
Associate Professor
G09 Kwok Sports Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG
(852) 3943 6091
Ed.D. (Leicester, UK),M.P.E. (Springfield College, USA),
B.Ed. (Taiwan Normal, TAIWAN).
- Certified ACSM Health Fitness Specialist
- Physical Literacy
- Professionalization of PE teachers and their learning communities
- Elite athletes' career and their lives
Undergraduate Programme
- SPED 2710: Sociology of Physical Education and Sports
- SPED 3430: Administration and Management in Physical Education and Sports
- SSPE 6100: Sociological Issues in Physical Education
- SPPA 6304: Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Activity
- Exemplary Teaching Award (2019).
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Faculty of Education, CUHK. - Nominee of the UGC Teaching Award (Teams) (2019).
University Grants Committee, Hong Kong SAR. - University Education Award (Teams) (2019).
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. - Excellence Oral Presentation (2012).
International Conference on the Philosophy of Sport, 22-24 December 2012, Taiwan, ROC. - Exemplary Teaching Award (2002-2013; consecutively 11 years)
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Faculty of Education, CUHK.
- Wang, F. Y., & Sum, K. W. R.*, Wong, C. O. J., Cheng, C. F. (Accepted). The development and validation of an instrument for measuring market demand factors associated with sports training tourism for sports teams. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
- Yu, Y. Q., Fong, W. I., Lau, J.T.F., Sum, K. W. R., Leung, F. L. E., Mo, P. K. H. (Accepted). The associations between psychological needs, health-related quality of life, and subjective well-being among Chinese older people: a cross-sectional study. Health and Social Care in the Community.
- Huang, Y. Sum., K. W. R.*, Yang, Y. J., Yeung, C. Y. N. (2020). Measurements of older adults’ physical competence under the concept of physical literacy: A scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(6570), 1-18.
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186570 - Li, M. H., Sum, K. W. R.*, Tremblay, M., Sit, H. P. C., Ha, S. C. A., & Wong, H. S. S. (2020). Cross-validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2): the case of a Chinese population. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-8.
https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2020.1803016 - Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R.*, Leung, F. L. E., Wallhead, T., Morgan, K., Milton, D., Ha, S. C. A., & Sit, H. P. C. (2020). Effect of sport education on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and physical activity levels in university required physical education: A cluster-randomized trial. Higher Education.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-020-00603-5 - Tseng, Y. & Sum, K. W. R. (2020). The attitude of collegiate coaches toward gay and lesbian athletes in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. International Review of the Sport Sociology.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1012690220943140 - Wang, F. J., Chen, M. Y.*, Cheng, C. F.*, & Sum, K. W. R. (2020). Temporal Precedence of Physical Literacy and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction: A Cross-Lagged Longitudinal Analysis of University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4615), 1-12.
https://doi:10.3390/ijerph17124615 - Sum, K. W. R., Morgan, K., Ma, M. S. M., & Choi, S. M.(2020). The influence of a customized continuing professional development programme on physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and efficacy beliefs. UNESCO Prospects – Special Issue.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11125-020-09471-4 - Sum, K. W. R. & Whitehead, M. (2020). Getting up close with Taoist – Chinese perspectives on physical literacy. UNESCO Prospects – Special Issue, 1-10.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11125-020-09479-w - Liang, X., Sit, H. P. C.*, Li, R., Wong, H. S. S., & Sum, K. W. R. (2020). Accelerometer-measured physical activity levels in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 101147.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101147 - Sit, H. P. C., Yu, J., Huang, W., Wong, M., Sum, K. W. R., Tremblay, M., & Wong, H. S. S. (2020). Results from Hong Kong’s 2019 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth with Special Educational Needs. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 18, 177-182.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2020.05.004 - Sum, K. W. R., Li, M. H., Choi, S. M. Huang, Y. & Ma, R. S. (2020). In/visible Physical Education and the Public Health Agenda of Physical Literacy Development in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3304.
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17093304 - Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Ha, A. S. C., Sit, H. P., Shy, D. Y., Wei, F. M. (2020). Preservice physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and teaching efficacy. Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 1, 1-11.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2019-0076 - Li, M. H., Sum, K. W. R.*, Sit, H. P. C., & Wong, H. S. S., & Ha, S. C. A. (2020). Associations between perceived and actual physical literacy level in the Chinese primary school children. BMC Public Health, (20)207.
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8318-4 - Ma, R. S., Sum, K. W. R., Hu, Y. N., & Gao, T. Y. (2020). Assessing Factor Structure of the Simplified Chinese Version of Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument for Undergraduates in Mainland China. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 18(1), 68-73.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2020.01.001 - Sit, C. H. P., Li, R., McKenzie, T. L., Cerin, E., Wong, H. S. S., Sum, K. W. R. & Leung, F. L. E. (2019). Physical activity of children with physical disabilities: Associations with environmental and behavioral variables at home and school. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1394.
- Li, M., Sum, K. W. R.*, Wallhead, T., Ha, S. C. A., & Sit, H. P. C. & Li, R. (2019). Perceived physical literacy on coaching efficacy and leadership behaviour: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, (18), 82-90.
- Li, C., Wong, N. K., Sum, K. W. R., & Yu, C. W. (2019). Pre-service teachers' mindfulness and attitudes toward students with autism spectrum disorder: The role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 36(1), 150-163.
https://journals.humankinetics.com/doi/10.1123/apaq.2018-0044 - Huang, Y. W., Wong, H. S. S.*, Sit, H. P. C., Wong, C. S. M., Sum, K. W. R., Wong, W. S. S. & Yu, J. J. (2019). Results from the Hong Kong’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 17(1), 14-19.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2018.10.003 - Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R.*, Leung, F. L. E., & Ng, S. K. R. (2018). Relationship between perceived physical literacy and physical activity levels among Hong Kong adolescents. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0203105.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203105 - Wei, F. M., Shy, T. Y., & Sum, K. W. (2018). A reflection on the reconceptualization of physical education teacher education curriculum from the standpoint of curriculum reconceptualists. Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education, 32(2), 85-94. DOI: 10.3966/10247300201806302001
- Sum, K. W. R., Cheng, C. F., Wallhead, T., Kuo, C. C., Wang, F. J., Choi, S. M. (2018). Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument for Adolescents: A Further Validation of PPLI. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 16(1), 26-31.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2018.03.002 - Li, C., Wang, L., Block, M. E., Sum, K. W. R. & Wu, Y. (2018). Psychometric Properties of the Physical Educators’ Self-Efficacy Toward Including Students With Disabilities—Autism Among Chinese Preservice Physical Education Teachers Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. DOI: 10.1123/apaq.2017-0086
- Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Ha, S. C. A., & Sit, H. P. C. (2018). Effects of Physical Education Continuing Professional Development on Teachers’ Physical Literacy and Self-Efficacy and Students' Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research, 88, 1-8.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2018.01.001 - Tseng, Y. & Sum, K. W. R. (2017). Attitudes of Taiwan and Hong Kong collegiate student athletes towards homosexuality in sport participation. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Science and Sports, 6(3), 267-280.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21640599.2017.1399660. - Li, R., Sit, C. H. P.*, Yu, J. J., Sum, R. K. W., Wong, S. H., Cheng, K. C. C., & McKenzie, T. L. (2017). Children with Physical Disabilities at School and Home: Physical Activity and Contextual Characteristics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 687. doi:10.3390/ijerph14070687.
- Sum, K. W. R., Tsai, H. H., Ha, A. S. C., Cheng, C. F., Wang, F. J. & Li, M. H. (2017). Social-Ecological Determinants of Elite Student Athletes’ Dual Career Development in Hong Kong and Taiwan. SAGE Open, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/2158244017707798
- Li, M. & Sum, K. W. R.* (2017). A Meta-Synthesis of Elite Athletes’ Experiences in Dual Career Development. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Science and Sports.
http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/zy2M8RQSIVb6Dt2PSSUM/full - Ng, S. K. R., Cheung, C. W. & Sum, K. W. R., (2017) Effects of 6-week agility ladder drills during recess intervention on dynamic balance performance. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 17(1) Art 46, pp. 306-311.
- Ng, S. K. R., Sum, K. W. R., Ng, C. K., Ho, S. C., Lam, W., & Tang, W. M. (2016). Parents’ and pupils’ perceptions towards the implementation of physical education homework in a Hong Kong primary school. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Recreation, 22(1), 40-52.
- Huang, W. Y., Wong, S. H., Wong, M., Sit, C. H. P., Sum, K. W. R., & He, G. (2016). Results from the Hong Kong's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13(Suppl 2), S169 -S175.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2016-0302 - Sum, R. K. W., & Leung, E. F. L. (2016). Efficacy of using Internet-based interventions for physical activity promotion in a Hong Kong Secondary School: An action research approach. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1221026.
http://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1221026 - Sum, R. K. W., Ha, A. S. C., Cheng, C. F., Chung, P. K., Yiu, K. T. C., Kuo, C. C., Yu, C. K., & Wang, F. J. (2016). Construction and Validation of a Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument for Physical Education Teachers. PLoS ONE 11((5) e0155610. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155610
- Sum, R. K. W., Ma, M. S., Ha, A. S., Tang, T. M., Shek, C. K., Cheng, C. L. & Kong, F. (2016). Action Research Exploring Chinese Physical Education Teachers’ Value of Physical Education: From Belief to Culture. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 5(1), 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21640599.2016.1164942
- Sum, K. W. (2016). Interplaying Identity of Hong Kong Primary School Physical Education Teachers: A Grounded Theory Exploration. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(1). 13-23. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2016.01003.
- Sum, R. K. W., & Shi, T. Y. (2016). Lived experiences of a Hong Kong physical education teacher: Ethnographcial and phenomenological approaches. The Qualitative Report, 21(1), 127-143. Retrieved from http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol21/iss1/11
- Choi, S. M., Sum, R. K. W. & Leung, F. L. (2015). Comparison between natural turf and artificial turf on agility performance of rugby union players. Advances in Physical Education, 5, 273-281. doi: 10.4236/ape.2015.54032.
- Ng, Y. Y. J., Burnett, A., Ha, A. H. & Sum, K. W. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Chinese (Cantonese) versions of the KIDSCREEN health-related quality of life questionnaire. Quality of Life Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-015-0973-z
- Ha, A. S., Burnett, A., Sum, K. W. Medic, N. & Ng, Y. Y. (2015). Outcomes of the Rope Skipping ‘STAR’ Programme for Schoolchildren, Journal of Human Kinetics, 45, 233-240. DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2015-0024.
- Sum, K. W. & Ma, M. S. (2014). A Plea for Support for Hong Kong Secondary School Elite Student Athletes: A Grounded Theory Exploration. Asia Pacific Jounral of Sport and Social Science, 3(2), 95-107. DOI: 10.1080/21640599.2014.940691.
- Sum, K. W. & Dimmock, C. (2014). Diversified professionalism of physical education teachers: in the Asian context of Hong Kong. Journal of Teachers and Teaching - Theory and Practice, 20(2), 453-469. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2014.881643.
- Ha, A. S., Chan, C. H., Sum, K. W. & Ng, J. Y. (2014). Promoting Rope Skipping at Hong Kong Schools with Low and Mid Socioeconomic Statuses: An Ecological Perspective, International Review of Social Sciences, 2(4), 104-115.
- Sum, K. W. & Dimmock, C. (2013). The career trajectory of physical education teachers in Hong Kong. European Physical Education Review, 19(1), 62-75. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X12465509.
- Sum, K. W. (2011). Typology of physical education teachers – in the context of Hong Kong primary schools. Educational Research Journal, 26(2) 223-45.
- Ha, A.S., Sum, K. W., O’Sullivan, M. Pang, B. O., & Chan, W.K. (2010). Effects of a Professional Development Programme on Teacher Receptivity and Curriculum Change in Hong Kong Physical Education. Educational Research Journal, 25(1), 47-73.
- Lonsdale, C., Sabiston, C.M., Raedeke, T.D., Ha, A. S. & Sum, K. W. (2009). Self-determined motivation and students' physical activity during structured physical education lessons and free choice periods. Preventive Medicine, 48(1), 69-73.
- Ha, A. S., Wong, A. C., Sum, K. W. & Chan, W. K. (2008). Understanding Teachers’ Will Capacity to Accomplish Physical Education Curriculum Reform: The Implications for Teacher Development. Sport, Education, and Society, 13(1), 77-95.
- Sum, K. W. & Dimmock, C. (2006). A conceptual framework for understanding the professional lives of Hong Kong primary school physical education teachers. International Journal of Learning, 13(2), 29-38.
- Chan W. K., Sum, K. W. & Lau, K. O. (2006). The implementation of the Physical Education assessment at the beginning of curriculum reform in Hong Kong. International Journal of Learning, 13(8), 135-142.
- Chan W. K., Sum, K. W. & Lau, K. O. (2006). Barriers to the Implementation of Physical Education (PE) Assessment in Hong Kong. International Journal of Learning, 13(4), 165-170.
- Sum, K. W. & Dimmock, C. (2005). A discourse on the improvement of Hong Kong physical educational provision. International Journal of Eastern Sports and Physical Education, 3(1), 228-46.
- Sum, K. W., Chan, W. K. & Ha, A. S. (2004). Hong Kong primary schools physical education panel chairpersons' ranking the importance of different leadership skills amid the climate of education & curriculum reforms. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 3, 85-90. (In Chinese).
- Ha, A. S., Lee, J. C., Chan, W. K., & Sum, K. W. (2004). Teachers' Perceptions of In-service Teacher Training to Support Curriculum Change in Physical Education: The Hong Kong Experience. Sport, Education, and Society, 9(3), 421-38.
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- 沈劍威。(2011)。香港的故事、我們的理論:體育社會學質性研究。阿湯圖書。
- 沈劍威、阮 伯 仁。(2008)。體適能基礎理論。人民體育出版社。
- 沈劍威。(2005) 。健體指導【第一版及第二版】。明報出版社。
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- 鄭頌霖、張軒、葉治浩、廖綺珊、沈劍威 (2014)。探討運用資訊科技教授體育科武術單元對評估及教學效能的影響。載於香港教師中心(主編),教育研究報告匯編 – 教育研究獎勵計劃12/13 (頁83-105)。香港教師中心。
- Wong, S. H. & Sum, K. W. (2006). Physical activity in children: the measurement issues. In Johns, D. and Lindner, K. (Eds.), Physical Activity and Health in Schoolchildren in Hong Kong. Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
EXTERNAL- Li, T., Sum, K. W. & Wong, W. (2021-23). Objective Assessment of Physical Competence and Wellness Based on Voice and Speech Analytics. (General Research Fund, Research Grant Committee, Hong Kong SAR, 14208020)
- Sit, H. P., … Sum, K. W. (2019-2021). Adapted Sports Programme for Students with Disabilities - “Sports without Limits” Youth Empowerment Programme. (The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust).
- Shy, D. Y. & Sum, K. W. (2018-2019). The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Literacy-Oriented Physical Education Teacher Education Curriculum. (Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan ROC).
- Ha, S. C., …Sum, K. W., Cheng, C. K., Leung, F. L. (2017-2022). Sport and Physical Activity Development Model for Primary Schools. (The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust).
- Mo, P., Lau, J.T.F., Kwok, T., Sum, R. K. W., Leung, F. L. E. (2017-2019). A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Theory-Based and Setting-Based Intervention in Promoting Strength Training among Older Adults in Hong Kong. (Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Hong SAR)
- Wong, S. H., Sit, C. H. P., Wong, M. C. S., & Sum, K.W. R. (2018). Hong Kong Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. (Tin Ka Ping Foundation)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., Sit, H. P., Wallhead, T. (2016-2018). Effects of Physical Education Continuing Professional Development on Teachers’ Physical Literacy and Self-Efficacy and Students' Learning Outcomes. (General Research Fund, Research Grant Committee, Hong Kong SAR)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., Sit, H. P., Wong, S. K., Fung, M. Y., Chu, W. M., Leung F. L. E., Ng S. K. R., Lau, K. O., Hon, S., Cheng, Y. C., Wong, O. T., Cheung , S. T. J., Lee, C. W. D., & Wong, W. S. S. (2015-2016). Summer School for Physical Education Teachers cum Action Research: “Physical Literacy” and “Assessment Literacy for PE Teachers”. (Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., Lo, Y. C., Leung F. L. E., Ng S. K. R., Chow, C. W., Cheng, H. M., Wong, W. S. S., Tang, T. M., Cheung , S. T. J., Lee, C. W. D. & Wong, A. N. R. (2013-14). Summer School for Physical Education Teachers cum Action Research: An Active Generation. (Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Ha, A. S.,Sum, K. W. & Lonsdale, C. (2012-2013). Active and Positive Living through “Demo Cup” among Hong Kong School Children. Amount Awarded: (The Coca-cola Foundation)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., Wang, L. C., Cheng, H. M., Tang, T. M. & Wong, A. N. (2012). Summer School for Physical Education Teachers cum Qualitative Research Studies. (Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Ha, A. S., Sum, K. W. & Burnett, A. (2011-2012). Coca-cola Rope Skipping STAR Program - Effect of Rope Skipping to Hong Kong Children. (The Coca-cola Foundation)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W., So, C. H., & Law, K. A. (2011-2012). Provision of Advisory Services on Project Design, Monitoring and Coordinating Services for Project Implementation; Statistical Services on Conducting Data Analysis and Compiling Study Report for Healthy Exercise for All Campaign – Physical Fitness Test for the Community of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR)
- Sum, K. W. (2009-2010). Survey on the Effectiveness of Straighten Up Exercises on Primary School Students. (Children Chiropractic Foundation)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. (2009-2010). The Provision of Consultancy Services for The Physical Fitness Requirements for Police Recruitment. (Hong Kong Police Force, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. (2007-2009). Sports for All – Physical Activity Participation Patterns of Hong Kong Citizens. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR)
- Sum, K. W., Hui, S. C. & Chan, W. K. (2007-2008). Provision of National Professional Development Program and Award Scheme for Personal Trainers in China. (Life Fitness Asia Pacific Limited & Uniregent China Limited)
- Lo, Y. C. & Sum, K. W. (2007-2008). Skill Upgrading Scheme – Phase II Courses for Practitioners in Sports Industry. (Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Wong, H. S., Hong, Y., Ha, S. C., Hui, S. C., Lonsdale, C. S., Chan, W. K., Sum, K. W. & Deng, S. X. (2006-2007). Production of Learning and Teaching Materials for the New Senior Secondary Physical Education Elective Curriculum. (Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. (2006). Provision of Services to Develop and Deliver a Training Programme on “Physical Fitness Test“ for Assistant Officer I and II of Correctional Services Department. (Correctional Services Department, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. (2005-2006). Survey Design and Data Analysis Services for Physical Fitness Test for the Community. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. & Chan, W.K. (2005-2006). A Survey Study on Primary Schools Students' Physical Fitness and Their Attitude towards Physical Education. (Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C, Chan, K. M., Morrow, J. & Sum, K. W. (2005-2006). Virtual Trainer: An Innovated Approach for Exercise and Health Promotion. (RGC Earmarked Grant for Research)
- Ha, A. S., Johns, D. P., Chan, W. K. & Sum, K. W. (2004-2006). Effects of a Health-related Curriculum, Teacher Development Program and Student Assessment on School Physical Education. (RGC Earmarked Grant for Research)
- Sum, K. W. & Lo, Y. C. (2004-2005). Skill Upgrading Scheme – Phase I Courses for Practitioners in Sports Industry. (Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. & Chan, W.K. (2004-2005). A Survey Study on Secondary Schools Students' Physical Fitness and Their Attitude towards Physical Education. (Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Hui, S. C., & Sum, K. W. (2003-2004). A Survey Study on Primary Schools Students' Physical Fitness and Their Attitude towards Physical Education. (Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Ha, A. S., Chan, W.K. & Sum, K.W. (2003-2004). PE Teachers Development Programme - Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary Schools. (Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Ha, A. S., Johns, D.P., Chan, W.K. & Sum, K.W. (2003-2004). Effect of an In-service Teacher Development Programme on the Quality of School Physical Education. (Education & Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Ha, A. S., Chan, W.K. & Sum, K.W. (2002-2003). Physical Education Teachers Development Program – Conference and Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary Schools. (Education & Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR)
- Sum, K. W. R. (2020-2021). Developing Physical Literacy for Older Baby Boomers in Hong Kong: a Pilot Habit-Based Intervention. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Yang, Y., Sum, K. W. R. (2020-2021). Strategies to Engage Older Men in Physical Activity in Assisted Care Facilities. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. R., Leung, F. L. E., Yuen, P. Y., Ho, W. K., Tang, T. M., Wong, O. T., Li, S. Y. & Fung, K. F. (2019-2021). Longitudinal Effects of Sport Education Intervention – Nurturing a Purposeful Unique Physical Literacy Journey. (Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), CUHK).
- Sum, K. W. R. (2019-2020). A Pilot Study of Active Classroom in Primary School. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. R. (2018-19). The Assessment of Physical Literacy Level of Hong Kong Children: A Cross-Sectional Study. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Leung, F. L. E., Sum, K. W. R., Yuen, P. Y., Ng, S. K., Tang, T. M., Ho, W. K., Choi, S. M. (2018-19). Effects of Sport Education Intervention on Students’ Perceived Physical Literacy and Physical Activity Levels in University Required Physical Education. (Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), CUHK).
- Cheng, K. C. C. & Sum, K. W. R. (2017-18). The association of health literacy and physical literacy with fall risk in Hong Kong Chinese older adults. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. R., Yung S. H. P., Leung F. L. E., Lee, C. W. D., Ho, W. K. R., Lee, W. Y. J., Mok, K. M., & Chan, C. K. H. (2016-17). Developing and Sustaining the “Support Program for Secondary School Student Athletes – Fostering Different Levels of Academic and Athletic Development”. (Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. R., Leung, F. L., Ng, S. K. R., & Choi, S. M. (2016-17). Relationship between Perceived Physical Literacy (PL) and Physical Activity (PA) Levels among Hong Kong Adolescents. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Sit, C. H. P., So, C. W. C., Leung, E. F. Y., Wong, S. H. S., Sum, R. K. W., & Yiu, B. (2016)."Getting our kids active" - Promoting motor skills proficiency of Hong Kong children with developmental coordination disorder. (Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W., O’Reilly, J., Cheung, S. T. J., & Ha, A. S. (2016). Micro-teaching: The Application Flipped Classroom Learning to Invert the Sports Science Classroom with Smartphone and Tablet Devices. (Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant – Scheme 1: Basic Scheme, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. (2015-2017). Effects of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on Physical Education Teachers’ Self-efficacy. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., & Tsai, S. H. (2014-2015). A Pilot Study of Career Development of Elite Student Athletes in Hong Kong and Taiwan - Design of the CAESARS Project: Customized Career Assistance and Support Systems. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Ha, A. S., Sum, K. W., Leung, F. L. E., Ng, Y. Y., Cheung, S. T. & Chan, H. S. (2014-2015) Active Hong Kong, Healthy Citizens – A Family-based Physical Activity, Fundamental Movement Skills, and Nutrition Program. (Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W. & Ha, A. S. (2012). Career Transition of Retired Elite Athletes in Hong Kong. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Ha, A. S., Sum K. W. & Tang, E. (2010-11). Creating and Sustaining Communities of Practice for Physical Education Teacher's Continuing Professional Development (CPD). (Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK)
- Hui, S. C., Sum, K. W. & Lee, J. (2010-11). Virtual Trainer for Exercise and Health Promotion: Transferring Knowledge to Practice. (Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK)
- Sum, K. W., Ha, A. S., & Chan, W. K. (2008). The Professional Lives of Hong Kong Primary School Physical Education Teachers. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Lonsdale, C. S., Ha, A. S., Raedeke, T. & Sum, K. W. (2006-2007). A Cross-cultural Examination of Factors Influencing the Motivation and Physical Activity of High School Physical Education Students. (Direct Grant for Research, CUHK)
- Executive Member of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China. (1994 - )
- Vice President of the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China (2009 - )