All courses are taught in English. Course readings include English and/or Chinese materials.
Elective courses offered in an academic year may be subject to change, depending on the availability of teaching resources.
Classes are typically scheduled on weekdays during the daytime or evening, and sometimes on Saturdays. Course schedules are subject to change based on yearly course offerings.
This is a one-year full-time/two-year part-time Taught Master’s degree programme. Students are required to fulfill a minimum of 24 units by completing 3 required course and another 5 elective courses. According to the University Regulations, all Full-time students are NOT allowed to take up any full-time employment, paid or unpaid, during term time.
Due to the serious shortage of hostel places in the University, no on-campus accommodation will be provided. Please visit the Off-campus Housing Information Web for more details. Please contact our Division at for login details.