Welcome address to new students
This year, I am honoured to have joined the Hong Kong Oratorio Society again for the Christmas concert performance in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. The concert was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity this Christmas to join my fellow Society members and the talented guest performers to perform on stage.
As a saying goes, ‘Christmas is a state of mind.’ The theme of this year’s concert, ‘A Thankful Christmas’, says it all. For Christians, Christmas means the state of being thankful for the most blessed salvation from God as they rejoice at the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Indeed, for everyone, regardless of religion, Christmas and the end of the year also represent the state of being thankful for our blessings. The festive season is magical because thankfulness is capable of transforming everyday sufficiency into something precious—a quick home-cooked meal serving as a heartwarming feast; a kind stranger becoming a dear friend; a simple musical score subliming into a beautiful melody that touches the soul. The magic happens only when we start to appreciate all the positive things in life, big or small.
The concert covered a wide period of western classical music from early 17th to 20th century. The pieces selected were some of the finest representatives of choral music from baroque, classical, romantic, to some very familiar Christmas carols. The beautiful music provided a channel for our soul to express our gratitude and appreciation—every day is a blessing, hope is eternal, and love is everlasting.
The Hong Kong Oratorio Society has continued to uphold its fine tradition of enriching the spiritual and cultural lives of Hong Kong citizens through delightful performances of music. It gives me much pride to be a part of it.
May I wish all of you a warm holiday season of love and merriment.