在社會企業起動計劃下,中大同學及年輕校友可從具有豐富經驗的導師身上獲得創業錦囊及商界網絡,繼而把具創意的業務意念轉化成富意義的起動項目。參加者更有機會從「中大社企基金」獲得高達港元 100,000 的種子資金,以成立社會企業,幫助解決社會問題。

「中大社企基金」由博群全人發展中心管理,採用優勢為本的方法分配,幫助參加者利用自己的強項和資產去嘗試創辦或參與社企,為社會帶來正面改變,提高人們的生活水平。每年可獲「中大社企基金」的隊伍數目不限,撥款最高金額為每隊港元 100,000。
Social Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility

(English version only)
The Social Enterprise Mentoring Scheme aims at providing training and mentoring for students or recent graduates who wish to start a social enterprise, are looking to further develop an ongoing enterprise, or simply have an idea for a socially beneficial business and need some help to get it off the ground. No matter you already have a fully fledged social enterprise running or only a vague idea for a project, we are happy to offer the support and guidance to help you with the next steps!