School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Adjunct Associate Professor

B.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Telephone:  3943 6894

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 610U, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, CUHK


  1. Synergistic damage of dopaminergic neurons by methamphetamine and HIV-Tat protein
  2. Toxicity of plant proteins on peripheral neurons
  1. Ochi M, Kwong WH, Kimori K, Chow SP and Ikuta Y (1992), Reinnervation of denervated skeletal muscles by grafted dorsal root ganglion, Experimental Neurology 118: 291-301
  2. Ochi M, Kwong WH, Kimori K, Takemotor S, Chow SP and Ikuta Y (1996), Delay of the denervation process in skeletal muscle by sensory ganglion graft and its clinical application, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 97: 577-586
  3. Yew DT, Kwong WH, Yu MC (1996), Basic Neuroanatomy, World Scientific Publishing Co.
  4. Lee KKH, Kwong WH, Chau FT, Yew DT and Chan WY (2002), Pien Tze Huang Protects The Liver Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Damage, Pharmacology & Toxicology 91: 185-192
  5. Lorke DE, Kwong WH, Chan WY and Yew DT (2003), Development of Catecholaminergic Neurons in The Human Medulla Oblongata, Life Sciences 73(10): 1315-1331
  6. Yew DT, Kwong WH and Lee KKH (2005), Body Parts (????), 143 Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Science Museum
  7. Fang MR, Li JC, Gong XY, Antonio G, Lee KHF, Kwong WH, Wai SM and Yew DT (2005), Myelination of the Pigs Brain: A Correlated MRI and Histological Study, Neurosignals 14: 102-108
  8. Lu G, Kwong WH, Li Q, Wang X, Feng ZT and Yew DT (2005), Bcl2, Bax, And Nestin in The Brains of Patients With Neurodegeneration And Those of Normal Aging, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 27: 167-174
  9. Sha O, Kwong WH, Cho YPE, Yew DT and Ng TB (2008), Different Neuronal Toxicity of Single-chain Ribosome-inactivating Proteins on the Rat Retina, Toxicon 51(1): 45-53
  10. Wai SM, Shi C, Kwong WH, Zhang LH, Lam WP and Yew DT (2008), Development of the Human Insular Cortex: Differentiation, Proliferation, Cell Death, and Appearance of 5HT-2A Receptors, Histochemistry and Cell Biology 130(6): 1199-1204