Event Highlight | KPF 2023-24 Information Session cum Talk: Engineering from Bench to Bedside : Translating Research into Real-World Impacts (3 Oct 2023)
Event Highlight | KPF 2023-24 Information Session cum Talk: Engineering from Bench to Bedside : Translating Research into Real-World Impacts (3 Oct 2023)
The Social Innovation Team @ORKTS cordially invited Professor LEE Tan to share his experience and insights at an information session focusing on the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) funding scheme. The event aimed to engage the CUHK community in a discussion about the process of translating research into impactful outcomes. Prof Lee shared his personal journeys, shedding light on the obstacles and challenges encountered along the way, and offering valuable strategies for overcoming them. The session provided us with a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of research impact and served as an inspiring platform for fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration within the CUHK community.
If you are interested in learning more about impact pathway development and the KPF funding scheme, feel free to watch the recording here.