Health and well-being are fundamental aspects of human existence. This cluster is committed to studying social factors and processes that influence health and well-being. It seeks to bring together researchers from different fields and foster inter-disciplinary research on population health and well-being. Specific research interests include social disparities in health and health lifestyle, migration and health, health trajectories over the life course, social networks, social support and health, and population health and macro institutions. These issues are examined in diverse social contexts such as Hong Kong, China and the US, and in cross-national comparison.
Cluster leader
Affiliated members
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Primary Care
Research Interests
Health equity and social epidemiology, Social determinants of health, Socioeconomic disparity and gradient in health, Socially disadvantaged and vulnerable populations (poverty and deprivation, migrants/ethnic minority, gender, and people with serious and chronic illness –rare diseases patients and terminally ill patients), Public health ethics and justice, Aging‐related research, End‐of‐life and long‐term care, Multimorbidity
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK
Research Interests
Poverty, Deprivation, and Social Exclusion, Social Security, Labour Policy and Social Policies, Community Economic Development and Social Enterprise, Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment, Working Poor, Homeless People and Marginal Groups
Quality of Life and Well-being
Quality of Life and Well-being