(Please scroll down for English version)
本中心舉辦之「博群影院」獲藝術行政主任辦公室支持,由 2019 年九月起放映三齣精選電影,包括《比海還深》、《竊聽者》及《雲圖》,每場均設映後座談。
以上故事的主角都面對各種切身問題 ── 親情、愛情、誠信、公義;個人抉擇往往影響他人,甚或社會的未來。究竟如何取捨?這幾齣電影或可帶來一些啟發。
2019-20 博群影院之放映詳情如下:
1 月 14 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂| 172 分鐘|級別 III|英語|中文字幕| 導演:拉娜 · 華高斯基、湯 · 泰克華及安迪 · 華高斯基
映後座談 1 月 14 日|晚上 10 時|邵逸夫堂| 主持:區家麟博士 (新聞與傳播學院) 語言:粵語
- 所有放映為中大專場,只限香港中文大學學生、教職員及校友登記參與。
- 《雲圖》只准 18 歲或以上人士觀看,敬請帶備身分證作核對。
- 所有電影場次費用全免。
- 放映前 20 分鐘開始入場。座位先到先得、不設劃位。
- 即場登記人士(如有)會於放映前5分鐘開始入場。
- 場內不得進行任何形式的拍攝或錄影。
改編自大衛 · 米契爾的同名小說,由六個看似毫無關聯卻緊密連繫的故事組成,每個故事環環相扣,通過不同的方式傳承到下一個時空,影響著不同人的命運。
整齣電影跨越六個時空 ── 十九世紀的太平洋、1936 年的劍橋與愛丁堡、1973 年的三藩市、2012 年的倫敦、2144 年的首爾,以及後末日時期的夏威夷。
六個故事包括:(1) 一名「律師」在乘船返美途中差點被醫生毒殺,幸獲黑奴所救;(2) 「作曲家」讀過「律師」的日記後創作了《雲圖六重奏》;(3)「 記者」認識了曾是「作曲家」情人的科學家,科學家為揭穿陰謀被殺;「記者」獲得當年兩人的書信和《雲圖六重奏》唱片,決定代為揭露真相;(4) 一名遭護老院禁錮和虐待的「出版商」,因讀過一部關於「記者」的小說而與其他老人密謀出走,並把自己的經歷寫成劇本;(5) 「韓國複製人奴隸」看過「出版商」的電影後學會反抗和自由,發表了反抗宣言;(6) 浩劫之後,人類幾乎滅絕,倖存者過著原始生活,且把「韓國複製人奴隸」當作神一般崇拜;土著被食人族洗劫,餘下的少數生還者決定跟隨文明人一起離開地球,共渡餘生 ……
電話:3943 8621
Organised by this Centre and with the support of The Office of the Arts Administrator, the I·CARE Theatre is presenting to you a fine selection of films starting from September 2019. These films include After the Storm ; The Lives of Others; and Cloud Atlas. Each of the screenings will be followed by post-screening discussion.
The films feature different problems faced by the protagonists - family, love, integrity, justice. The decision of an individual may always affect others, or the society at large. How to make the right choice? These films may bring about some inspiration.
Details of the I·CARE Theatre 2019-20 are set out below:
Cloud Atlas
14 January 2020|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall| 172 min|Category III|In English with Chinese subtitles| Director: Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Andy Wachowski
Post-screening Discussion 14 January 2020|10 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall| Host: Dr. Allan Au (School of Journalism and Communication) Language: Cantonese
CUHK Students and Staff: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/eventlist?id=71
- Registration will be opened to CUHK members (students, staff and alumni) only.
- Cloud Atlas is only suitable for persons aged 18 or above, please bring along your HKID card for verification.
- All screenings are free-of-charge.
- Admission for registered participants will start 20 minutes before the screening time, free seating is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Walk-in participants (if any) will be admitted 5 minutes before the screening time.
- Photo taking and video recording are prohibited.
Based on the same name novel by David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas comprises six different yet interconnected chapters. Each of the chapters is closely linked, and the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another.
The story takes place in various places and eras - the Pacific Ocean in the 19th century; Cambridge and Edinburgh in 1936; San Francisco in 1973; London in 2012; Seoul in 2144; and the post-apocalyptic Hawaii.
The six chapters include: (1) a “lawyer” was saved by an African slave from being poisoned by a doctor on his voyage back to the U.S.; (2) a “composer” produced the 《Cloud Atlas Sextet》 after reading the diary of the “lawyer”; (3) the scientist lover of the “composer” was killed before unveiling a conspiracy; a “journalist”, who obtained the correspondences between the couple and the vinyl record of 《Cloud Atlas Sextet》, decided to disclose the truth; (4) a “publisher”, who had suffered from nursing home abuse, colluded with other elderly in an escape after reading the story of the “journalist”; the “publisher” then wrote a screenplay based on his own experience; (5) a “Korean cloned slave”, having been inspired by the story of the “publisher”, made a public broadcast of her manifesto; (6) survivors of the post-apocalyptic era led a primitive life and worshipped the “Korean cloned slave” as the God; the indigenous tribe was nearly eliminated by the cannibals which resulted in the exile of the survivors with their civilised counterparts, and they decided to continue their lives in a distant planet……
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk