(Please scroll down for English version)
在 2016-17 年度,博群計劃已落實支持社會服務計劃,服務有需要人士,當中包括本地、內地及海外地區的服務項目,讓同學參與其中,服務社群。
是次活動以廣西梧州藤縣埌南鎮界垌小學作為目的地。一行 28 位中大同學以生動有趣的教學方式進行義教服務及學校建設,令學童體驗不一樣的學習體驗。也希望透過家訪活動認識内地學童的生活。
扶葭希望在 2017 年 seed 項目中增加貴州省黔西南州冊亨縣冗渡鎮為服務點,為冗渡鎮冗貝小學大約 80 民小學生提供志願服務。為評估活動的可能性和實際意義,三位執委包括兩名香港中文大學同學和一名港大的同學進行為期 2 天的實地考察。
探訪活動的主要目的是為無家者提供持續的協助,同學希望能夠了解無家會背後,錯綜複雜的社會問題、提升對無家者的關注。自 16 年 1 月尾開始,團隊每隔一至兩個星期到長沙灣李鄭屋遊樂場探訪無家者。除了派發物資外,還會與無家者談天,更計劃與無家者一起遊覽中大。
雨後彩虹服務計劃 2017
扶葭 2017 深圳項目"荔"(2017-2018)
扶葭深圳項目通過與深圳市大鵬社區、元芬社區兩年來的合作,避免了傳統短期支教的弊端,使志願者與當地 9 至 12 歲的流動兒童建立長期的義教與陪伴關係。志願者根據流動兒童的現實需要設計規劃主題,通過系列的拓展課堂與多樣的遊戲活動,幫助流動兒童打開視野,全面發展;同時關注流動兒童的內心世界,引導其健康成長。
性別視角的社會工作 ── 廣州女社工成長陪伴計劃(2017-2018)
項⽬將於 2017 年 6 月(為期 13 天,共 4 名中大同學)及 12 月(為期 10 天,共 4 名中大同學)在柬埔寨三龍市小學進行。由於當地衛生設施匱乏,加上學生健康意識不足,團隊將會在當地興建廁所和洗手站,以培養如廁後洗手的良好習慣,亦會教育學生個人衛生和疾病預防有關的健康資訊。為了提高計劃的可持續性,團隊將會開展一個長期教育課程,在學校內設立一個健康學會,藉此培訓老師和同學教授其他同學相關的衛生課題。過程中亦會進行各項的評估和監察措施,使計劃更全面。
尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃 II 2017
地點: 尼泊爾
尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃是 Medical Outreachers HK 的一項長期計劃。本年六月團隊將第四次出發前往 Namtar 地區進行長達兩星期的醫療服務,同學會透過健康教育、設立健康營、居所探訪、與當地教師討論等一系列活動,期望能針對以往審視過的問題,進一步收窄尼泊爾人民的健康差距,建立一個自給自足的社區。團隊將於十二月再次探訪 Namtar,以評估六月份所施行措施的有效性。
Light up Myanmar 2017
為解決緬甸鄉村地區經常性斷電帶來的照明問題,團隊實施一個可持續的可再生能源的照明方案。一行十九人的中大學生與緬甸紅十字會共同組織一個為期六天的服務,除了為 67 家庭安裝有關照明設施,亦會教導當地居民安裝及保養方法。團隊希望藉此提升人們對緬甸惡劣照明條件的認識並號召更多人對社會作出積極影響。
夢 · 行動農村健康促進計劃致力於改善柬埔寨遙遠村落的農村健康。當中主要目的有:
透過教育和與 Takeo 眼科醫院合辦的外展眼科檢查,為村民提供眼部醫療服務;
勞托卡社區培力 2017
此項計劃繼續服務患有專注力不足過度活躍症(ADHD)的青少年和他們的家庭。在新的一年中,團隊將舉辦四個多家庭小組,服務合共 24 個家庭。每個家庭將參與三個階段的服務:兩天在中文校園舉辦的家庭日、兩日一夜的戶外家庭露營,及一天跨家庭的重聚活動。計劃希望透過這些服務協助參與家庭建立互助支持網絡,通過共同面對小組中的困難以提升家庭的先我效能感。本計劃同時應用服務學習框架豐富新加入的學生義工在過程中的學習。服務學習旨在將社會服務與學術知識結合,從而提升學生的學習質素、個⼈對社會的責任感及社區發展。
友凝・友義 2018
主辦學院/學系/學生組織:「CLOVER 友凝・友義」學友
「CLOVER 友凝・友義」是一個學友計劃,促進中大的本地和非本地同學之間的共融;它又是別具意義的社會服務。這計劃能讓參加者建立長久的友誼,透過認識、尊重、欣賞彼此的文化,共同服務社會。「友凝・友義」即將邁入第九年,由過往參加者所組成的"Friends of CLOVER"將於 2017-18 年度繼續負責推⾏活動,招募 80 位本地及非本地中大同學,合共 8 至 10 個小組。學生事務處則會提供支援及指導。
同「文」共濟 ── 瞭解弱勢青年群體的服務計劃 2017
活動的對象是保良局敬文中學的學生,中大敬文書院學生組成的團隊希望通過這個夏令營,來提⾼他們的學習能力,加強他們的自信心,並鼓勵他們勇敢追尋自己的夢想。 服務包括一個營前聚會,一個 3 天 2 夜的暑期營,並以參觀中大作為閉幕式。中大學生將作為他們的組爸媽、朋友兼導師,與他們分享生活和學習經驗,以幫助他們在未來面對各種機遇和挑戰。
我住晒是⼀項以重建長者與社區關係的社區藝術計劃。自 2015 年起,團隊建立了一套「藝術教育 ── 設計社區」的思想,並於計劃中實踐。同學相信藝術教育的力量,不但可以改變個人,甚至能夠影響社會。 <藝術在長者屋>一方面強調長者的能力,另一方面關注安老政策。希望來年能達成兩項目標:
社創青年訓練營 2017
電話:3943 8621
In year 2016-17, I‧CARE Programme continues to support social service projects, in which thousands of clients in local community, mainland China and overseas countries will be benefited.
Quality Time for Families with Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Service Learning Project
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students (led by a group of social work students)
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 10
Project Location: Local
Through organising 'Family Day' and a 2-days outdoor camping with strength-based approach, the project hopes to reach the needs of AD/HD family. ‘Service Learning Framework' is used to enhance the learning of student volunteer in three aspects:
quality of learning,
social responsibility,
community development
H.E.Y. Project
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate student
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 7
Project Location: Local
The program aims to serve two major disadvantaged groups, namely the elderly and adolescents from low-income family. The team believes that these two groups are indeed rich in capability and vitality; Through interactive and mutual serving experiences, the project hopes to overcome the generational distance and to consolidate their sense of self-worthiness.
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate student
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 15
Project Location: Local
PREVENT. DM is a public knowledge transfer project for diabetic mellitus. It aims to educate primary school students that they are in control of their own risk factors for diabetes. The project adopts a positive approach to help students learn about diabetes from medical professionals. Through interactive activities, students will have the chance to build up their problem solving skills and health knowledge.
Chung Chi the Suns Trip to China
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate student
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 28
Project Location: Guangxi, Mainland China
It is the fourth years which Chung Chi the Suns organises service trip to rural primary school in Guangxi. 28 CUHK participants will use innovative teaching methods and gaming workshops to stimulate learning interests of local primary students. Local family visits will also be arranged to understand more about the daily life of the locals.
Fujia Pre-trip for Guizhou Program
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 2
Project Location: Guizhou, Mainland China
Fujia is planning a new left-behind children service project in Rongdu Town in Guizhou. To investigate the feasibility of the project, 2 CUHK and 1 HKU students will visit the town for 2 days in December. The project is expected to benefit 80 local primary school students.
Lumos Homeless Visits 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Lumos
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 35
Project Location: Local
Since January 2016, members of Lumos have been visiting two groups of homeless regularly. The purposes of the project are to provide social support to groups of homeless located in Cheung Sha Wan; to gain more insight about social problem of homelessness in Hong Kong, and to raise students’ awareness of homelessness in Hong Kong.
The Rainbow After Rain 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Rainbow After Rain
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 40
Project Location: Guangxi, Mainland China
The 8-days service trip targets junior secondary school students in remote area of Guangxi. It hopes to raise the children's interest in learning subject such as English, mathematics, physics through English-signing, pronunciation workshop, science experiments -related and physical education. The program also wants to install the idea of holding a dream into every child, that pursuing a dream is admirable.
Fujia 2017 Shenzhen Program “Lychee” (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 33
Project Location: Shenzhen, Mainland China
It is a long-term voluntary activity providing extracurricular education support for the migrant children aged 9-12 in two communities in Shenzhen. The program broadens the migrant children’s horizons and develops their team-work ability. It also has concern of the children's inner world by helping them to build self-confidence.
Community Worker Service Scheme (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations:
Chinese University Grassroots Concern Group
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30
Project Location: Local
The scheme aims to enhance the well-being of workers in campus and in society. It also hopes to broaden students' understanding of laborers in Hong Kong. It consists of two parts including the service for precarious and out-sourced workers in the society and the service for CUHK campus workers. Workers Issue will be published to enhance the awareness of labor issues in campus. Exhibition will be organized in the end of the project, which broadcasts the service results and relevant labor issues to students.
Female Social Workers for Grassroots Women (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Students from Department of Social Work
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 5
Project Location: Guangzhou and Foshan, Mainland China
Three social work PhD students organize lectures, support groups, mentorship, work practice and advocacy for female social workers. By tackling the gender barriers faced by female social workers, they hope to make positive changes in gender equality among grass-roots women in Mainland China.
Pathfinder - Cambodia Volunteer Service 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Pathfinder students group
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 9
Project Location: Cambodia
Pathfinder continues to provide services in Cambodia. A summer trip (13 days, 4 CUHK participants) and a winter trip (10 days, 4 CUHK participants) will be organized. In addition to the ongoing construction of sanitation facilitates and public health promotion, the team will initiate a long term health education programme with local teachers and student ambassadors.
Nepal Medical Service Trip: Project Namtar II 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers HK
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 13
Project Location: Nepal
The team will visit Namtar village in Nepal for the 4th and 5th times in the coming summer (14 days, 10 CUHK participants) and winter. Activities include health education sessions at primary schools and local households, helping local doctors to organize a health camp, awareness raising about local medical services, evaluations of project impacts. Public health professionals from NGO Health in Action provide advice throughout the project.
Sri Lanka: Natural Disaster Management and Relief 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Society CUHK
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 22
Project Location: Sri Lanka
22 medical students will visit a coastal city of Sri Lanka for 14 days. Targeting a “Home for Disabled Homeless People”, services include first-aid teaching, renovation work, health camp to raise awareness of personal hygiene, tree planting to prevent flooding.
Light up Myanmar 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 19
Project Location: Myanmar
Collaborating with NGOs including Red Cross Myanmar and Liter of Light, a team of 19 CUHK students will visit a rural village in Myanmar for 9 days. They will install solar lighting to 67 underprivilaged local households, teach the locals how to install and maintain the lighting facility. Education workshops will also be organized.
Rural Village Health Enhancement Project (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Project Little Dream
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 6
Project Location: Cambodia
It is an ongoing project by Project Little Dream in two villages in Cambodia since 2011. Thirteen CU students will visit the villages between May 2017 and May 2018. The project consists of water sanitation and hygiene programme, building of sanitation facilities, primary eye care education, youth empowerment projects.
Lautoka Community Empowerment 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate student
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 6
Project Location: Fiji
Six CUHK students visit a village in Fiji Island for two weeks. Activities include renovating classrooms, leadership and teambuilding training as well as health workshop for local children.
Quality Time for Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Service Learning Project (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 20
Project Location: Local
After a successful pilot in Fall 2016, the team scales up the service for families of adolescents with ADHD, which now consists of 4 cycles in a span of one year. 24 families will participate in 3 phrases of activities including Family Day, Family Camp and Cross-family Reunion. The team hopes to create a mutually supportive and accepting social network among the families.
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Friends of CLOVER
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 80
Project Location: Local
The project plans to recruit 80 local and international CUHK students. Activities include orientation day camps, coaching training and social gathering between local and non-local students. Students will group into teams to organize voluntary services with NGOs.
Understanding Socially Disadvantaged School Youths through a Social Service Endeavour 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CW Chu College Service Team
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30
Project Location: Local
The programme hopes to strengthen self-confidence and motivation of the disadvantaged secondary students. The activities to be organized for 40 students from Po Leung Kuk CW Chu College include a pre-camp workshop, an intra-group pre-camp gathering, a 3-day-2-night camp and a visit to CUHK campus. A mentorship scheme and a service at local nursing home are included to ensure longer engagement between the university and secondary students.
I live it All (2017-2018)
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: I live it All
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 80
Project Location: Local
Starting in 2015, the community art project aims to rebuild network between elderly and the community. From Fall 2017, it hopes to extend the existing model of art education from Tai Po to other Elderly Houses in different districts, as well as to collaborate with other student organizations and community groups.
Young Social Change Maker 4-day camp 2017
Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30
Project Location: Local
Young Social Entrepreneurs Training Camp is one of the two key activities of Young Social Changemaker 2017. The target number of secondary school students participating in the camp increases from 52 in 2015 to 120 in 2016, to 300 in 2017. Activities in the camp include guest sharing, simulation game, city hunt, visits to social enterprises.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk