You See 360° – College Assemblies of UC, 2023-2024 Term 2 (Part I)

A total of 12 College Assemblies would be held throughout Term 2 of 2023-2024 with the theme of “You See 360°”. Let’s recap the first five assemblies in January and February:
【Yoga and Meditation Workshop】
The first College Assembly in the Term 2 of 2023-2024 was held on 19 January 2024 at the Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium, United College. Different from the traditional seminars held in the past, this college assembly was held in workshop format. Miss Kylie H C Yau, a CUHK alumnus and yoga instructor, was invited to conduct the workshop in English with 100 participants. Kylie demonstrated various yoga poses to the students, guided them through yoga exercises and meditation. Kylie also emphasised the importance of nurturing both physical and mental wellness and inspired the students to integrate these practices into their daily life.
【Promotion for the Election of United College Student Union & Talk on Diversity and Inclusiveness】
The second assembly was held on 26 January 2024 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. In the ‘College Session’, Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate Head and Dean of Students, presented the trophy to Chan Chun Ha Hostel (CCHH) for winning the champion of ‘19th Sarah Liao Cup – Energy Wise Award Scheme’. Professor Vivian W Y Lee, Warden of CCHH and the student representative received the honour on stage.
During the promotion session for the Election of United College Student Union, the Election Committee of the United College Student Union (UCSU) Council introduced the election platforms of the Student Union and the Executive Committee, polling arrangements, and voting notes to over 1,000 students. The proposed 62nd cabinet of the UCSU Executive Committee, UColossal, also presented their year plan to help the students understanding the candidates and preparing for the upcoming voting.
The College also invited Dr Sandy W H Hoi of the Office of University General Education to give a sharing with our students on the topic named ‘I Am What I Am – A Short Introduction of Gender Sensibility and Sexuality’. In the sharing, Dr Hoi discussed issues related to gender and shared her insights on breaking gender stereotypes, and discussed how to create a campus environment that promotes gender equality and mutual respect.
【Cantonese Debate Match (United College Cantonese Debate Team x HKUST Cantonese Debate Team) 】
This year, the United College Cantonese Debate Team has invited HKUST Cantonese debate team for a friendly debate match on 16 February 2024 at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. It aimed at exchanging debating skills and promoting the culture of debate among students. The notions of the match were:
“The older you get, the closer you are to freedom.” by HKUST Cantonese debate team;
“The older you get, the further you are to freedom.” by College Debate Team
Supported by compelling evidence and logical reasoning, all debaters eloquently presented their arguments, intensifying the debate match with each passing minute.
After the heated match, the panel of judges – Dr Stanley T P Ho, Lecturer of the Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, Dr Ng Ka Yi, Lecturer of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Dr Benson T B Tong, Assistant Professor of School of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, took turns to provide feedback on the debaters’ performance. Both teams benefited from their comments.
Eventually, United College Cantonese Debate Team won the match by 2 to 1. Mr Ho Sin Him (COMM/5) from the United College was awarded “The Best Debater”. Our warmest congratulations to the United College Cantonese Debate Team and the awarded debater! The College would also like to express our gratitude to the three judges for serving as the panel of judges in the friendly debate match.
A group photo of college guests and judges with two debate teams.
【Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2023-24 – Professor Andrew T Chan】
The College has invited Professor Andrew T CHAN, Daniel K. Podolsky Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, as the Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2023-2024. Professor Chan hosted two public lectures on 26 and 29 February 2024 and one night talk activity on 28 February 2024 during his visit. For details, please read “Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2023-24 – Professor Andrew T Chan”.