
Professor & Chairman, Department of Sports Science & PE
Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
Associate Head, United College
Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
Associate Head, United College
G08 Kwok Sports Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG
(852) 3943 6095
BEd (Hon) (Liverpool), MSc, PhD (Loughborough), FACSM, R.NutrPREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS
2011 - 2015
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Education, CUHK
2009 - 2011
Associate Dean (Student Affairs)
Faculty of Education, CUHK
2007 - 2012
Dean of Students
United College, CUHK
Nutritional and metabolic aspects of exercisePhysical activity and sedentary behavior
- Zheng, C., Tian, X.Y., Sun, F.H., Huang, W.Y., Sheridan, S., Wu, Y.L., Wong, S.H. (2020) Associations of sedentary patterns with cardiometabolic biomarkers in physically active young males. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (In press)
- Lee, D.C., Wong, S.H. (2020) Wearing Compression Garment Enhances Central Hemodynamics? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (In press)
- Zheng, C., Huang, W.Y., Sheridan, S., Sit, C.H.P., Chen, X., Wong, S.H. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic brings a sedentary lifestyle in young adults: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6035. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176035
- Li, M.H., Sum, R.K.W., Tremblay, M., Sit, C., Ha, A.S., Wong, S.H. (2020) Cross-validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2): the case of a Chinese population. Journal of Sports Sciences. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1803016.
- Poon, E., Little, J.P., Sit, C.H.P., Wong, S.H.* (2020) The effect of low-volume high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic health and psychological responses in overweight/obese middle-aged men. Journal of Sports Sciences. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1766178
- Zeng, X., Cai, L., Wong, S.H., Lai, L., Lv, Y., Tan, W., Jing, J., Chen, Y. (2020) Associations of sedentary time and physical activity with executive function among children. Academic Pediatrics. doi 10.1016/j.acap.2020.02.027
- Shi, Y., Huang, W.Y., Sit, C.H., Wong, S.H.* (2020) Compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines in Hong Kong adolescents: associations with weight status. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 17(3): 287-292. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2019-0230
- Lee, D.C.W., Law, H.K, Ali, A., Sheridan, S.E., Wong, S.H,.* & Lee, S.W. (2020) Compression garments-induced leg changes increase hemodynamic responses in healthy individuals. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(1): 3-11. doi: 10.1055/a-0970-5399
- Chin, E.C., Yu, A.P., Lai, C.W., Fong, D.Y., Chan, D.K., Wong, S.H., Sun, F.H., Ngai, H.H., Yung, P.S., Siu, P.M. (2020) Low-frequency HIIT improves body composition andsaerobic capacity in overweight men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52(1): 56-66. doi: 10.1249/mss.0000000000002097
- Zheng, C., Huang, W.Y., Wong, S.H.* (2019) Associations of weather conditions with adolescents’ daily physical activity, sedentary time, and sleep duration. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 44(12):1339-1344. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2019-0309
- Sit, C.H.P., Yu, J.J., Wong, S.H.S., Capio, C.M., Master, R. (2019) Physical activity of children with physical disabilities: associations with environmental and behavioral variables at home and school. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8): 1394. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16081394
- Sit, C.H.P., Yu, J.J., Wong, S.H.S., Capio, C.M., Master, R. (2019) A school-based physical activity intervention for children with developmental coordination disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 89: 1-9.
- Shi, Y., Huang, W.Y., Yu, J.J., Sheridan, S., Sit, C.H.P., Wong, SH.S.* (2019) Compliance and practical utility of continuous wearing of activPALTM in adolescents. Pediatric Exercise Science, doi: 10.1123/pes.2018-0170
- Qin, L., Sun, F.H., Huang, Y., Sheridan, S., Sit, C.H.P., Wong, S.H.* (2019) Effect of pre-exercise ingestion of alpha-lactalbumin on subsequent endurance exercise performance and mood states. British Journal of Nutrition, 121 (1): 22-29.
- Huang, W.Y. and Wong, S.H.* (2019) Prospective associations between weekend catch-up sleep, physical activity, and childhood obesity. Childhood Obesity, 15(1): 40-47. doi: 10.1089/chi.2018.0158
- Cerin, E., Sit, C.H., Wong, S.H., Huang, W.Y., Gao, G.Y., Lai, P.C., Macfarlane, D.J., Barnett, A. (2019) Relative contribution and interactive effects of psychological, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and dietary behaviours in Hong Kong adolescents. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 25(Suppl 2): 34-39.
- Tomkinson, G., Wong, S.H.S. (2019) Special issue: Global Matrix 3.0 – An introduction to the report cards on the physical activity of children and youth from five Asian countries and regions. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 17(1): 1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jesf.2018.11.004
- Huang, W.Y., Wong, S.H.S.,* Sit, C.H.P., Wong, M.C.S., Sum, R.K.W., Wong, S.W.S., Yu, J.J. (2019) Results of the Hong Kong’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 15(1):14-19. doi: 10.1016/j.jesf.2018.10.003
- Aubert, S., Barnes, J. D., Abdeta, C., Nader, P. A., Adeniyi, A. F., Aguilar-Farias, N., Tenesaca, D. S. A., Bhawra, J., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Cardon, G., Chang, C.-K., Nyström, C. D., Demetriou, Y., Draper, C. E., Edwards, L., Emeljanovas, A., Gába, A., Galaviz, K. I., González, S. A., Herrera-Cuenca, M., Huang, W.Y., Ibrahim, I. A.E., Jürimäe, J., Kämppi, K., Katapally, T. R., Katewongsa, P., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Khan, A., Korcz, A., Kim, Y.S., Lambert, E., Lee, E.-Y., Löf, M., Loney, T., López-Taylor, J., Liu, Y., Makaza, D., Manyanga, T., Mileva, B., Morrison, S. A., Mota, J., Nyawornota, V. K., Ocansey, R., Reilly, J. J., Roman-Viñas, B., Silva, D.A.S., Saonuam, P., Scriven, J., Seghers, J., Schranz, N., Skovgaard, T., Smith, M., Standage, M., Starc, G., Stratton, G., Subedi, N., Takken, T., Tammelin, T., Tanaka, C., Thivel, D., Tladi, D., Tyler, R., Uddin, R., Williams, A., Wong, S.H.S., Wu, C.-L., Zembura, P., & Tremblay, M.S. (2018) Global Matrix 3.0 Physical Activity Report Card grades for children and youth: results and analysis from 49 countries. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 15(S2): S251-S273.
- Aubert, S., Barnes, J.D., Aguilar-Farias, N., Cardon, G., Chang, C.K., Delisle Nyström, C., Demetriou, Y., Edwards, L., Emeljanovas, A., Gába, A., Huang, W.Y., Ibrahim, I.A.E., Jürimäe J, Katzmarzyk PT, Korcz A, Kim YS, Lee EY, Löf M, Loney T, Morrison SA, Mota J, Reilly, J.J., Roman-Viñas, B., Schranz, N., Scriven, J., Seghers, J., Skovgaard, T., Smith, M., Standage, M., Starc, G., Stratton, G., Takken, T., Tammelin, T., Tanaka, C., Thivel, D., Tyler, R., Williams, A., Wong, S.H.S., Zembura, P. & Tremblay, M.S. (2018) Report Card grades on the physical activity of children and youth comparing 30 very high human development index countries. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 15(S2): S298-S314.
- Poon, E., Sun, F.H., Chung, A.P., Wong, S.H.* (2018) Post-exercise appetite and ad libitum energy intake in response to high-intensity interval exercise versus moderate- or vigorous-intensity continuous exercise among physically inactive middle-aged adults. Nutrients, 10 (10) doi: 10.3390/nu10101408.
- Poon, E., Sheridan, S., Chung, A.P., Wong, S.H.* (2018) Age-specific affective responses and self-efficacy to acute high-intensity interval training and continuous exercise in insufficiently active young and middle-aged men. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 16(3): 106-111.
- Lee, D.C., Lee, S.W., Khaw, K., Ali, A., Sheridan, S.E., and Wong, S.H.* (2018) Haemodynamic responses of wearing low-pressure sports compression tights during an orthostatic challenge in healthy individuals. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(10): 1062-1067. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.12.004
- Li, L., Sun, F.H., Huang, W.Y.J., Wong, S.H. (2018) Effects of whey protein in carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks on post-exercise rehydration. European Journal of Sport Science, 18(5): 685-694. Doi: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1442499
- He, G., Wong, S.H., Huang, W.Y. (2018) Built environment and physical activity in children and youth. Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(2): 166-171. Doi: 10.16038/j.1000-6710.2018.02.013
- Wong, S.H., Sun, F., Chen, Y., Li., C, Zhang, Y., Huang, W.Y. (2017) Effect of Pre-exercise Carbohydrate Diets with High- and Low- Glycemic Index on Exercise Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Nutrition Reviews, 60(10): 1435-1444. Doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nux003
- Qin L., Wong, S.H., Sun, F.H., Huang, Y., Sheridan, S., and Sit, C.H.P. (2017) Effects of alpha-lactalbumin or whey protein isolate on muscle damage, muscles pain and mood states following prolonged strenuous endurance exercise. Frontiers in Physiology-Exercise Physiology, 8: 254 Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00754
- Qin, L., Wong, S.H., Sit, C.H.P., Huang, Y., Sun, F.H., Sheridan, S. (2017) The Effect of Carbohydrate and Protein Co-ingestion on Energy Substrate Metabolism, Sense of Effort, and Affective Responses during Prolonged Strenuous Endurance Exercise. Physiology & Behavior, 174: 170-177. Doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.02.035
- Cerin, E., Sit, C.H.P., Barnett, A., Huang, W.Y.J., Gao, G. Y., Wong, S.H., Sallis, J.F. (2017) Reliability of self-report measures of correlates of obesity-related behaviours in Hong Kong adolescents for the iHealt(H) and IPEN adolescent studies. Archives of Public Health, 75: 38. Doi: 10.1186/s13690-017-0209-5
- Huang, W.Y., Wong, S.H., He, G. (2017) Is a change to active travel to school an important source of physical activity for Chinese children? Pediatric Exercise Science. 29: 161-168. Doi: 10.1123/pes.2016-0001
- Jiao, J., Li, Y., Yao, L., Chen, Y., Wong, S.H., Ng, F.S., Hu, J. (2017) Effects of Body-Mapping-Designed clothing on Heat Stress and Running Performance in a Hot Environment. Ergonomics, 60(10): 1435-1444. Doi: 10.1080/00140139.2017.1306630
- Huang, W.Y., Wong, S.H., Wong, M.C.S., Sit, C.H.P., Sum, R.K.W., He, G. (2016) Results from the Hong Kong 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 13 (Suppl 2): S169 -S175. Doi: 10.1123/jpah.2016-0302
- Tremblay, M.S., Barnes, J.D., González, S.A., Peter T. Katzmarzyk, P.T., Onywera, V.O., Reilly, J.J, Tomkinson, G.R., ... Wong, S.H. (2016) Global Matrix 2.0: Report Card Grades on the Physical Activity of Children and Youth Comparing 38 countries. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 13 (Suppl 2): S343-366. Doi: 10.1123/jpah.2016-0594
- Wong, S.H., Huang, W.Y., Cerin, E., Gao, Y., Lai, P.C., Burnett, A. (2016) Home and neighbourhood environment: associations with children’s physical activity and obesity-related dietary behaviours. Hong Kong Medical Journal. 22 (Supplement 6): S43-47
- Huang, W.Y., Wong, S.H., He, G., Salmon, J. (2016) Isotemporal substitution analysis for sedentary behavior and BMI. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 48(11): 2135-2141. Doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001002
- Li, R., Sit, C.H.P., Yu, J., Duan, Z.Q., Fan, T., McKenzie, T.L., Wong, S.H. (2016) Correlates of physical activity in children and adolescents with physical disabilities: a systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 89: 184-193. Doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.05.029
- Sun F.H., Li C., Zhang Y.J., Wong S.H., and Wang L. (2016) Effect of glycemic index of breakfast on energy intake at subsequent meal among healthy people: A meta-analysis. Nutrients, 8, 37. Doi: 10.3390/nu8010037
- Huang W.Y. and Wong S.H. (2016) Time use clusters in children and their associations with sociodemographic factors. Journal of Public Health, 38(2): e106-e113. Doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv088
"2018 Hong Kong Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth”.
(Tin Ka Ping Foundation) - "Compensating for insufficient weekday physical activity and sleep on weekends: associations with obesity risk in adolescents".
(RGC General Research Fund) - "Promoting Physical Activity among Adolescents in Hong Kong Using an Internet-based Program".
(Health Care Promotion Fund) - "A model of knowledge translation: the Active Healthy Kids Report Card on Physical Activity for Hong Kong Youth".
(Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK) - "Sports Science Support: Coach and Player Education within the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA)" to develop structures for enhancement of preparation and performance of the national football team.
(Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK) - "Home and Neighbourhood Environment: Associations with Children's Physical Activity and Obesity-related Dietary Behaviours".
(Health and Medical Research Fund) - "A Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Childhood Obesity in Hong Kong"
(RGC General Research Fund) - "Environmental Determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior among Hong Kong Schoolchildren"
(RGC General Research Fund) - "Effect of Low and High Pre-exercise Glycemic Index Meal on Running Performance when Carbohydrate-electrolyte Solution is Consumed during Exercise"
(RGC General Research Fund) - "Rehydration and Cognitive Performance after Moderate Endurance Exercise in a Hot and Humid Environment: Comparison of 3 Commonly Used Drinks"
(Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Japan) - "Effect of Pre-exercise Glycemic Index Meals on Running Performance"
(GlaxoSmithKline Nutritional Healthcare, U.K.)
Undergraduate program- SPED3550 Physiology of Human Performance
- SPED4570 Education and Promotion of Exercise and Health
- SPED4900 Research Project
- EXSC6201 Exercise: Physiological Benefits, Limits and Adaptation
- EXSC6202 Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance
- EXSC6212 Guided Study
- EXSC6300 Research Project
- “From sitting to moving: research evidence on children and young adults.” The 2nd International Summit Forum on “Exercise and Healthy China 2030”. Beijing Sport University. June 9-10, 2018. (Invited Presentation)
- “Weekly Patterns on Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, Sleep & Obesity Risk in Children & Youth”. 1st Interdisciplinary Behavioral Health Conference: Opportunities and Challenges. JC School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University, School of Public Health, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen University. Changsha, Hunan. Nov 17-19, 2017. (Keynote Presentation)
- “Leisure-time Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Schoolchildren”. International Conference on Culture of Leisure: Balance of Life. 2017 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum: A Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. August 7-8, 2017. (Invited Presentation)
- “2016 Hong Kong Report Card on Physical Activity for Children”. 2017 International Conference on Physical Activity and Exercise Science. National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. May 20-21, 2017. (Keynote Presentation)
- “High-Intensity Interval Training: Its Physiological and Psychological Responses”. The First Peking University Forum on Sports Medicine. Institute of Sports Medicine, Peking University, Beijing, China. August 31 – September 3, 2017. (Invited Presentation)
- "Physical activity and sedentary behavior for young populations residing in ultra-dense metropolis". The 15th Annual Conference of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Hong Kong. Jul 21, 2016. (Keynote Presentation)
- "Sedentary behavior and health in children: evaluating the evidence". SYSU-CUHK Interdisciplinary Conference on Behavioral Health. Organised by Sun Yat-Sen University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jun 28, 2016. (Invited Presentation)
- "Built Environment and Physical Activity in Hong Kong Children: A Social-ecological Perspective". The Second Guangzhou International Conference on Exercise & Health and The Fourth National Teaching Conference on Kinesiology. Guangzhou Sport University, China. Jun 28, 2015. (Invited Presentation)
- "Addition of Protein to Carbohydrate-electrolyte Solutions: The Effects on Post-exercise Rehydration". 1st International Conference in Sports Science & Technology. Organised by the Institute for Sports Research (ISR) of The Nanyang Technological University-Loughborough University, Dec 11-12, 2014, Singapore. (Invited Presentation)
- "Nutrition and Weight Control for Athletes". The 5th International Forum on Sports Nutrition Food. Invited by the China Sports Nutrition and Food Society of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. Beijing, China. Nov 17 - 18, 2014. (Keynote Presentation)
- "Does Built Environment Influence Children’s Physical Activity? — A Social-Ecological Perspective". The 13th Annual Conference of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Hebei Normal University, Shijazhuang, China. Sep 20 - 21, 2014. (Keynote Presentation)
- "Effect of a Carbohydrate-electrolyte Beverage, Lemon Tea, or Water on Rehydration during Short-term Recovery from Exercise". 2014 Incheon Asian Games International Sport Science Congress. Invited by the Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition. Gyeongin National University of Education, Incheon, Korea. Aug 20 - 22, 2014. (Invited Presentation)
- Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
- Fellow, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science
- Registered Nutritionist, Association for Nutrition, U.K.
- Member, The American Physiological Society
- Member, European College of Sport Sciences
- Member, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Member, The International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Member, Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health
- Outstanding Fellow of Faculty of Education (2014-2019)
- Honorary Professor, University of Sydney (2015 - present)
- Adjunct Professor, Peking Union Medical College (2018 - present)
- Research Excellence Award, Education Panel, CUHK (2010)
- Honorary Professor, Guangzhou Sport University (2015 - present)
- Visiting Scholar, National Taiwan Sports University (2009); Hokkaido University of Education (1999 - present)
- The Best Presenter Award, Annual Conference of British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Belfast, UK, 1995
- Commonwealth Scholar, Commonwealth Scholarship Award, UK, 1993
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
- Member, Editorial Board/Advisory Board
- International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
- ACSM Health and Fitness Journal
- Journal of Sport Sciences
- Asia representative, Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) Board of Directors
- Supervisor, Christian Alliance S. W. Chan Memorial College
- Member, Registered Management Committee, Christian Alliance International School
- Member, Incorporated Management Committee, CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School
- Member, Board of Trustees, United College, CUHK
- Member, Education Panel, 2020 Research Assessment Exercise, University Grants Council, Hong Kong
- Member, Grant Review Board, Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), Food and Health Bureau (August 2018 - September 2020)
- Executive Committee Member, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong
- Council Member, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness
- Council Member, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science
- Co-Chair, Organising Committee, 2018 Annual Meeting of International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Hong Kong, June 3 - 6, 2018.
- Chairman, 2018 Assessment Panel on Physical Education Key Learning Area, the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE), Education Bureau.
- Member, 2018 Assessment Working Group, the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE), Education Bureau.