Revised on: 28 July, 2014
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  11. Graduation Requirements
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  13. Past Project Title List

13. Past Project Title List

Project Titles

A case controlled study on the effects of music therapy on agitation in subjects with dementia

A clinical study on the establishment of a fall clinic in a local hospital

A comparison of 2 feeding methods in the alleviation of diarrhoea in older tube-fed patients

A descriptive and purpose study of physical restainning elderly patients in Hong Kong acute hospital

A pilot of correlates of fear of falling and perception of consequence of falling among elderly residing
in a care and attention home

A pilot retrospective study of the risk and outcomes of strokes in a local hospital of Hong Kong

A pilot study of the death attitudes among Chinese Pneumoconiosis patient in Hong Kong

A pilot study of the effects of Snoezelen therapy on behavioral changes in elderly with dementia

A pilot study on an assistive device follow-up service of disabled elderly in Hong Kong

A pilot study on home-based training programme for carers of elderly stroke patients

A pilot study on reducing fear of falling through systematic desensitization: Randomized controlled trial

A pilot study on the effect of energy conservation techniques in activities of daily living tasks in a group of Chinese population

A Preliminary Study Comparing Carers' Assessment of Difficulties Index of Stroke Carers Before and after hospital discharge

A prospective cohort interventional study to compare the effectiveness of interactive computerized upper limb rehabilation training with conventional training for geriatric in-patient, in terms of patient participation and rehabilitation outcome

A prospective study on fall predictors among residents of an elderly hostel in Hong Kong

A Prospective Trail of a Nursing Program to Help the Families to Make Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) decision in the ICU setting: A pilot study

A qualitative study on Chinese Community-Dwelling elders' attitude on fall, perception on fall prevention at home, their recognition and application of preventive measure

A quasi-experimental study on the effectiveness of a computerized memory training program for the elderly with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in Hong Kong

A questionnaire survey on the attitudes and acceptance of seasonal influenza vaccines among olderly people

A randomized controlled trial of balance and strengthening trainings on balance as well as strength in community-dwelling elderly people

A retrospective study in comparing the clinical presentation, functional status, management, hospital length of stay, discharge destination and survival of young and older patients with primary malignant intracranial gliomas

A short post-rehabilitation maintance program for COPD patients: 5 months follow-up on exercise tolerance and quality of life

A study correlating health status and functional decline in patients during the post-discharge period with admission to residential care unit

A study of Carer Stress of the Elderly with Dementia

A study of Chinese older adult's awareness of the symptions and risk factors of early stage dementia

A study of the attitudes of family doctors in providing End-of-life care in nursing homes in Hong Kong

A study of the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Hierarchic Dementia Scale (HDS)

A study on the change of handicap level and quality of life of stroke survivors in one year after stroke

A study to assess the impact of a health campaign on health care assistants working in an infirmary setting

A survey on barriers of promoting urinary continence perceived by care givers in Hong Kong aged homes

A survey on insomnia in Hospice Patient

A validation study of the Chinese challenging behavior scale

Acceptance of death in the Chinese elderly cancer patients

Acupuncture as an Adjunct in Nausea and Vomiting Management for the Older Cancer Patients: a Retrospective Study

Ageing with a disability: an exploratory study on the needs of people with an early onset of disability in Hong Kong

An analysis of Emergency Department service utilization by elderly patients in Hong Kong

An exploratory observational study of usage and abandonment of assistive devices by older adult patients discharged from an acute hospital in Hong Kong island

An exploratory study on community-dwelling insomniac Chinese elderly's sleep habits and needs

An exploratory study on perceptions of quality of residential care from residents and discrepancies in perceptions among residents, their relatives and home staffs

An exploratory study on the burden experienced by caregivers of relatives with early dementia

An exploratory study on the feeling of the caregivers after making an end-of-life decision on behalf of the demented elderly

Are older community ambulatory adults in Hong Kong allowed enough time to cross signalized-cross walks safely?

Are older community dwelling elderly allowed enough time to cross a street with traffic light?

Assessment of acute pain in older adults with hip facture: current nursing practice

Assessment of inappropriate use of long term urinary catheter in elderly people in private nursing home

Association between balance, mobility and cognitive impairment and the use of physical restraints in an elderly care home

Association between peak lower limb muscles strength and standing balance of the frail elderly

Attitudes of Chinese elders towards advance planning on end-of-life issues: A qualitative study in a nursing home in Hong Kong

Breast cancer screening among Hong Kong nurses working in geriatric department

Can elderly with chronic illness develop cardiovascular fitness by performance IADL?

Can the scores of the Chinese version of the Mini-nutritional Assessment be a predictor of hospitalization in private nursing home setting

Changes in arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) before, during and after meals in stroke patients

Characteristics associated with hypoglycaemia related hospital admission in Nursing home residence in Tai Po

Characteristics of older adults with functional decline during hospitalization

Checklist on proposed follow up on client assessment protocols (CAPs) of minimum data set-home care (MDS-HC) in Hong Kong

Chinese attitudes towards withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment in critical illness scenarios

Chronic disease self-management program for elderly people in Hong Kong: a psychological perspective

Client's perceptions of distinctive aspects in community nursing services received in Nursing Homes

Clinical course of Dypshagia and predictors of tube feeding within three months after stroke: A prospective study

Clinical factors associated with the performance gap of activities of daily living between clinical and living environment

Cognitive intervention for community-dwelling older persons with memory problems: Telemedicine versus face-to-face treatment

Community ambulation in elderly receiving home care service: characteristics and factors

Community expectations in the characteristic features of a residential care home - a survey of 90 senior citizens in Hong Kong

Community-based Healthy Lifestyle Program Enhanced Diabetes Mellitus Management Self-efficacy of the Elderly

Co-morbidity of medical chronic disease in elderly psychiatric residential clients: Prevalence and possible difference between psychiatric residential clients and general elderly population

Comparative study on predictive power of three commonly used assessment tools in screening fall risk of an elderly

Comparing the fear of fallings in community dwelling elders receiving Integrated Team services and Enhanced home care and caring services

Comparing the quality of life and handicap level between the institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly in Hong Kong

Comparing the quality of life and handicapped level between the institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly in Hong Kong

Comparison between elders and staffs working in Old Age Home, in the attitude over elder abuse

Comparison of balance between fallers and non-fallers in apparently well community dwelling female elderly

Comparison of effects of muscle strengthening exercise and balance training on balance among institutional elderly people

Comparison of performance in sit to stand test in older people with and without fall history

Comparison of quality of life in Hong Kong Chinese elderly patients with colon or rectal cancer after resectional surgery

Comparison of the effectiveness of pressure-relief on four wheelchair cushions for the institutionalized elderly: A pilot study

Comparison on Unplanned Hospital Admissions Rate and Mortality: Enhanced Home Care

Comparisons of Four Assessment Measures for Risk of Fall in Chinese Community-dwelling

Compliance of use of specially designed hip protectors in Hong Kong Chinese elderly

Correlation between initial upper limb motor deficits and hand motor recovery at 3 months post-stroke

Correlation between the perceived dyspnea in ADL and functional capacity in patients with COPD and their impact on the health status: A pilot Study

Correlation of Caregivers Self-efficacy and Caregiving Burden in Dementia Caregivers

Dementia care provision in Hong Kong: Caregivers' perspectives

Depression in cancer elderly and their symptoms

Depression in caregiver of community-dwelling elderly

Descriptive study on the reasons of weight loss in nursing home residents in Hong Kong

Determinants of caregiver stress in dementia in Hong Kong

Diabetes knowledge, self-care practice and perceived health care climate among type 2 diabetes elderly patients in Hong Kong

Disclosure of cancer to elderly patients: A questionnaire survey of older people's preferences

Do a stroke education programme and telephone follow up have additional value to usual service?

Does Integrated Discharge Support Program for Elderly Patients-Home Support Team (IDSP - HST) help to reduce unplanned hospital readmission? A retrospective study

Does two weeks of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) produce cumulative reduction of knee pain in elderly?

Dual task study - cognitive task and postural control in stroke patient

Effect of 12 wk Intensive Tai Chi Training on Physical Fitness in the Elderly

Effect of acupuncture on Zusanli (ST36) in physical mobility of older adult

Effect of cognition on functional outcomes of elderly patients after repair of hip fracture

Effect of education level on ADAS-cog of older adults with dementia - a retrospective study using JCCPA experience

Effect of functionally-based exercises on the physical performance of the community-dwelling frail elderly people of Hong Kong

Effect of Osteoarthritis Knee Pain on physical performance of community elderly in Central West

Effect of transcutaneous acupoints electrical stimulation on geriatric hip fracture patients

Effect of using virtual reality for promoting upper limb function of the stroke patients in Hong Kong: A pilot randomized controlled trial

Effectiveness of occupational therapy prescribed home program for stroke patients

Effectiveness of seating system for infirmary patients

Effectiveness of slider shoe on gait training hemiparetic stroke patients

Effects of low impact aerobic dancing on the physical and psychological fitness of elderly in H.K.

Effects of stroke on sexual functioning in Chinese men

Effects of structured group-based reminiscence therapy on depressed elderly in psychological well-being

Effects of Sun-style Tai Chi exercise on balance and fall efficacy in the elderly

Equivalence of the Translated Caregiver Strain Index (Chinese version): A pilot study

Evaluation of dysphagia management by community speech therapy in Hong Kong West cluster

Evaluation of the effect of Health Qigong in people with heart failure

Evaluation of the efficacy of a psychoeducational program on elderly sexuality for staff of residential care homes

Evaluation on efficacy of cognitive training for older adults with cognitive decline

Examining the inter-rater reliability, internal consistency, convergent validity and responsiveness of the modified rivermead mobility index for stroke patients in Hong Kong

Executive Function in Demential Patient

Exercise/ physical activity and elderly well-being

Exploratory study in essential factors of choosing a long term care home (Nursing Home) by elders and their relatives

Exploring aged Chinese cancer patient's physical pain experience and it's management practices in acute hospital in Hong Kong

Exploring Nursing Home Drug Administration Procedures for elderly people in Hong Kong

Exploring the relationship between household income, physical health status and care burden of

Factors affecting the primary caregivers' decisions to institutionalize their demented family elders

Factors relating to psychological distress of Chinese elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Follow-up on utilization of home-based assistive device of Shatin Hospital ex-patients

Functional ability, state self-esteem, social support and symptoms of depression following stroke

Functional outcome of hip fracture elderly

Gait outcomes of partial body weight support treadmill training in subacute stroke patients rehabilitation - a randomized controlled trial pilot study

"Geared Up!" - stress and discrimination that health care workers and residents of nursing home experienced during the SARS epidemic

Getting lost in the community: A phone survey on the cognitive impaired elderly population in Hong Kong

Health belief differences between young and old Chinese diabetic patients

Health-related quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis in Hong Kong

Hospitalized older adults' perceptions of nurses' care attitudes in acute geriatric setting: An exploratory study

How do Nurses Percieve the Application of Physical Restraint on Patient

Impact of Self-Management Program on the Quality of Life of First-time Elder Stroke Patients in Hong Kong

Influenza-Like illness in residential care homes: a study of the incidence, etiological agents, natural history and health utilization

In-patient rehabilitation of elderly stroke patients: Functional outcomes and predictors of discharge functional status

Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment among older adults in the Palliative Care Unit

Interventions of Functional Incontinence for Elderly Female Patients in Hospitals: a Control Study

Investigation of effects of abdominal massage on elders with constipation in long-term residential care institution

Investigation on the effect of improving balance in the institutionalized elderly women by flexibility and coordination group training

Involving elderly and their next of kin in research of quality of life in residential setting in Hong Kong

Is "Virtual Reality Training" beneficial to improve unilateral neglect after stroke?

Is bed-height a possible risk factor of falls for the community institutionalized elderly?

Is telephone follow-up an effective strategy to increase dysphagic patients' compliance with swallowing guideline? A pilot study

Knowledge of the public about the strategies for successful aging

Long-term care preference among elderly Hong Kong Chinese: Home care versus giving rise to residential care program on the fear of falling in community dwelling older adults program on the fear of falling in community dwelling older adults

Management of Hypoglycemia in Elderly Patients with Diabetes in the Observation Ward of Emergency Department in a Chinese Population

Medication adherence of elderly with hypertension in Hong Kong: effects of illness perceptions and satisfaction of quality of contact with health care professionals

Modified constraint induced movement therapy for Chinese patients with subacute stroke: a pilot study

Montreal Congnitive Assessment Performance (Hong Kong version) in Patients with Stroke with "Normal" Global Congnition According to Mini-Mental State Score in Hong Kong

Music listening and mood states of Hong Kong Chinese Elderly

Nurse-led dysphagia screening in acute geriatric patients

Nursing home residents participated in the End of Llife Care program in Shatin Hospital.  Their treatment and care received in the acute medical unit of Prince of  Wales Hospital

One year functional independency, institutionalization, mortality and resources utilization after hip fracture - a prospective cohort study

Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Parkinson's disease: How and when to screen?

Osteoporosis Knowledge of Chinese elderly in Hong Kong

Parkinson's disease patents: are the Berg Balance Scale, time up and go test and functional reach test useful in predicting their falls?

Pattern of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) use by older Chinese emergency department patients in Hong Kong

Perception of social support among Chinese elders with diabetes mellitus

Perceptions of physical restraint use on elderly patients in residential care setting in Hong Kong

Performance of 51-to 86-year -old individuals in Boston naming test in Hong Kong

Physical activity and glycemic control in type 2 diabetic elderly

Physical restraints in geriatric care: knowledge and attitudes among nursing home staff in Hong Kong

Pilot Study comparing the influence of home based exercise and conventional group exercise

Pilot Study comparing the influence of home based exercise and conventional group exercise

Polypharmacy in a local Old Age Home

Predicting functional outcome of stroke rehabilitation in Geriatric Day Hospital (GDH)

Predicting functional status at discharge for elderly stroke patients

Prediction of discharge destination of stroke rehabilitated patients in Hong Kong

Preference of older people in Hong Kong (HK) about doing regular exercise: is home exercise program beneficial?

Pressure Ulcers in Private Nursing Homes: A Retrospective Study

Psychosocial determinants of short term outcomes in older persons receiving service from elderly suicide prevention program (ESPP)

Quality of life (QOL) of patients suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Chinese population and its correlation with physiological parameters, functional performance, psychological status and social support

Quality of life in Chinese rheumatoid arthritic elderly and its determinants

Quality of life of community-dwelling Chinese Elderly with advanced disease

Quality of Life of Informal caregivers of Elderly Patients on Dialysis

Questionnaire survey on the dietary knowledge, dietary attitudes and dietary habits (of foods for bone health) of elderly in a private general medical practice in Hong Kong

Recovery of swallowing of private nursing home frail elderly: what are the characteristics of those residents?

Rehabilitation Outcomes for Elderly Patients after Hip Fracture and Determinants for Length of

Rehabilitation outcomes of Hong Kong griatric patients following non-traumatic major lower extremity amputation

Relationship between cognitive function and discharge disposition among elderly stroke survivors in in-patient rehabilitation setting

Residential home placement of older relatives: The transition experiences of family careers in Hong Kong

Resistance training or functional mobility training, the better training protocol for residential-living

Risk factors for fall in the Chinese elderly nursing home residents

Scabies in private Residential Home Centre for the Elderly (RHCEs)

Screening for depression in senior patients attending a primary care clinic in Hong Kong with three verbally asked questions: A cross sectional study

Seeking and receiving help in everyday life: the experiences of Chinese older people with chronic

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in old age homes: mode of transmission, personal and environmental risks factors

Social support & drug compliance of elderly people in Hong Kong

Staff injuries of elder care: The impact of "aging in place" model for the Care and Attention Home

Strain among family caregivers: a study of COPD patients

Study on non-prescribed Chinese Medicine Medication use in elderly people

Survey of Chinese elderly people in care and attention home - a physiological, psychological and physical perspective

Swallowing Recovery after Stroke: Clinical and Cognitive Factors at 3 Months

The applicability of using hypothetical scenarios in enhancing understanding on decision for life

The association between vascular risk factors and depression

The beliefs of aquatic exercise of Hong Kong's elderly

The Clinical Effect of Chinese Calligraphy in Early Dementia Elderly

The cognitive profiles of the normal elderly people and the elderly people in different stages of dementia

The drug adherent behavior of older people with chronic illness

The Dysphagia-Specific quality of life of head and neck cancer patients and its association with
swallowing compliance

The effect of appropriate seating surfaces on the level of agitaion and well-being of frail, immobile and demented residents living in two local care and attention homes

The effect of community rehabilitation programme on physical fitness and quality of life in patients with heart disease

The effect of death education program upon death attitudes among elderly

The effect of horticulture on psychological well-being of residents with stroke in residential care home

The effect of nutritional status on functional capacity and well-being in elderly dialysis patients

The Effect of Sitting Tai Chi on Sitting Balance and Self-care Ability of Stroke elders

The effect of social support and discharge destination on development of depressive mood among elder stroke patients

The effectiveness of acupressure on elderly patients with chronic knee pain

The effectiveness of home based exercise to prevent falling in elderly in Hong Kong

The effectiveness of stroke prevention program in terms of knowledge level amongst the Hong Kong elderly

The effectiveness of telephone-delivered psycho educational intervention to the family caregivers who are taking care of the person with dementia

The effectiveness of the spiritual care group by Body-Mind-Spirit Model for promoting spiritual health to the frail elderly in nursing home

The effects of Tai Chi and Conventional Balance Training on Balance in Community-dwelling Older Adults

The efficacy of aromatherapy (Lavender Augustifolia) as an intervention for managing agitated behavior towards people with dementia

The efficacy of reality orientation in cognitive function

The efficacy of right half-field eye patching in treating stroke patient with unilateral neglect

The efficacy of the addition of quadriceps muscle strengthening exercise to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for elderly with knee osteoarthritis

The elderly mobility scale for geratric fracture hip patient: concurrent validity

The energy expenditure in common instrumental activities of daily living of Chinese elderly

The family caregivers' experiences of caring Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) elderly relatives

The functional changes and their determinants in stroke patients after rehabilitation in a modified day hospital

The functional reach test for balance: measures the reliability of the Chinese version of the functional reach test carried out by the health care workers in a residential care facility

The immediate effect of wearing a semi-rigid ankle brace on the spatial characteristics of hemiplegic gait

The impact of Occupational Therapy Home care program on symptoms relief and auality of life of the elderly in Hong Kong who are receiving palliative care

The impact of overactive bladder symptoms among community dwelling elderly

The information needs of the Chinese caregivers of the first stroke patients during hospitalization

The nutritional knowledge and the dietary intake pattern among hostel elderly in Hong Kong

The perception of the nursing roles by nurses working in a nurse-led long-term elderly care setting

The performance of mini-mental status examination and Barthel Index of dementia subjects on the burden of their caregivers in Hong Kong

The prevalence of anxiety and depression among hospitalized elderly male in-patients during exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Hong Kong

The prevalence of constipation in the elderly attending primary care clinic

The prevalence of depression among the institutional elderly and the effect of low-to-moderate intensity resistive exercise on depressed mood

The quality of life for post stroke patients attending outpatient stroke clinic

The relationship between dementia caregivers' stress and quality of life

The relationship between depression, social support and functional independence in Hong Kong elderly with stroke

the relationship between handicap, functional independence, depression, self-esteem and social support among stroke elderly survivors in Hong Kong

The relationship between oral health status and the quality of life among home for the aged residents

The relationship between performance of activities of daily living and severity of post-stroke depressive symptoms in moderate to severe grade stroke in-patients

The relationship between religion and health practices in elderly Chinese

The relationship between social network and quality of life in retired elderly people

The relationship between social support and post stroke depression of elderly attending Geriatric Day Hospital for stroke rehabilitation

The relationship of cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms on subjective memory complaints in people with dementia

The Relationship of Psychosocial Factors with Physical Training during Rehabilitation Phase of

The relationship of sex, age, availability of carer and comprehensive social security assistance with discharge destination of stroke patients

The study of the accuracy of self-reported diagnoses among the medical patients of late adulthood

The use of color contrast in government subvented elderly residential care homes in Hong Kong

The use of color contrast in private care and attention homes in Hong Kong

The Validity, predictive power and reliability of Norton Scale in pressure ulcer risk assessment in an acute female medical ward in Hong Kong

To assess the effect of compliance of videofluoroscopic evidence dysphagic patients with speech therapist's recommendations and the reasons of noncompliance

To assess the pattern and to identify the determinants of the utilization of traditional Chinese (herbal) medicine in local elderly population

To avoid rapid continence assessment against urodynamic study result - a pilot study

To evaluate the association between cognitive dysfunction and other barriers for diabetic control in older diabetic patients

To explore the family caregiver's strain level in taking care of elders with chronic illness

To identify common home hazard of community dwelling elderly and their compliance to home modification

To identify the prevalence of unmet need perceived by elderly people on ADL activities in residential care homes

To study the effects of Tai Chi in community dwelling elders on fear of fall and physical ability: a prospective study

Traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics of stroke rehabilitation patients and their cognitive impairment and mood disorder: An exploratory study

Traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics of stroke rehabilitation patients and their functional and
neurological deficits: An exploratory study

Treating pain can effectively improve the sleep disturbance and quality of life in elderly with both insomnia and chronic

Treatment effect of Lymphoedema intervention in Occupational Therapy for breast cancer clients

Understand the experience of older Chinese community dwellings with musculoskeletal pain and their coping strategies and perceived effectiveness

Urinary incontinence in the elderly living in the community: a neglected problem

Use of Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) in a Geriatric Specialist-Outpatient-Clinicla in a Post-acute Hospital in Hong Kong - a Retrospective Study

Using Barthel Index to predict discharge placements at commencement of in-patient stroke rehabilitation

Using Berg Balance Scale to predict the use of walking aids and rehabilitation location in acute stroke

Using modified Barthel Index to predict discharge destinations at commencement of in-patient stroke rehabilitation

Validation of a three-item screening instrument to detect depression for elderly AED patients in PYNEH

Validation of fall efficacy scale - Cantonese version

Validation of home hazard checklist: a pilot study

Validation of the Abbreviated Mental Test (Hong Kong Version) among the residential elderly in HK

Validation study of geriatric depression scale (4 items version) on depression screening in geriatric in-patients

What does "Dementia" mean to the general public? How well do patients retain new information from the consultation process?


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