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Smoke-free Campus


Smoke-free Campus

All indoor and outdoor areas of the University are required by law to ban smoking with effect from January 1, 2007. The occupied residential units within the following staff quarters(*) are exempt areas as defined by law and permission to smoke in these premises has to be obtained from the University appointees assigned to reside in the respective residential unit:

  • University Residence Nos. 3-4 and 10-17;
  • Vice-Chancellor's Lodge;
  • Staff Quarters A-E, G and S, Chung Chi College;
  • Friendship Lodge, New Asia College;
  • United College Staff Residence, United College; and
  • Ya Qun Lodge, Shaw College.

* Staff quarters will be considered as "Type 1 Private Quarters" only if the whole block of the building in which the staff accommodation is situated only consists of such staff accommodation. For staff quarters also used by students or visitors, the whole block of the building will not be exempted. No exemption is granted for guesthouses, student hostels and the Wardens' flats situated in the student hostels.

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