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2018-19 博群影院 ── 新鮮浪潮 I·CARE Theatre 2018-19 - The Pristine Craze

(Please scroll down for English version)



博群全人發展中心與藝術行政主任辦公室合辦之博群影院,將於 2018 年 10 月以「新鮮浪潮」為題,放映「新浪潮」與「鮮浪潮」兩個世代的本港創作,包括許鞍華首部電影《瘋劫》(修復版),以及三位新晉導演在「第十二屆鮮浪潮國際短片節」的得獎作品 ── 葉嘉麟之《艷陽天》、楊兩全之《⽩沙堆》及曾慶宏之《下雨天》。相隔三十多載,處於不同世代,不同年輕導演的視界與創意,就由博群影院來呈現。

「新浪潮」是 70 年代末至 80 年代初於香港電影界出現的新思潮,當時許多剛從海外學成歸來的電影人,以少見於本地的題材與表達手法開創先河;他們把社會時事與人文倫理化成銀幕光影,是香港電影重要一章。「新浪潮」時期不少年輕導演及製作人,如徐克、許鞍華及譚家明等,早已成為香港電影界翹楚。

「鮮浪潮」則為一個新興平台,旨在推動本地電影及短片創作,發掘及培養具潛質的年輕電影人才。「鮮浪潮」自 2005 年起每年舉辦短片節,並於 2010 年開始擴展為國際短片節。是次博群影院三齣「鮮浪潮」電影便是這個短片節的產物,而導演皆為香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院畢業生。

博群影院 ── 新鮮浪潮之放映詳情如下:

《艷陽天》 [最佳編劇]

10 月 8 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

25 分鐘|粵語|中英文字幕|




《白沙堆》 [最佳導演]

10 月 8 日|晚上 7 時 30 分|邵逸夫堂|

30 分鐘|粵語|中英文字幕|




《下雨天》 [鮮浪潮大奬]

10 月 8 日|晚上 8 時 10 分|邵逸夫堂|

22 分鐘|粵語|中英文字幕|



10 月 8 日|晚上 8 時 35 分|邵逸夫堂大堂|


主持:潘達培教授 (新聞與傳播學院)



2014 年10 月的一個夜晚,雨下個不停。大學宿舍內,雨聲讀書聲討論聲聲聲入耳。幾個各有各生活背景和立場的年輕人,被分派到同一棟宿舍生活,共同度過這一夜。在沉默與吵鬧之中,他們學習互相了解和體諒,憑藉的是對社會的關懷。聲援同學的行動一觸即發,靜止長鏡頭所捕捉的,是年輕人思變的躁動與不安。


10 月 11 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

90 分鐘|粵語|中英文字幕|



上世紀七十年代末,香港電影迎來了新浪潮,新銳導演嶄露頭角,許鞍華在 1979 年完成首個電影作品。《瘋劫》改編自轟動一時的龍虎山雙屍案,表面是三角情殺,死者好友懷疑別有內情,暗查底蘊,還原意想不到的事實。電影刻劃愛欲糾結的心理狀態,不論情節發展、敘事結構和拍攝手法,皆有破格創新的氣象。本片於西環餘樂里一帶的舊唐樓取景,時隔四十年,景物已逝,影像凝住了昔日香港的風貌。是次放映的修復版,無論畫質或聲音都經過修復,更接近當年公映的原貌。



  1. 上述所有電影公開予香港中文大學成員及公眾人士登記參加。

  2. 所有場次費用全免,座位先到先得、不設劃位。

  3. 放映前 20 分鐘開始入場。

  4. 場內不得進行任何形式的拍攝或錄影。



電話:3943 8621





In the 1st night, there comes the current “Fresh Wave” winning pieces……

In the 2nd night, the prominent director’s classic “New Wave” film revives.

The I·CARE Theatre, co-organised by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development and The Office of the Arts Administrator, will be themed “The Pristine Craze” in October of 2018. It is going to screen The Secret (Restored Version) under the “New Wave” category, as well as Bright Spring Days, The Bridge, and The Umbrella under the “Fresh Wave” category. The three “Fresh Wave” films are the winning pieces of the “12th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival”. Through the screening, audiences are able to have a taste of the perspectives and thoughts of the youth of different decades through their avant-garde productions.

The “New Wave” marks an important chapter of the Hong Kong cinema history and is a pivotal movement brought about to the local film industry by young filmmakers during the late 1970s and early 1980s. During that period, many of the young talents of the industry returned to Hong Kong after having finished their education abroad. With their innovative techniques in filmmaking, these directors set their productions apart from those of the mainstream and paved the way for a major breakthrough in Hong Kong cinema. The “New Wave” has opened up a medium for exploration of issues involving current affairs, humanities and ethics, and it has re-oriented the locally-made films in the ensuing decades. Many of the then fledgling directors and producers emerged from the period, including Tsui Hark, Ann Hui and Patrick Tam, have now become monumental figures of the local film industry.

The “Fresh Wave” is a newly emerged platform which aims to promote production of local filmmaking and to identify and nurture young talents in the film industry. The “Fresh Wave Short Film Festival” has been launched annually since 2005, and it was subsequently evolved into an international short film festival in 2010 to further extend the opportunity for local young filmmakers to showcase their talents at a global scale. The three films to be screened by the I·CARE Theatre have been awarded different honours in this festival, and their directors are all alumni of CUHK School of Journalism and Communication.

Details of the I·CARE Theatre - The Pristine Craze are set out below:

Bright Spring Days [Best Screenplay]

8 October|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

25 min|In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles|

Director: Yeh Ka-lun


Kuen is a sing-song girl on Temple Street. Her son Ka-kei, now a university student, returns to Hong Kong for just a few days after emigrating to Canada with his father. Kuen’s colleague Kit has to work overnight and enlists Kuen’s help to take care of her young son. During the sleepless night, Kuen and Ka-kei relive their past and envisage their future through another pair of mother and son. Under the bright sun, the cycle of life and family relationships continue, made all the more touching by the nuanced moments of care and concern between each other. Sham Ka-ki of Weeds On Fire plays the son and renders a tender and layered performance full of subtlety.

The Bridge [Best Director]

8 October|7:30 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

30 min|In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles|

Director: Yeung Leung-chuen


Lai-sing, full of aspirations as a journalist, lives in Hong Kong with his sister Kei-mei. Their parents live in Hainan since retirement while their uncle is residing in Shenzhen. The family is separated until the third anniversary of the death of Lai-sing's grandmother. According to tradition, a monument has to be erected on this occasion, which brings the family members to meet up. The reunion slowly unveils the indiscernible distances and intimacies built over time. It is only through understanding and acceptance that they would cast aside their differences and show genuine care for each other.

The Umbrella [Fresh Wave Award]

8 October|8:10 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

22 min|In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles|

Director: Eric Tsang

Post-screening Discussion

8 October|8:35 pm|Foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

Speaker: Yeh Ka-lun, Yeung Leung-chuen, Eric Tsang

Host: Prof. Eric Poon (School of Journalism and Communication)

Language: Cantonese


It rained non-stop when Hong Kong was rocked by the tumultuous events in October 2014. At the university hall, young souls are assigned to different rooms amid the sounds of rain, studies and heavy discussions. These strangers come from a variety of backgrounds but are united by their passion towards the society. They may have dissenting opinions, but will learn to accept and be sympathetic to each other. The rainy night feels especially ominous when the students ponder at the streets in commotion.

The Secret (Restored Version)

11 October|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

90 min|In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles|

Director: Ann Hui


It is abundantly clear watching The Secret, Ann Hui’s debut feature, that the director had mastered the film medium from day one. Hui, who went on to become a monumental figure of Hong Kong cinema, skillfully utilises the dynamics of the Hollywood suspense genre to tell a decidedly local tale. The story takes off from a horrific crime inspired by a real-life incident, turning sensational headlines into a mapping of social and psychological currents. The script by Joyce Chan, who had penned some of the most noteworthy projects by New Wavers dating back to their television years, is informed perceptively by a woman’s sensibility at once intelligent and compassionate. It also sitespecifically sets the story in Hong Kong Island’s Western District, effectively using neighbourhood landscapes for dramatic ends.



  1. Registration for all the aforesaid films will be open to not only CUHK members but also the public.

  2. All screening are free-of-charge. Free seating is made on a first-come-first-served basis.

  3. Admission will start 20 minutes before the screening time.

  4. Photo taking and video recording are prohibited.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621


Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited

Hong Kong Film Services

Hong Kong Film Archive, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

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