Prof. Bruce Abernethy of The University of Queensland visited SSPE (3 Jul 2017)

Prof. David Crawford and Prof. Paul Gastin, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, from Deakin University visited SSPE (22 May 2017)

Academic staff members of SSPE and the Faculty of Sports Science, Chulalongkorn University meet at SSPE department to discuss potential collaborative opportunities on 17 January 2017

9 December 2016 - Prof. William A Gough, Vice Principal Academic & Dean of The University of Toronto (UTSC) and colleagues from UTSC visited SSPE

"Dr. Mark Wilson, University of Exeter, visited SSPE on August 29, 2016 and gave a talk ones on the development of gaze training for motor skills in children

9 August 2016 - Delegates from Physical Education Section, Education Bureau of Taiwan visit SSPE Department

3 June 2016 - Academic Staff of Staffordshire University,
United Kingdom on their recent visit to the SSPE Department to discuss future collaboration opportunities

15 April 2016 - Delegates from the Sports Science Academy of Nepal and the National Sports Council , Nepal visited SSPE