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“Vivablee” is a social enterprise that promotes mindfulness, self-care, and awareness of mental well-being, aiming at tackling the prevalent mental health issue and increasing public’s access to self-help and public health resources.

At the core of the team’s digital mental wellness solution is clinically-proven Cantonese meditation soundtracks. The wealth of meditation soundtracks offered in the “Vivablee” mobile application relates to typical everyday scenarios experienced by the public of Hong Kong. Mindfulness practices can be performed anytime and anywhere. “Vivablee” also provides Chill-At-Home activity classes, ranging from yoga to decorative art to cookery, and includes elements of mindfulness, in the mobile application. The team hopes that it can empower individuals to adopt a mindfully conscious lifestyle.


CHEUNG, Man Hin Peter

CHOW, Pui Yin Roy

CHIN, Ho Yeung Felix

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The 6th I·CARE Book Festival: Acknowledgement

Heartfelt gratitude of this Centre will go to the following alumni, staff, students, friends and organisations for their generous support to the 6th I·CARE Book Festival (listed in alphabetical order)

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