Clinical Research
NNPRU is the first "model unit" of its kind in Hong Kong which aims to develop, test, implement and evaluate care innovations in nursing practice, including assessment tools, clinical protocols, clinical pathways, and clinical technological and resource innovations, and disseminate the research findings to other healthcare settings.
In recent years, NNPRU has two ongoing projects. One is about nursing preceptorship. Another project is to optimize the functional status of hospitalized elderly.
Chan, H. Y., So, W. K., Aboo, G., Sham, A. S., Fung, G. S., Law, W. S., Wong, H. L., Chau, C. L., Wong, C., Tsang, L. F. & Chair, S. Y. (2019). Understanding the needs of nurse preceptors in acute hospital care setting: A mixed-method study. Nurse Education in Practice, 38, 112-119.
The NNPRU has also developed two evidence-based care protocols on oral health and foot health respectively for geriatric patients. Study findings showed that the protocols are effective in promoting geriatric patients' health and enhancing their quality of life. Some of these findings have been published and presented in conferences. Details of the studies can be found in the following links:
- Assessment Tools
- Clinical Protocols
- Evidence-based Oral Care Protocol
- Evidence-based Foot and Toenail Care Protocol
- Evidence-based Bowel Care Protocol
- Evidence-based Skin Care Protocol
- Relevant Publications and Presentations
- Yu, D. S. F., Lee, D. T. F., Hong, A., Lau, A., Man, C. W., & Leung, E. M. F. (2007). Oral health status and oral health-related quality of life of geriatric patients. Presented at the 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Beijing.
- Yu, D., S. F., Lee, D. T. F., Hong, A. W. L., Lau, T. Y., & Leung, E. M. F. (2008). Impact of oral health status on oral health-related quality of life in Chinese hospitalized geriatric patients. Quality of Life Research, 17, 397-405.
- Yu, D., S. F., & Lee, D. T. F. (2008). Promoting oral health: a highly prioritized care in geriatric setting. Newsletter, Hong Kong Nurses Association of Gerontology, 8, 2-4.
- Yu, D., Lee, D., & Leung, E. (2009). Improving oral health of the geriatric patients: Effects of an evidence-based oral care intervention protocol. Presented at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress, Paris.
- Foot and Toenail Care Booklet for order people and families (Chinese version only)
- Lee, D. T. F., Chan, H. Y. L., Leung, E. M. F., Man, C. W., Lai, K. M., Leung, M. W., Wong, J. S. W., Chair, D. S. H. & Wong, I. K. Y. (2010). Effects of an evidence-based foot and toenail care protocol in geriatric patients. Presented at the 18th Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong.
- Chan, H. Y. L., Lee, D. T. F., Leung, E. M. F., Man, C. W., Lai, K. M. & Leung, M. W. (2011). The effects of an evidence-based foot and toenail care protocol for older people. Presented at the 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), Seoul.
- Chan, H. Y. L., Lee, D. T. F., Leung, E. M. F., Chan, S. K., Tang, E. S. K., & Leung, M. W. (2012). Lifestyle pattern and constipation in older adults in Hong Kong.Presented at the Fifth Pan-pacific Nursing Conference and Seventh Nursing Symposium on Cancer care, Hong Kong. 22 September, 2011.
- Chan, H. Y. L., Lee, D. T. F., Leung, E. M. F., Man, C. W., Lai, K. M., Leung, M. W., & Wong, I. K. Y. (2012). The effects of a foot and toenail care protocol for older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 33, 446-453.
- Lee, D. T. F. (2012). The practical application of nursing practice research to promote the care of elderly patients. Presented at the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong. 24 November, 2012.
- Chan, H. Y. L., Lee, D. T. F., Leung, E. M. F., Chan, S. K., Tang, E. S. K., & Leung, M. W. (2012). Promoting the quality of life of Chinese elders with constipation.Presented at the Asian Chinese Quality of Life Symposium, Guangzhou.15 September, 2012.
- Bowel Care Booklet for Older People and Families (Chinese version only)
- Skin Care Booklet for Older People and Families (Chinese version only)