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博群社會服務日 I·CARE Social Service Day

(Please scroll down for English version)


本中心將於 3 月 18 日 舉行博群社會服務日。是次活動主題為「當一天大學生」,由負責籌辦的中大同學與長者合作,帶領中學生體驗大學生活。參加者將出席模擬大學課堂、走訪校園各種特別設施及跟中大學生交流等。



i) 所有中大學生(學系不限)

ii) 能以流利廣東話溝通


日期:2018 年 3 月 10 日(星期六)

時間:上午 10 時 15 分至下午 1 時

地點:王福元樓 502 室


日期:2018 年 3 月 18 日(星期日)

時間:上午 8 時 45 分至下午 5 時






電話:3943 9859

Recruitment of Volunteers

This Centre is going to present the I·CARE Social Service Day to secondary school students on 18 March. Themed “Playing a University Student for a Day”, the programme is organised by CUHK students in collaboration with the elderly buddies serving as co-leaders. Participants of the programme will gain university experience through a model lecture, visits to special facilities on campus, and interaction with CUHK students, etc.

I·CARE Social Service Day is now recruiting volunteers whose duties include: leading student groups, assisting in logistics arrangements, and relevant duties as assigned.


i) All CUHK students (irrespective of discipline)

ii) Be able to communicate fluently in Cantonese

Briefing Session (Compulsory)

Date : 10 March 2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10:15 am - 1:00 pm

Venue: Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building

I·CARE Social Service Day

Date: 18 March 2018 (Sunday)

Time: 8:45 am - 5:00 pm

Venue: CUHK campus


Transportation allowance will be provided for volunteers after the event


Miss He of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9859

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