Do What You Love, Love What You Do

“Do what you love, Love what you do”
A simple tagline that many of us have heard, but who can achieve it in reality? When we spend almost 8 hours a day for work, it will be frustrating if we are working on something we dislike. Career Development Facilitation becomes more popular in recent years, in which professionally trained career development facilitators guide individuals to explore their career interests in various ways, including job aptitude tests, consultation etc. The College has kick-started its very first Career Facilitation Development Scheme, in cooperation with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK, for our undergraduates. In this pilot scheme, students participated in career talks, one-on-one consultations with qualified Career Development Facilitators and Interactive Modern Job Preparation Workshop held by professional HR practitioners.
Virtual Kick-off Ceremony cum Briefing Session
The Virtual Kick-off Ceremony was held on 19 March 2021. We were honored to invite Ms Sandy Ng, Programme Leader of School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK, to introduce the scheme. Participants then met their Career Development Facilitators for the first time.
One–on–One Career Consultation with Career Development Facilitators
Students were arranged to meet their qualified Career Development Facilitators four times. In each session, facilitators prepared different tasks to let students explore their abilities, characteristics and interest.
Interactive Modern Job Preparation Workshop
Through tailor-made card games, students further understood their own talents and put their knowledge learnt from Career Development Facilitators in practice during the game “Job Pitch!”. Ms Rainnie So, Director of CAPALA, a social enterprise specialising in youth career training, then walked students through essential skills in CV writing and during job interviews. Students also had a chance to learn professional HR jargon and use these jargons to upgrade their CV.