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2019-20 服務計劃在中大 Service projects @CUHK 2019-20

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在 2019-20 年度,博群計劃已落實支持社會服務計劃,服務有需要人士,當中包括本地、內地及海外地區的服務項目,讓同學參與其中,服務社群。










過去十年,尤其在 2010 年的「阿拉伯之春」後,社會動盪和各種迫害促使七千八百萬人被迫流離失所。香港是《聯合國禁止酷刑公約》的簽署國,有責任保護處於困境的尋求庇護者。但是,即使在國際大都市尋求庇護,尋求庇護者仍未受到保護。此項目持續與難民聯會合作,致力保障在港尋求庇護者的福祉,並向公眾宣傳他們的正面形象。計劃涵蓋一系列活動為尋求庇護者減輕他們的經濟及心理壓力,包括美術工作坊、文化之旅及遠足等。





罕見病是患病率很低的不常見疾病,全球有超過 6000 種疾病被確認為罕見病。每年在香港均出現新病例。雖然不常見,但這種病通常具有遺傳性及高嚴重性,因此對患者的健康構成威脅,並為其家人帶來沉重負擔。此項目將與香港罕見病聯盟合作,為罕見病病人及其家人或照顧者提供支授。義工將舉辦社區探索一日遊,帶領罕見病患家庭走到戶外散心。事後亦會於罕見病病人群體進行網上宣傳,鼓勵更多家庭自行探索社區及分享探索路線。










Slasher 是一個連接大學生與有需要的中學生的平台。我們為那些欠缺資源的中學生提供朋輩支持,升學意見,學業解難,精神支援等服務。 透過定期配對大學生與中學生,我們能夠幫助他們各方面的困難。此項目與數個青年機構合作,為有需要的中學生提供多方面的支援。同學將舉辦一連片分享講座及工作坊,並邀請行業精英與中學生分享個人經歷及實用技能,給予他們在升學以至就業的人生路上一絲鼓勵及希望。

2020 年尼泊爾社區衛生計劃(巴爾他計劃)





拓荒 ‧ 高棉 柬埔寨義工服務團 2020




此項目持續持於柬埔寨 Prey Veng 推廣健康教育。團隊會繼續於 Por Roung 小學及 Por Poath 小學服務,提供持續的健康教育及提升其可持續性。團隊會與當地教師合作,提供培訓及建議,讓教師有能力開展健康教育。服務對象將由小四至小六擴展至小二至小三,令更多學生能受惠於服務。團隊亦會跟進健康大使計劃的發展,與師生一同優化計劃。






2020 醫心四川醫護教育及服務團






查詢 博群全人發展中心 電話:3943 8621

In year 2019-20, I‧CARE Programme continues to support social service projects, in which thousands of clients in local community, mainland China and overseas countries will be benefited.

Building Ourselves

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 300

Project Location: Hong Kong

“Building Ourselves” is project initiated by postgraduate students of School of Architecture, CUHK. This is a 2-year project to promote service learning and allow architecture students to serve youth-at-risk with their knowledge. Through campus renovation of Christian Zheng Sheng College and education camp, Zheng Sheng students will gain knowledge about architecture and positive attitude will be cultivated. Volunteers will be recruited to renovate and reconstruct the campus facilities with Zheng Sheng students with guidance of professional construction team. An education camp will be organised for students to build self-confidence and allow the public to understand stories of youth-at-risk.

Love Care Boundaryless

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 50

Project Location: Hong Kong

Since the past ten years, particularly the Arab Spring in the 2010s, there have been 70.8 million people forcibly displaced owing to social upheaval and persecution. Hong Kong, as a signatory of the United Nations Convention Against Torture, is responsible for protecting the asylum seekers who are in a limbo. However, even seeking refuge in an international metropolis, the asylum seekers are still not under protection. This project continues to collaborate with the Refugee Union to enhance the well-being of asylum seekers by lessening their economic and psychological stress and promote their positive images to the public. A series of activities, including art workshops, cultural tours and hiking, will be organised to help asylum seekers relieving stress.

RareHoliday – Local Tours for Rare Disease Patients and Families

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 15

Project Location: Hong Kong

A rare disease is an uncommon disease with a very low prevalence rate and there are over 6,000 diseases identified as rare diseases worldwide. New cases are diagnosed in Hong Kong each year. Albeit rare, these conditions are often of genetic origin and of high severity, thus presenting genuine threats to patients’ health and bringing heavy burden to their families. This project collaborates with Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Disease to serve patients with rare disease and their families or caregivers to foster their motivation and happiness in daily life. 1-day community exploration tour and sharing session will be held to encourage patients to go outdoors. There will also be online promotion of other routes to further advocate self-exploration of different districts among rare disease patients.

Community Physical and Mental Health Scheme

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 40

Project Location: Hong Kong

This project is led by Chinese Medicine students, together with medical students, social work and nursing students. The project collaborates with community organisation to serve the underprivileged who cannot afford the high medical cost and reduce medical inequality by providing regular and free Chinese medical consultation. Under guidance of Chinese Medicine practitioners, the project targets to organise regular medical consultation with basic physical examinations, lifestyle and diet suggestions, health seminars and herbal satchel workshops in the community to promote both physical and mental health of the beneficiaries.


Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 150

Project Location: Hong Kong

Slasher is a community of university students and fresh graduates offering peer consultation, tailored advice, experience sharing, and spiritual assistance to our secondary school student recipients with limited access to explore the world. Through pairing up mentors with mentees periodically, we get to aid secondary school students in need. This project is in collaboration with several youth organisations to serve underprivileged secondary school students with limited access to resources. A series of gatherings will be hosted by CUHK volunteers and guests from different fields to share their experience and practical skills with youth. Youth are encouraged to explore various academic and career opportunities to build their own path with guidance offered by CUHK volunteers.

Nepal Community Health Project 2020 (Project Bharta)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 12

Project Location: Nepal

This is an on-going project promoting health education in remote areas in Nepal. During their previous visits to Nepal, the team observed that the locals generally have low health awareness. Insufficient health education in the local school curriculum is undoubtedly one of the factors contributing to the low health literacy, which has serious consequences on the locals’ health. Therefore, this project aims to induce behavioral change by consolidating the locals’ health knowledge. This year, the project will be expanded to a new village, Bharta. Health education and health checks will be conducted in local schools; while health camps and household visits will be organised to raise the health awareness and hygiene standard of the villagers.

Pathfinder Cambodia Volunteer Service 2020

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Pathfinder

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 6

Project Location: Cambodia

This is an on-going project promoting health education in Prey Veng, Cambodia. This year, the team will continue their service in two local primary schools, namely Por Roung Primary School and Por Poath Primary School, to offer continuous health education and improve its sustainability. The team will provide trainings and suggestions for the local teachers to carry out health education in school. Health education will be extended from Grade 4-6 to Grade 2-3 so more students can be benefited from the service. The progress of the previously established health ambassador scheme will be also be tracked to ensure sustainability of the project.

Service Trip to Pingtung, Taiwan

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Campus YMCA

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Taiwan

The project will cooperate with YMCA Tainan to provide voluntary teaching to primary school students living in poverty. Unlike children in the city, children in remote areas lack opportunities to receive full education and connect with outside world. Interactive teaching activities such as English class, science experiment and cross-cultural activities will be introduced to create brand new learning experience. At the same time, it would be a valuable chance for Hong Kong students to understand the needs of the underprivileged children and reflect on themselves.

2020 Medical Outreachers Sichuan Medical Education and Service Trip

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 12

Project Location: Sichuan

This is the 6th medical service trip in collaboration with Medicare Resource Ltd to serve primary school students and rural villagers in Liangshan. Health education curriculum covering topics like smoking, alcohol abuse and sex education will be introduced in local primary schools. Health checks, health surveys and health talks will be conducted in traditional Yi villages in order to promote hygiene practices and pave way for further intervention in the future. Through various services in our programme, we hope that participants would gain valuable benefits on their personal growth, such that they can act with empathy and will in the future reach out to make a difference in others' lives.



I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

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Heartfelt gratitude of this Centre will go to the following alumni, staff, students, friends and organisations for their generous support to the 6th I·CARE Book Festival (listed in alphabetical order)

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