Student Development
23 Dec 2022
Language Improvement Project Christmas Party

Students are excited about the Lucky Draw in the party.
United College Language Improvement Project (LIP) held its first ever Christmas Party on 23 December 2021 atSi Yuan Amenities Centre. It was the last day of the examination period and the best occasion for local and non-local students to enjoy the festive vibes while practicing English. We were delighted to have Professor Eunice L Y Tang, Convenor of LIP, Ms Emily Sun and Ms Sophia Jeongyoon Han, Williams’ Fellows, to be the ambassadors to mingle with the students. They played some party games, watched a Christmas movie together and enjoyed the refreshment. The party ended with a lucky draw and prize presentation session. It was a fun evening filled with laughter and cheers.
Professor Eunice L Y Tang, Convenor of LIP, joined the party and mingled with students.
Christmas is a present time! The College prepared presents for participants who won the Best Player Award, Best Dressed Award and lucky draw.
Students brought their own ornaments and dressed up for the party.
Students who completed the LIP courses in Term 1 received their certificates.
The participants enjoyed light refreshment and watched Christmas movie.