
Front row (left to right): Jacky Chan (PhD student), Prof. Stanley Hui (Lab in-charge), Man Lee (PhD student)
Back row (left to right): Christin Shen (Post-Doc Fellow), Sabrina Lu (Research Assistant), Wyinga Ip (Research Assistant), Moonica Hu (MPhil student)

Research Team (2012)
Jacky Chan (PhD Student); Wang Lin (PhD Student);
Prof. Stanley Hui; Kiwi Chan (R.A.); Yvonne Chan (R.A.)
Jacky Chan (PhD Student); Wang Lin (PhD Student);
Prof. Stanley Hui; Kiwi Chan (R.A.); Yvonne Chan (R.A.)

From left to right: Miss Regina CHO, Miss Mandy TSE, Mr Daniel YEUNG,
Prof Stanley HUI, Miss Candy CHIK, Dr Violette LIN, Miss Flora LIU (2005)
Prof Stanley HUI, Miss Candy CHIK, Dr Violette LIN, Miss Flora LIU (2005)
Physical Fitness and Activity LaboratoryMetabolic Measuring Systems -
- COSMED K4B2 breath-by-breath portable Metabolic measuring system (Rome, Italy). There are two completed units
- Treadmill, maximum elevation 25%, capable of handling 500 pounds of weight (SCIFIT, AC7000, Tulsa, USA)
- 12-leads Electrocardiogram (EKG) (Quinton Q-stress, USA)
- 32-channels Electroencephalogram (EEG) (EB-Neuro Be-Plus, Italy)
- Monark Cycle-ergometers
- Polar electronic heart-rate monitors (basics and advanced models with PC interface)
- Motion and activity sensors, such as digital pedometers, CalTracks and TriTracks
- Hydrostatic Weighing (Underwater weighing) system, integrated with digital measuring scale and PC interface
- Bod-PoD plethysmography body composition measury system
- Bio-electrical impedance analysis scales (Tanita, TBF-543, Tokyo, Japan)
- Anthropometry measuring equipments such as skinfold calipers (Harpenden, Lafayette, and Slimguide), Lafayette large and small anthropometers, stadiometers
- Fit-lights (USA)
- Electronic Isometric strength dynamometer, accuracy to the nearest 0.1 kg (Takei Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd., T.K.K. 5102 Back D, Tokyo, Japan) x 4
- Electronic hand-grip dynamometer, accuracy to the nearest 0.1 kg (Takei Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd., T.K.K. 5101 Grip D, Tokyo, Japan) x 2
- Goniometers for flexibility and range-of-motion assessments, accuracy to the nearest 1 degree (Lafayette Instrument Company, 01130, Layfayette, Indiana)
- Flexometers for flexibility measurements
- Sit-and-reach boxes for flexibility measurements
- Curl-up testing boards
- Exercise is Medicine: A Pilot Project at General Out-Patient Clinics in New Territories East Cluster and Related Training Programmes
- Taichi and Walking For Mental Health: Application of EEG Analysis
- Virtual Trainer for Improving Health and Fitness of Middle-aged Adults
- Yijing Bang Exercise for Improving Shoulder Pain & Mobility
- Sports for Hope: Programme Assessment and Evaluation.
- Comparison of Physical Fitness, Physical Activity & Obesity of Youth among 8 Asian countries (NIHA Research Grant, Singapore)
- Virtual Trainer: An Innovated Approach for Exercise and Health Promotion
- Physical Fitness Test for the Community (Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government)
- Comparison of Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Participation of Chinese Adults Among Four Major Cities in China: A Preliminary Study.
- Evaluation of Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Health Effects from Tai Chi and Walking Exercise (Health and Health Services Research Fund 2004/2005, Home Affairs Bureau)
- Development of a Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Inventory: A Preliminary Study (Direct Grant for Research 2005-06)
- A Survey Study on Primary Schools Students' Physical Fitness and Their Attitude Towards Physical Education 2005-06 (Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR Government)
- Survey on Secondary Schools Students Physical Fitness and Attitudes Towards Physical Education 2004-2005 (Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR Government)
- Survey on Primary Schools Students Physical Fitness and Attitudes Towards Physical Education 2003-2004 (Education Department, HKSAR Government)
- Relationship Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Heart Disease Risk Factors in Hong Kong Middle-age Adults (Hong Kong Sports Development Board)
- Investigation on Health-related Physical Fitness of School Children in Hong Kong (Earmarked Research Grant 1999/2000)
- Validation of the 1-mile Walk Test for Predicting the Aerobic Capacity of Chinese Children Investigation on Health-related Physical Fitness of School Children in Hong Kong (United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Faculty Research Grant & Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund)
- Fat to Fit: Weight Loss Program for Obese Children in Hong Kong (Health Care and Promotion Fund, Hospital Authority)
- Impact of Perception and Knowledge of Physical Activity on Physical Activity Level: A Cross-cultural Comparison between American and Hong Kong Adults (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
32-channels EEG (Electroencephalogram)


The K4b2 Metabolic Measuring System

Using the K4b2 System for Measuring Aerobic Fitness
Exercise EKG (Electrocardiogram) Test

Underwater Weighing experiment for body fat measurement.

Bodpod (Plethysmography) experiment for body fat measurement.

Body Composition Measurement

Muscular Fitness Assessments

Exercise and Health Promotion Websites



The K4b2 Metabolic Measuring System

Using the K4b2 System for Measuring Aerobic Fitness

Exercise EKG (Electrocardiogram) Test

Underwater Weighing experiment for body fat measurement.

Bodpod (Plethysmography) experiment for body fat measurement.

Body Composition Measurement

Muscular Fitness Assessments

Exercise and Health Promotion Websites