Principles, Policies and Procedures

CUHK Principles of Community

The following Principles of Community set the expectations that all members of the CUHK community have to follow. They are vital for ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the CUHK community and for serving as a standard for our personal and collective behavior. Everybody who joins the CUHK community does so by choice and, as part of that choice, is expected to observe these Principles of Community.

CUHK and all members of the CUHK community 


commit to fostering academic excellence in an atmosphere of openness, respect, empathy and inclusivity;


cherish the richness contributed to our community by our diversity and respect individual differences;


reject all forms of hatred, violence, discrimination, intolerance, harassment and bullying towards individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, geographic provenance, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, language, ability / disability, socioeconomic status, and other factors;


pledge to defend the right to academic freedom, including the right to free speech and free expression, provided that the exercise and preservation of these rights must lie within the bounds of responsibility, integrity, civility and legality.

Policies and Procedures

The University strives to develop policies and operations for the compliance of the anti-discrimination ordinances.

The links below set out the policies and procedures framing our work on diversity and inclusion.

Policies and Procedures

- Discrimination Complaint Handling:
    • Procedures in Handling Discrimination Complaints (To be released)
    • Policy Against Sexual Harassment
- Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Gender-sensitive & Family Friendly Policies/ Practice