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2015 博群大講堂 ── 實踐尤努斯 ── 中國蘇北經驗

University Lecture on Civility 2015 - Sharing Session - Grameen model in China

(Please scroll down for English version)

講者: 高戰*

日期: 2015 年 10 月 7 日(星期三)

時間: 晚上 7 時至 8 時 30 分

地點: 香港中文大學王福元樓 502 室

語言: 普通話


戰於 2003 年在江蘇農村創辦「陸口社區銀行實驗項目」,在鄉村從事了十多年的鄉村建設實踐。2014 年,⾼戰與尤努斯教授聯合發起格萊珉中國,旨在通過全面複製格萊珉模式,為中國農村低收入婦女提供小額貸款、促進家庭經營,提升生活品質。 在蘇北陸口村,格萊珉專家正在帶領中國團隊開展卓有成效的工作,格萊珉獨特的五人小組、中心會議」模式,能讓底層婦女擴展社會網絡及培育社會資本,通過利用金融工具,讓他們經濟上更有力量。戰曾就職於《中國改革雜誌》和《時代週報》,2009 年度為美國國務院「國際訪問者領袖計劃」訪問學者。




電話:3943 8621

Speaker: Gao Zhan*

Date: 7 October 2015 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Venue: Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Language: Putonghua

*Speaker’s Biography

Gao Zhan has been doing rural community development project for more than 10 years. In 2014, Gao initiated Grameen China project with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Yunus, adopting the Grameen Model to provide microcredit to low-income women in rural China, encourage family small business, and improve their quality of life. In Lukou village, now the Grameen expert is leading a local Chinese team and working in progress. Five-member group and centre meeting of Grameen model will help the poor women to expand social network, build social capital, and empower them through financial instrument. Gao was formerly a senior journalist in China Reform and Times Weekly. He was also invited by U.S. Department of State in the International Visitor Leadership Program in 2009.



I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

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