School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Vivian Lui WYAssociate Professor

BSc.(Hons) in Biochemistry, CUHK 
Ph.D.(Hons) in Molecular Pharmacology, USA

Telephone:  3943 5388

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 522A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK


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Prof. LUI Wai Yan Vivian (呂偉欣) obtained her Ph.D. (Hons) training in Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA, followed by post-doctoral trainings at Duke University and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA.  Prof. Lui specializes in precision medicine development in head and neck cancers, including nasopharyngeal cancer.  Using genomics, proteomics, integrative genomic-proteomic discovery approaches, and a driver mutation screening platform (US patented, Co-inventor), Prof. Lui has contributed to major mutationally-driven drug sensitivity findings in head and neck cancers.  Prof. Lui has published over 99 research articles in the area of precision medicine, cancer genomics and therapeutics in renowned scientific journals including Cancer Discovery, Nature Comms., JAMA Oncology, PNAS and JNCI, etc

  1. Integrated Cancer Genomic-Proteomic bioinformatics for therapeutics and translational research.
  2. Functional genomics and platform development for druggable mutations and driver mutations in human oncogenesis.
  3. Molecular mechanisms of mutation-based drug sensitivity for targeted therapies.
  4. Mechanisms of viral-mediated oncogenesis in aerodigestive tract cancers and Nasopharyngeal cancer.
  5. Precision Medicine development, and Patient-oriented pharmacogenomics.
  1. Tsang, C.M., Lui, V.W., Bruce, J.P., Pugh, T.J., & Lo, K.W. (2019). Translational Genomics of Nasopharyngeal Cancer. Seminars in Cancer Biology, pii: S1044-579X(19)30284-6. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2019.09.006.
  2. Ngan, H.L., Wang, L., Lo, K.W., & Lui, V.W. (2018). Genomic Landscapes of EBV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma vs. HPV-associated Head and Neck Cancer. Cancers (Basel), 10(7), pii: E210. doi: 10.3390/cancers10070210.
  3. Chen, Y.C., Wang, X., Fang, J., Song, J.J., Ma, D., Luo, L. Q., He, B.L., Xia, J., Lui, V.W., Cheng, B., & Wang, Z. (2018). Mesenchymal stem cells participate in oral mucosa carcinogenesis by regulating T cell proliferation. Clinical Immunology, 198, 46-53. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2018.12.001.
  4. Zhong, Q., Liu, Z. H., Lin, Z. R., Hu, Z.D., Yuan, L., Liu, Y.M., Zhou A.J., Xu, L.H., Hu, L.J., Wang, Z.F., Guan, X.Y., Hao, J.J., Lui, V.W., Guo L., Mai H.Q., Chen, M.Y., Han, F., Xia, Y.F., Grandis J.R., Zhang, X., & Zeng, M.S. (2018). The RARS–MAD1L1 Fusion Gene Induces Cancer Stem Cell–like Properties and Therapeutic Resistance in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 24(3), 659-673. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0352.
  5. Chan, J.Y.K., Poon, P.H.Y., Zhang, Y., Ng, C.W.K., Piao, W.Y., Ma, M., Yip, K.Y., Chan, A.B.W., & Lui, V.W. (2018). Case Report: Exome sequencing reveals recurrent RETSAT mutations and a loss-of-function POLDIP2 mutation in a rare undifferentiated tongue sarcoma. F1000 Research, 7, 499. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.14383.1. eCollection.
  6. Chen, Y.C., Li, Q.S., Li, X.Y., Ma, D., Fang, J., Luo, L. Q., Liu, X.Q., Wang X., Lui, V.W., Xia, J., Cheng, B., & Wang, Z. (2017). Blockade of PD-1 effectively inhibits in vivo malignant transformation of oral mucosa. OncoImmunology, 7(2), e1388484. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2017.1388484.
  7. Li, Y.#, Chung, G.T.Y.#, Lui, V.W.#, To, K.F., Ma, B.B., Chow, C., Woo, J.K.S., Yip, K.Y., Seo, J., Hui, E.P., Mak, M.K., Rusan, M., Chau, N.G., Or, Y.Y., Law, M.H., Law, P.P., Liu, Z. W., Ngan, H.L., Hau, P.K., Verhoeft, K., Poon, P.H., Yoo, S.Y., Shin, J., Lee, S., Lun, S.W., Jia, L., Chan, A.W., Chan, J.Y., Lai, P.B.S., Fung, C., Hung, S.T., Wang, L., Chang, A.M., Chiosea, S., Hedberg, M.L., Tsao, S.W., van Hasselt, A.C., Chan, A.T.C., Grandis, J.R., Hammerman, P.S., & Lo, K.W. (2017). Exome and genome sequencing of nasopharynx cancer identifies NF-kB pathway activating mutations. Nature Communications, 8, 14121. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14121.
  8. Verhoeft, K.R., Ngan, H.L., & Lui, V.W. (2016). The cylindromatosis (CYLD) gene and head and neck tumorigenesis. Cancers of the Head and Neck, 1, 10. DOI: 10.1186/s41199-016-0012-y.
  9. Hedberg, M.L., Goh, G., Chiosea, S.I., Bauman, J.E., Freilino, M.L., Zeng, Y., Wang, L., Diergaarde, B.B., Gooding, W.E., Lui, V.W., Herbst, R.S., Lifton, R.P., & Grandis, J.R. (2016). Genetic landscape of metastatic and recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126(1), 169-180.
  10. Wen, Y., Li, H., Zeng, Y., Wen, W., Pendleton, K.P., Lui, V.W., Egloff, A.M., & Grandis, J.R. (2016). MAPK1(E322K) mutation increased head and neck suamous cell carcinoma sensitivity to erlotinib through enhanced secretion of amphiregulin. Oncotarget, 7(17), 23300-23311.
  11. Li, H., Wheeler, S., Park, Y., Ju, Z., Thomas, S.M., Fichera, M., Egloff, A.M., Lui, V.W., Duvvuri, U., Bauman, J.E., Mills, G.B., & Grandis, J.R. (2016). Proteomic characterization of head and neck cancer patient-derived xenografts. Molecular Cancer Research, 14(3), 278-286.
  12. Van Allen, E.M.#, Lui, V.W.#, Egloff, A.M., Goetz, E.M., Li, H., Johnson, J.T., Duvvuri, U., Bauman, J.E., Stransky, N., Zeng, Y., Gilbert, B.R., Pendleton, K.P., Wang, L., Chiosea, S., Sougnez, C., Wagle, N., Zhang, F., Du, Y., Close, D., Johnston, P.A., McKenna, A., Carter, S.L., Golub, T.R., Getz, G., Mills, G.B., Garraway, L.A., & Grandis, J.R. (2015). Genomic correlate of exceptional erlotinib response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. JAMA Oncology, 1(2), 238-244. 
  13. Du, Y., Peyser, N.D., Li, H., Lui, V.W., Xiao, X., Maciej, Fiefing, Chan, T.A., & Grandis, J.R. (2015). Loss-of-function PTPRD mutations lead to increased STAT3 activation and sensitivity to STAT3 inhibition in head and neck cancer. PLos One, 10(8), e0135750.
  14. Yau, N.K., Fong, A.Y., Leung, H.F., Verhoeft, K.R., Lim, Q.Y., Lam, W.Y., Wong, I.C., & Lui, V.W. (2015). A Pan-Cancer review of ALK mutations: Implications for Carcinogenesis and Therapy. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 15(4), 327-336.
  15. Sen, M., Pollock, N.I., Black, J., DeGrave, K.A., Wheeler, S., Freilino, M.L., Joyce, S., Lui, V.W., Zeng, Y., Chiosea, S.I., & Grandis, J.R. (2015). JAK Kinase Inhibition Abrogates STAT3 Activation and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumor Growth. Neoplasia, 17(3), 256-264.
  16. Wong, E.Y., Wong, S.C., Chan, C.M., Lam, E.K., Ho, L.Y., Lau, C.P., Au, T.C., Chan, A.K., Tsang, C.M., Tsao, S.W., Lui, V.W.*, & Chan, A.T. (2015). TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator promotes proliferation and invasiveness of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Oncology Letters, 9, 569-574. 
  17. Lui, V.W., Peyser, N.D., Ng, P.K., Hritz, J., Zeng, Y., Lu, Y., Li, H., Wang, L., Gilbert, B.R., General, I.J., Bahar, I., Ju, Z., Wang, Z., Pendleton, K.P., Xiao, X., Du, Y., Vries, J.K., Hammerman, P.S., Garraway, L.A., Mills, G.B., Johnson, D.E., & Grandis, J.R. (2014). Frequent mutation of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases provides a mechanism for STAT3 hyperactivation in head and neck cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(3), 1114-1119.
  18. Li, H., Wawrose, J.S., Gooding, W.E., Garraway, L.A., Lui, V.W., Peyser, N.D., & Grandis, J.R. (2014). Genomic analysis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and human tumors: ARatioinal approach to preclinical model selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 12(4), 571-582.
  19. Lei, Y., Lui, V.W., Grandis, J.R., & Egloff, A.M. (2014). Identification of Mutatioins in the PYRIN-Containing NLR Genes (NLRP) in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cacinoma. PLos One, 9(1), e85619.
  20. Lui, V.W., Hedberg, M.L., Li, H., Vangara, B.S., Pendleton, K., Zeng, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, Q., Du, Y., Gilbert, B.R., Freilino, M., Sauerwein, S., Peyser, N.D., Xiao, D., Diergaarde, B., Wang, L., Chiosea, S., Seethala, R., Johnson, J.T., Kim, S., Duvvuri, U., Ferris, R.L., Romkes, M., Nukui, T., Ng, K.S.P., Garraway, L.A., Hammerman, P.S., Mills, G.B., & Grandis, J.R. (2013). Frequent mutation of the PI3K pathway in head and neck cancer defines predictive biomarkers. Cancer Discovery, 3(7): 761-769.
  21. Lui, V.W.#, Wong, E.Y., Ho, K., Ng, P.K., Lau, C.P., Tsui, S.K., Tsang, C.M., Tsao, S.W., Cheng, S.H., Ng, M.H., Ng, Y.K., Lam, E.K., Hong, B., Lo, K.W., Mok, T.S., Chan, A.T., & Mills, G.B. (2011). Inhibition of c-Met downregulates TIGAR expression and reduces NADPH production leading to cell death. Oncogne, 30(9), 1127-1134.
  22. Lui, V.W.#, Yau, D.M.#, Cheung, C.S., Wong, S.C., Chan, A.K., Zhou, Q., Wong, E.Y., Lau, C.P., Lam, E.K., Hui, E.P., Hong, B., Hui, C.W., Chan, A.S., Ng, P.K., Ng, Y.K., Lo, K.W., Tsang, C.M., Tsui, S.K., Tsao, S.W., & Chan, A.T. (2011). FGF8b oncogene mediates proliferation and invasion of epstein-barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells: implication for viral-mediated FGF8b upregulation. Oncogene, 30(13), 1518-30.
  23. Lai, S.Y., Koppikar, P., Thomas, S.M., Childs, E.E., Egloff, A.M., Seethala, R.R., Branstetter, B.F., Gooding, W.E., Muthukrishnan, A., Mountz, J.M., Lui, V.W., Shin, D.M., Agarwala, S.S., Johnson, R., Couture, L.A., Myers, E.N., Johnson, J.T., Mills, G., Argiris, A., & Grandis, J.R. (2009). Intratumoral Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Antisense DNA Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer: First Human Application and Potential Antitumor Mechanisms. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27(8), 1235-1242.
  24. Zhang, Q., Thomas, S.M., Lui, V.W., Xi, S., Siegfried, J.M., Fan, H., Smithgall, T.E., Mills, G.B., & Grandis, J.R. (2006). Phosphorylation of TNF-α converting enzyme by gastrin-releasing peptide induces amphiregulin release and EGF receptor activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(18): 6901-6906.
  25. Lui, V.W., Thomas, S.M., Zhang, Q., Wentzel, A.L., Siegfried, J.M., Li, J.Y., & Grandis, J.R. (2003). Mitogenic effects of gastrin-releasing peptide in head and neck squamous cancer cells are mediated by activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. Oncogene, 22(40): 6183-93.
  26. Lango, M.N., Dyer, K.F., Lui, V.W., Gooding, W.E., Gubish, C., Siegfried, J.M., & Grandis, J.R. (2002). Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-mediated autocrine growth in Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 94(5), 375-383.
  27. Lui, V.W., He, Y.K., Goyal, K., & Huang, L. (2001). Specific down-regulation for HER-2 mediated by a chimeric U6 hammerhead ribozyme resulting in growth inhibition of human ovarian carcinoma. Molecular Therapy, 3(2), 169-177.
  28. Dou, Q.P., & Lui, V.W. (1995). Failure to dephosphorylate Retinoblastoma protein in drug-resistance cells. Cancer Research, 55(22), 5222-5225.

    *  Co-corresponding author 
    #  Co-first author
  1. RGC – Research Impact Fund [PC; 29-Jun-20 to 28-Jun-25]; “Accelerating Precision Medicine Translation: Development of the First Evidence-based Clinical Exceptional Responder Gene-Drug Sensitivity Resource for Cancer” (HK$14,280,000).
  2. RGC – Research Impact Fund [Co-PI; 30-Jun-19 to 31-May-24]: “Patient-Derived Preclinical Models for Translational Cancer Research: a Hong Kong-based Biotechnology Centre for Genomic Medicine” (HK$150,000 to Prof. Lui; The total project award is HK$9,800,000).
  3. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 24-Sep-18 to 23-Aug-20]: "Investigating the Prognostic Significance and Therapeutic Value of RAPTOR-ness for Head and Neck Cancer (HNC)" (HK$1,199,056).
  4. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jun-18 to 31-May-21]: "RAC1 Genomic Alterations Drive Head and Neck Cancer Progression" (HK$1,229,089).
  5. Innovation & Technology Commission-Innovation and Technology [PI; 01-May-18 to 30-Apr-20]: "Drug Target Discovery for Anoikis-resistance in Asian Head and Neck Cancer (HNC)" (HK$1,649,698).
  6. Lee's Pharmaceutical (Hong Kong) Limited [PI; 01-May-18 to 30-Apr-20]: "Drug Target Discovery for Anoikis-resistance in Asian Head and Neck Cancer (HNC)" (HK$1,649,698).
  7. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-17 to 31-Dec-19]: "ALK/PIK3CA Genetic Coupling: Implications for Progression and Personalized Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer" (HK$840,664).
  8. Hong Kong Cancer Fund [PI; 01-Oct-16 to 31-Mar-19]: "Affordable Multi-gene Mutation-Drug Matching for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Patients in Hong Kong" (HK$1,000,000).
  9. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Sep-14 to 31-Aug-18]: "MAPK1 Genomic Alterations as Predictor of Treatment Response and Driver for Tumor Growth in Head and Neck Cancer" (HK$665,885).