* JC Exercise-is-Medicine (EIM) Project
* JC Sportovation Project
* Tai Chi / QiGong / Walking for Health Project

Apple W.Y. FUNG (馮穎欣)
Project Coordinator II (Fitness Training)
Project Coordinator II (Fitness Training)

Kenneth K.Y. LIU (廖賡裕)
Part-time Research Assistant
Part-time Research Assistant

Johan Yau-Yin NG (吳又言)
Scientific Officer
Research interests: Sport and Exercise Psychology, Motivation to physical education and physical activity
Scientific Officer
Research interests: Sport and Exercise Psychology, Motivation to physical education and physical activity

Cecilia CHAN (陳凱詩)
School Development Officer II
Research interests: PE Pedagogy, Teaching and Assessment of Fundamental Movement Skills
School Development Officer II
Research interests: PE Pedagogy, Teaching and Assessment of Fundamental Movement Skills

Taoran ZENG (曾陶然)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research interests: Motivation and well-being
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research interests: Motivation and well-being

Chi-wing WONG (王志榮)
Assistant School Development Officer
Assistant School Development Officer

Daniel J.Y. WANG (王嘉陽)
Visiting Student (Loughborough University, UK)
Visiting Student (Loughborough University, UK)

Gareth CHAN (陳家永)
Part-time Research Assistant
Part-time Research Assistant