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2018-19 博群影院 ── 相約落葉時 I·CARE Theatre 2018-19 - When They Met in the Fall

(Please scroll down for English version)



博群全人發展中心與藝術行政主任辦公室合辦之博群影院,將於 2018 年 11 月以「相約落葉時」為題,為中大人送上兩齣不同年代的經典愛情電影,包括 80 年代的《秋天的童話》與千禧世代的《晚秋》。


博群影院 ── 相約落葉時之放映詳情如下:


11 月 9 日|晚上 7 時|利黃瑤璧樓三號演講廳|

114 分鐘|級別 IIA|英語|中文字幕|



一個經典的浪漫愛情故事,改編自韓國著名導演李滿熙 1960 年代的同名作品。本在華盛頓服刑的中國女子安娜因母親去世,獲假釋三天前往西雅圖奔喪,在長途巴士遇上韓籍男子勳。勳因不夠錢付車資,遂向安娜借錢,並硬以手錶作押,欲與她在西雅圖再見。安娜本想避開勳,兩人後來竟在大街上重遇。一個是弑夫女囚,一個是出租情人,兩個互相隱瞞身份的陌生人就這樣在邂逅中漸生情愫,在秋意漸濃的西雅圖展開一場浪漫戀愛……


11 月 20 日|晚上 7 時|利黃瑤璧樓一號演講廳|

95 分鐘|級別 I|粵語|英文字幕|







  1. 上述所有電影只予香港中文大學學生、教職員和校友登記參加。

  2. 所有場次費用全免,座位先到先得、不設劃位。

  3. 放映前 20 分鐘開始入場。

  4. 場內不得進行何形式的拍攝或錄影。



電話:3943 8621

Autumn is……

the season when trees shed their leaves,

and perhaps

the moment when true love begins.

The I·CARE Theatre, co-organised by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development and The Office of the Arts Administrator, will be themed “When They Met in the Fall” in November of 2018. It is going to bring to the CUHKers two romantic classics of different generations, namely An Autumn’s Tale (of the 1980s) and Late Autumn (of the millennials).

Two love stories in the United States which depict two young couples’ affinity during autumn: Will the delicate affection of the couples transform into autumn foliage and vanish into the autumn breeze?

Details of the I·CARE Theatre - When They Met in the Fall are set out below:

Late Autumn

9 November|7:00 pm|Lecture Theatre 3, Esther Lee Building|

114 min|Category IIA|In English with Chinese subtitles|

Director: Kim Tae-yong


This classic romance story is a remake of the same named film by the renowned Korean director, Lee Man-hui, in the 1960s. Chinese immigrant Anna has been sentenced at Washington for manslaughter. She is allowed a furlough for three days to attend her mother’s funeral in Seattle. On her long-haul coach ride she meets a young Korean man, Hoon, who is a gigolo. Hoon borrows money from her for the coach ticket and pledges his watch as security, mainly for the purpose of seeing her again in Seattle. Anna tries keeping her distance from Hoon; however, the two stumble across each other on the street. Without knowing the real identity of each other, the pair soon fall in love. Their relationship begins to blossom, until when Anna tells Hoon she has to return to the prison……

An Autumn’s Tale

20 November|7:00 pm|Lecture Theatre 1, Esther Lee Building|

95 min|Category I|In Cantonese with English subtitles|

Director: Mabel Cheung


A romantic and light-hearted story about a young lady, Jennifer, who travels alone to New York to study and to meet her boyfriend, only to find her boyfriend has been in love with another one. Feeling heartbroken and homesick, Jennifer eventually settles down with the help of her distant relative, Samuel, who is the only person she knows in the city. Gradually, a bond has developed between the two. Being an unrefined person, Samuel starts to push himself for improvement. The spark of love extinguishes when Jennifer decides to accept a new job at Long Island. Years after, Jennifer runs into Samuel at the old place and discovers that he has turned his promise into reality…… The subtle romance of the two characters, the beautiful autumn scenery of the New York City and the mellow film score have all made this autumn’s tale a distinguished local classic.



  1. Registration for all the aforesaid films will be open to CUHK members only.

  2. All screening are free-of-charge. Free seating is made on a first-come-first-served basis.

  3. Admission will start 20 minutes before the screening time.

  4. Photo taking and video recording are prohibited.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

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