In accordance with MPFSO, the employees of the University who are aged 18 or above but below 65 and who have completed 60 days of employment shall join the MPF System. There are some exceptions:
- Employees who participate in an MPF exempted ORSO scheme provided by the University (if they are offered such an option and they so elect).
- Employees on work visas for Hong Kong within the initial validity period of not exceeding 13 months.
- Employees on work visas who are members of a provident fund, pension, retirement or superannuation scheme of a place outside Hong Kong.
Employee who wants to be exempted from the MPFS mandatory contribution requirements based on (c) is required to submit “Form for Clearance of Exemption Status”to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of Finance Office (3/F, Sui Loong Pao Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) within 30 days after commencement of appointment.

Enrolment Procedure
Except for exempted persons, an employee should select an MPF scheme (FRMT or AGI Plan), complete enrolment form and specify investment options for his/her accrued benefits. Employees are advised to study the MPF Scheme Enrolment Offering Documents and Investment Performance of the two schemes, and the Comparison of Master Trust MPF Schemes and Fees before making decision.
In the event that an employee does not exercise the selection of an MPF scheme (either FRMT or AGI Plan) under the University MPF System, he/she will be deemed to join the MPF Scheme at the University¡¦s choice. In this instance, the University will submit the employee¡¦s personal information as required in the Membership Enrolment Form to the MPF service provider concerned. However, in order to complete the MPF account opening process, the MPF service provider will contact the employee to require the completion and return of a Membership Enrolment Form / Self-Certification Form to make sure law-mandated information is collected before the MPF contributions received from the University in respect of the employee can be credited to his/her account.

Employees who wish to transfer their accrued MPF benefits from previous employer to their chosen MPF scheme in the University should, after receiving the Notice of Participation from the scheme trustee, complete the Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form MPF(S)-P(M) and send it to the respective scheme trustee for processing.
