Updates from New Asia Alumni Association


CUHK 60th Anniversary Fund-Raising Orienteering Relay Competition

“Happy Hour” event

Mr. Chan Ho-ting (right) and College Head Professor Sun-On Chan (left)

[May 2023 issue]
(1) On 8 March 2023, the New Asia Alumni Association held a luncheon and invited Professor Chong Tai-leung, Associate Head of the College, to share his views on the 2023/24 budget with the alumni. Everyone had a pleasant and unforgettable time at the gathering.
(2) On 19 March 2023, the New Asia Alumni Association participated in the CUHK 60th Anniversary Fund-Raising Orienteering Relay Competition and won the third place.
(3) The New Asia Alumni Association co-hosted a “Happy Hour” event with the United College Alumni Association on 30 March 2023, bringing together alumni of different ages for a convivial gathering.
(4) Mr. Chan Ho-ting (12/LLB) opened his own law firm on 1 April this year. College Head Professor Sun-On Chan was invited to attend its opening ceremony and extend his congratulations.