Applicants must have a recognised Bachelor's degree, obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or equivalent education qualification, and relevant working experience in the educational sector. Applicants should fulfill the "English Language Proficiency Requirement" as stipulated by the Graduate School. Please refer to the "Postgraduate Prospectus" or web page: http://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk for details on this requirement..PERIOD OF STUDY
Full-time programme: 2 years (maximum period of study: 4 years)Part-time programme: 3 years (maximum period of study: 5 years)
The programme reflects the mission of the Department and is based on the premise that physical activity is a health-related behaviour that influences the health and well-being of individuals. It is from this perspective that post-graduate students can study physical activity and exercise using a physiological, psychological, biomechanical, pedagogical or sociological approach. Consequently, all of the research conducted in the Department is focused on physical activity in terms of its contribution to related fields of sports medicine, health and exercise.PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS
A M.Phil. student is required to conduct an independent research, submit thesis and pass the oral defence. In consultation with the supervisor, s/he may take credit-earning courses which benefit her/his study. AREA OF STUDY
- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
- Sports Nutrition and Exercise Performance
- Mind-body Exercises (Taichi / Qigong) for Health
- Physical Fitness Measurement and Evaluation
- Intergenerational Interactions in Physical Literacy and Physical Activity
- Application of Quality Physical Education to Improve Physical Activity and Health of Students
- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Physical Activity Interventions on Motor Performance and Psychosocial Health in Children and Youth with Special Educational Needs
- Physical Literacy and its Application in Different Populations
- Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers
- Mobility and Falls in Older Adults
- Sports Biomechanics and Injury Prevention
Click to viewTUITION FEE (2020-21)
HK$42,100 (per annum for both Full-time and Part-time)
1 February 2021Click to view
Online Application
September 2021 Enquiries:
Tel: 3943 6089; 3943 3950Email: sports@cuhk.edu.hk