The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG
MEd and PhD (University of Manchester).
Assessment in PE and sport
Portfolio learning approach
Student attitudes towards physical activities
Sports climbing
Chan Wan Ka“Developing the Electronic Physical Education Portfolio approach by the use of WebCT”(Academic IT Steering Committee, CUHK 07-08)
PI Au Yuen-yee, Lee Chi-kin, Chan Wan Ka, Chun Ka-wai, Co-I, Chan Wai-ock, Chung Yue-ping, Ha Sau-ching, Hui Sai-chuen, Yu Nae-wing, David Coniam, Lau Kit-ling, Chui Ching-ying, Ng Mau-yuen, and NG Lai-yiu" Developing an Outcomes-based Approach (OBA) for Learning and Teaching in Teacher Education”(Teaching Development Grants for 2005-08. 2007-2008)
Wong Heung Sang (PI), Hong Youlian, HA Sau Ching, Hui Sai Chuen, Lonsdle Christopher Sean, Chan Wan Ka, Sum Kim Wai and Deng Shu Xun“Production of Learning and Teaching Materials for the New Senior Secondary Physical Education Elective Curriculum”(Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR, Government 2006-2007)
Sum Kim Wai, Hui, Sai Chuen and Chan Wan Ka“Provision of National Professional Development Program and Award Scheme for Personal Trainers in China”(Life Fitness Asia Pacific Limited & Uniregent China Limited 2007)
Chan Wan Ka“Courseware Development Grant 2004-2005”(Academic IT Steering Committee, CUHK 2005-2006)
Hui Sai Chuen, Sum Kim Wai and Chan Wan Ka" A survey on students' physical fitness and their attitude towards physical education 2005-2006 (Primary school)”(Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR 2005-2006)
Hui Sai Chuen, Sum Kim Wai and Chan Wan-Ka"A survey on students' physical fitness and their attitude towards physical education"(Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR 2004-2005)
Ha Amy, Johns David, Chan Wan-Ka, and Sum Kim Wai"Effects of a Health-related Curriculum, Teacher Development Programme, and Student Assessment on School Physical Education"(RGC. Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2006)
Ha Sau-Ching, Amy, Chan Wan-Ka, and Sum Kim-Wai"Physical Education Teachers Development Programme - Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary and Secondary Schools."(Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government, 2003-04)
Ha Sau-Ching, Amy, Chan Wan-Ka, and Sum Kim-Wai"Effect of an In-service Teacher Development Programme on the Quality of School Physical Education."(District Teacher Network, Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government, 2003-2004)
Ha Sau-Ching, Amy, Chan Wan-Ka, and Sum Kim-Wai"Physical Education Teachers Development Programme - Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary Schools."(Education Department, Hong Kong SAR Government, 2002-2003)
Chan Wan-Ka, Hong Youlian, Rob Carroll and Chau Cheong-Leung"Development of PE assessment related profile syste - including electronic recording system"(Hong Kong Education Department)
Chan Wan-Ka"The effectiveness of using a learning portfolio in the pre-service teacher gymnastics course."(United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Faculty Research Grant)
Chan Wan-Ka, Hong Youlian and Rob Carroll"Authentic assessment: The implications of the observational checklists and scoring rubric in school physical education program"
(Direct Grant for Research)
Chan Wan-Ka, Hong Youlian, Chan K.H. and Chan C.H."Teaching and learning profiles in secondary school Physical Education"(Hong Kong Education Department Quality Education Fund)
Hui Sai-Chuen and Chan Wan-Ka"Use of information technology in quality physical education: Development of an interactive web-based computer program"(Hong Kong Education Department Quality Education Fund)
Ha Sau-ching, Wong H.S., Chan Wan-Ka and Others"The Jump rope for heart project: An education programme for Hong Kong school children"(Hong Kong Education Department Quality Education Fund)
Ha Sau-ching, Wong H.S., Chan Wan-Ka and Others."Rope Jumping: Fun and Fitness"(Hong Kong Education Department)
Chan Wan-Ka"Reliability test on swimming checklists assessment form: Implications for teaching and coaching"(United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Faculty Research Grant)
Chan Wan-Ka"Self-efficacy test of physical ability for Hong Kong secondary school student"(United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Faculty Research Grant)
Chan Wan-Ka, Hong Youlian and Choi Y.K."Test battery for the motor skills squash: Implication for assessing and coaching"(Hong Kong Sports Development Board)
Chan Wan-Ka"Qualitative measures of teaching performance and student achievement in physical education"(Direct Grant for Research)
Chan Wan-Ka and Johns D.P.,"Specialist teacher's evaluation of the Hong Kong certificate Education Examination in Physical Education"(Direct Grant for Research)
Chan Wan-Ka, Shuttleworth J. and Ha Sau-ching"The Go! Sport Programme: A three years performance review"(Hong Kong Sports Development Board)
Shuttleworth J. and Chan Wan-Ka"Go Sport comsumer impact analysis"(Hong Kong Sports Development Board)
Cheng,Y.Y., Chan, W.K., (2011).Factors associated with participation in sports climbing in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 5th international Outdoor Education Research. July 4 to 8, 2011 in Denmark.
Chan, W.K., Cheng,Y.Y., (2011).Self-efficacy for Sports Climbing Participants in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 5th international Outdoor Education Research. July 4 to 8, 2011 in Denmark.
Chan ,W.K., Lam H.K. (2010). A longitudinal study of pre-service physical education teachers’ experiences on gymnastics learning in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 13th World Sport for All Gongress. June 14 to 17, 2010 in Jyvaskyla, Finland
Cheng,Y.Y., Chan, W.K., Horst, E.J., and Ng, Y.Y. (2010). Evaluation of an instrument to assess sports climbing abilities: The factorial validity of a self-assessment questionnaire. Poster presentation in 13th World Sport for All Congress. June 14 to 17, 2010 in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Chan, W.K., Horst, E.J., Cheng,Y.Y and Ng, Y.Y. (2009). Content validity and internal consistency of self-assessment questionnaire for climbing abilities. Poster presentation in 14th ECSS Congress. June 24 to 27, 2009 in Oslo, Norway.
Chan,W.K., Hui,S.C. , Sum,K.W and Tse, M. (2008). The effectiveness of primary school physical education in developing generic skills. Poster presentation in The International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, Japan, 21-24, Sapporo, Japan.
Chan,W.K. Chau,W.S and Wong,KP. (2007). Effectiveness of the Physical Education portfolio (PEP) approach in primary PE curriculum. Poster presentation in The Asia-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science 2007, December 6-8, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Chan, W.K., Carroll, R. and Hong, Y. (2007). Effectiveness of the Physical Education Portfolio (PEP) Approach in Secondary School PE Teaching. Poster presentation in The Learning Conference, June 26-29, Johannesburg. South Africa.
Chan, W.K., Carroll, R. and Melograno, V. (2006). The development of generic skills and the use of the Physical Education portfolio (PEP) approach in the aerobics course. Poster presentation in World Dance Alliance Global Assembly. July 17 to 21, 2006 in Toronto, Canada.
Chan,W.K., Hui,S.C. and Sum,K.W. (2006). The effectiveness of secondary school physical education in developing generic skills of junior student. Poster presentation in 11th ECSS Congress. July 5 to 8, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Chan,W. K., Hui, S. C., and Sum, K.W. (2006). Content validity and internal consistency of self-efficacy towards generic skills test for physical education programme. Poster presentation in 11th ECSS Congress. July 5 to 8, 2006 in Lausanne. Switzerland.
Sum, K. W., Ha, A. S., Chan, W. K. & Johns, D. (2006). Factors affecting the professional lives of PE teachers in Hong Kong. Proceedings: the 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, European College of Sport Science, 5-8 July 2006, Switzerland.
Ha, A.S., Chan, W.K., & Sum, R.K. (2006). Effects of a Teacher Development Program and Student Assessment Scheme on Teachers’ Value Orientation and Their Compatibility with the Physical Education Curriculum. AIESEP World Congress, Role of Physical Education and Sport in Promoting Physical Activity and Health, 5-8 July 2006, Finland.
Ha, S. C. Sum, K.W. and Chan W. K. (2006). Physical Education teachers’ perspective and satisfaction on an in-service development program for curriculum reform. Poster presentation in AAHERD National Convention and Exposition, 2006 April 25-29. Salt Lake City, USA .
Chan, W.K., Carroll, R. and Hong, Y. (2006). Development of self-efficacy among female students through the Physical Education portfolio learning approach. Poster presentation in 2006 World Conference on Women and Sports, Kumanoto, May 11-14, Japan.
Chan, W.K., Hong, Y., and Carroll, R. (2006). Effectiveness of the Physical Education portfolio (PEP) approach in female students. Poster presentation in 2006 World Conference on Women and Sports, Kumanoto, May 11-14, Japan.
- Chan W. K., Sum, K.W. and Lau, K. O. (2006). Barriers to the implementation of Physical Education (PE) assessment in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in The Learning Conference, June 22-25, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Chan W. K., Sum, K.W. and Lau, K. O. (2006). The implementation of the Physical Education assessment at the beginning of curriculum reform in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in The Learning Conference, June 22-25, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Sum, K. W., Chan, W. K. and Ha, A. S. (2006) Organizational Communication in Physical Education Departments in Hong Kong Primary Schools. Poster presentation in The Learning Conference, June 22-25, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. (2005). Effectiveness of the Physical Education Portfolio Approach in Physical Education Curriculum. Poster presentation in AAHERD National Convention and Exposition, 2005 April 12-16. Chicago, Ill., USA.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R.(2005). Development of Self-Efficacy through the Physical Education Portfolio Learning Appraoch. Poster presentation in AAHERD National Convention and Exposition, 2005 April 12-16. Chicago, Ill., USA.
Grandison, P. Chan, W.K., James, A.E. and Johns.D.P (2004). Attitudes of Hong Kong Primary School Children Towards Animals and Animal Related Issues. Paperpresented at the XIXth International Congress of Zoology, Beijing. August 23-27, 2004.
Chan,W.K., Carroll, R. and Hong, Y (2003). Parental attitudes towards using the physical education portfolio (PEP) in Hong Kong secondary schools. Poster presentation in 4 th ASPASP Congress. June 29 to July 2, 2003 in Seoul, Korea, Proceedings, 43-44.
Chan,W.K., Carroll, R. and Hong, Y (2003). Physical education teachers’ attitudes towards using physical education portfolio (PEP) in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 8 th ECSS Congress. July 9 to 12, 2003 in Salzburg. Proceedings, 421.
Sum K.W. and Chan, W.K. (2003). A Pilot Study of Physical Activities Participation in Relation to Youth Risk Behaviour. Poster presentation in 8 th ECSS Congress. July 9 to 12, 2003 in Salzburg. Proceedings, 119.
Li,K.K. and Chan,W.K. (2003). A Preliminary study on the development of self-efficacy toward the performance of physical abilities for Hong Kong Secondary School Students (Aged 12-17). Poster presentation in 8 th ECSS Congress. July 9 to 12, 2003 in Salzburg. Proceedings, 422.
- Sum K.W. and Chan, W.K. (2003). Physical activity participation. In relation to self-awareness of mental health of secondary school students. Poster presentation in 4 th ASPASP Congress. June 29 to July 2, 2003 in Seoul, Korea. Proceedings, 308-309.
Chan,W.K. , Hong,Y. and Fong,D. (2002). A preliminary study on motor skill performance of children in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 7 th ECSS Congress. July 24 to 28, Athens.
Chan,W.K. , Hong,Y. and Fong,D. (2002). The development of the fundamental movement skill of children in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in 20 th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, July 1- 5, Spain.
- Chan,W.K., Carroll.R. and Hong.Y (2002). Attitudes of Hong Kong physical education teachers and students toward using physical education portfolios (PEPs). Poster presentation in 44th ICHPER‧SD World Congress. 2002 June 26 to 29, 2002 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Chan,W.K. (2002) The implementation of learning portfolios in secondary school physical education courses. Oral presentation in HPEC/CAHERD Conference, 2002 May 9-11. Banff, Canada.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. and V.Melograno (2002). Attitudes of student teachers and students toward using physical education portfolios (PEPs). Oral presentation in AAHERD National Convention and Exposition, 2002 April 9-13. San Diego, USA.
Ha, A.S., Wong, S.H., Chan, W.K., & Morris, J. (2002). Effects of School-based Rope Skipping and Nutrition Programs on Hong Kong School Children. Poster presentation in AAHPERD National Convention, April 9-13, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Chan,W.K., Carroll,R., Hong,Y., and Fong,D. (2001). A preliminary study on the effect of an interactive videodisc for swimming (IDVS) in the physical education teacher education swimming program. Poster presentation in 6 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2001 July 24-28. Cologne, German.
- Chan,W.K. (2001). Core knowledge in primary school physical education: what students learnt in the cognitive domain. Poster Presentation in AIESEP Taiwan 2001 International Conference, 2001 June 20-22. Taipei, Taiwan.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. and Chio,T. (2001) Development of a Squash Proficiency Test Battery for Male Player. Oral presentation in AAHERD National Convention, 2001 March 27-31. Ohio, USA.
- Shuttleworth,J and Chan,W.K., (1998). Youth Sport-For-All Development in Hong Kong. Oral presentation, The 7th World Sport for All Congress, Barcelona, Spain, November, 1998.
Chan,W.K. (2006). Physical Education teacher’s perception of the status of Physical Education in Hong Kong. International Journal of Eastern Sports and Physical Education, 10, pp. 247-254.
Chan W. K., Sum, K.W. and Lau, K. O. (2006). The implementation of the Physical Education assessment at the beginning of curriculum reform in Hong Kong. International Journal of Learning, 13 (8), pp. 135-142.
Chan,W.K., Sum,K.W. and Lau,K.O. (2006). Barriers to the Implementation of Physical Education (PE) Assessment in Hong Kong. International Journal of Learning, 13 (4), pp.165-170.
Ha, A.S., Wong, S.H., Chan, W.K., & Fishburne, G. (2006). Effects of a Skipping and Health Education Program among School Children in Hong Kong. Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance, 42(1), 14-19.
Hui, S.C., Sum, K.W., Chan, W.K. and Morrow, J.R. (2006). Validity and Reliability of the EMB Health-related Physical Fitness Test Battery for Secondary School Students. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise supplement, 38 (5).
Pang AWY, Fong DTP, Chan, W.K. and Hong Y (2005). A pilot study of mastery of fundamental motor skills of primary school students in Hong Kong. In Proceedings of XXIIIrd International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (pp. 418-421), Beijing, China.
Chan, W.K. (2005). Evaluation of develop and reform in the Physical Education curriculum using the accountability system approach. New Horizons in Education, 51, 33-37.
Chan, W.K. (2005). Evaluation of the assessment in the physical education curriculum for secondary schools in Hong Kong. PhD. thesis, the University of Manchester, UK.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. (2005). Effectiveness of the Physical Education Portfolio Approach in Physical Education Curriculum. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (1), (Supplement), 64.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R.(2005). Development of Self-Efficacy through the Physical Education Portfolio Learning Appraoch. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (1), (Supplement), 98.
Sum,S.W., Chan,W.K. and Ha,A.S. (2004). Hong Kong primary schools physical education panel chairpersons’ ranking the importance of different leadership skills amid the climate of education and curriculum reforms. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal. 3, 85-90.
Ha, A.S., Lee, J.C., Chan, W.K., & Sum, R.K. (2004). Teachers' Perceptions of In-service Teacher Training to Support Curriculum Change in Physical Education: The Hong Kong Experience. Sport, Education, and Society. 9(3), 421-438.
Ha, A.S., Chan, W.K. & Xu, B. (2003). Teacher Behaviors and Student Activity Levels in Secondary School Physical Education. Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance. 39(3), 56-59.
Chan,W.K. and Johns,D. (2003). Implementing New Programmes: The Case of Physical Education. In Stimpson, P. Morris,P. Fung,Y. and Carr,R. (Eds) Curriculum, Learning and Assessment: the Hong Kong experience. P. 29-46. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong Press.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. and V.Melograno (2002). Attitudes of student teachers and students toward using physical education portfolios (PEPs). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73 (1), (Supplement), A61.
Chan,W.K., Shuttleworth,J and Ha, A.S. (2002). Development of self-efficacy through participation in modified sport: a Hong Kong case study. Journal of International Council for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation,38 (2), 18-21.
Ha, A.S., Chan, W.K. & & Xu, B.L. (2002). Physical Education Teacher Behaviors and Student Motor Appropriate Time among Shanghai and Hong Kong Schools, Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Sport, and Dance. 38(4), 12-14.
Ha, A.S., Wong, S.H., Chan, W.K., & Morris, J. (2002). Effect of School-Based Rope Skipping and Nutrition Programs on Hong Kong School Children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 73(1), (supplement), A68.
Johns,P.D., Ha,S.C. and Chan,W.K. (2001). Possible influences of urban environments on eating and physical activity behaviors. Journal of International Council for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 37 (4), 40-45.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y., Carroll,R. and Chio,T. (2001) Development of a Squash Proficiency Test Battery for Male Player. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72 (1), (Supplement), A43.
Chan,W.K. and Johns,D. (1998). Implementing new programmes: The case of Physical Education. The Education Research Journal 13 (2) p.177-195.
Hong,Y., Robinson,P.D, Chan,W.K., (1998).Game strategy used by the world’s top female squash players in international competition. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 7(1), 27-44.
Shuttleworth,J. and Chan,W.K. (1998). Youth sport education and development in Hong Kong: A conflict model social impact assessment. Sport, Education and Society Journal.3,(1), 37-58.
Hong,Y., Robinson,P.D. and Chan,W.K. (1997). Profile of playing pattern in female squash players in international competition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29(5)284.
Hong,Y., Chang,C.M.T., and Chan,W.K. (1996). Comparison of game strategy employed by national and international squash players in competitive situation, Journal of Human Movement Studies, 31:89-104.
- Hong,Y., Robinson,P.D, Chan,W.K., Clark,C.R. and Choi,T. (1996).Notational analysis on game strategy used by the world’s top male squash players in international competition. The Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 28(1):17-22.
AAHPERD = American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
ASPASP = Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology
ECSS= European College of Sport Science.
Chan, W.K., Wong Y.L., Ho, W.C. (2010) Sports climbing guide. Hong Kong: Tangsbooks. (Chinese version)
Chan,W.K. (2003). Primary school physical education teacher’s opinions in PE assessment. In Ha,S.C., Chan,W.K. and Sum,,K.S. A final report on PE teachers development programme – Conferences and workshops for PE curriculum leaders in primary schools. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y, Carroll,R. and Chau,C.L (2003). A final report on seed projects of Education Department: Development of PE assessment related profile system – Including electronic recording system. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Chan,W.K. (2002). Portfolio learning in Hong Kong: Related researches and examples. In Conference of teaching and learning in physical education: Learning portfolio. Jung 29, 2002. Proceedings, 19-34. Hong Kong: Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK.
Chan,W.K. (2002). Final Report for the Chung Chi College conference grant—Teaching and learning in physical education: Learning portfolio. Hong Kong: Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Ha, A.S., Chan, W.K., Wong, S.H., Fung, W.M., & Fung, F.K. (2001). Rope Jumping: Fun and Fitness (A Handbook and VCD) – A School-based Curriculum Project. Research, Evaluation, and Projects Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department.
Ha,A.S. Chan, W.K., Wong,H.S. Fung,S.Y. and Fung,K.F. (2001). Rope Jumping: Fun and Fitness (A Handbook and VCD- A School –based Curriculum Project). Hong Kong: Education Department.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y, Chan,C.H and Chan,K.H (2000). Physical education skills teaching handbook. Funding by Hong Kong Quality Education Fund.
- Chan,W.K. (1993). Play advance squash. (Chinese version). Hong Kong: Jeremiah Publishing Co.
Hui, S.C. and Chan,W.K. (2002) www.pe-web.org. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Quality Education Fund Secretariat and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Chan,W.K., Hong,Y, Carroll,R and Chau,C.L. (2001).Physical education assessment and learning system (PEALS): Computer Software Program for Physical education Record or Achievement in Hong Kong School (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Department and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Chan,W.K., Hong,Y, Chan,K.H , and Chan,C.H (2000).Physical education assessment key (PEAK): Computer Software Program for Physical education Assessment in Hong Kong School (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Quality Education Fund Secretariat and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Psychomotor Learning
- Physical Education Curriculum
- Foundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport
- Teaching Swimming
- Teaching Swimming II
- Teaching Gymnastics
- Teaching Squash
- Teaching Volleyball
- Teaching Folk Dance
- Teaching Table Tennis
- Teaching alternative physical education: Teaching Sport Climbing
- Teaching Practice I, II, III