University Lecture on Civility
University Lecture on Civility

It has been a decade since the I·CARE Programme was launched in 2011. At the same time, the programme’s founder Professor Joseph Sung is departing from CUHK. Prior to his leaving, Professor Sung will reminisce his passion about I·CARE and recount his insights on tertiary education, on pandemic, and on how to embrace changes in our life. As the saying goes, every ending is a new beginning. Until we meet again.
Mobile I·CARE

Amidst the pandemic, the practice of social distancing is supposed not to hinder our caring of each other.
In a world filled with uncertainty, we should be versatile to adapt to the constant changes around us. Mobile I·CARE is launched to connect one another’s soul to break the physical isolation. Let’s overcome challenges and changes, and give yourself a moment to imagine the future and experience the life.