Professor, Chairman
Ph.D in Philosophy (Fudan) and Th.D in Religious Studies (Harvard) | |
Rm | 421 |
39439678 | |
yonghuang@cuhk.edu.hk | |
https://huangyongcuhk.wordpress.com/ |
Brief Biography
Yong Huang, Ph.D in Philosophy (Fudan University) and Th.D in Religious Studies (Harvard University), had taught at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania since 1996 before he moved to the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. With interest in both philosophy and religious studies and familiar with both Western and Chinese traditions, his research focus has been on moral (both ethical and political) issues from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.
Huang served as, among others, the co-chair of the Confucian Tradition Group of American Academy of Religion, the Co-chair of the University Seminar on Neo-Confucian Studies at Columbia University, and the President of Association of Chinese Philosophers in American (1999-2001). During this tenure, among other things, he inaugurated a book series, ACPA Series in Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, and a journal, Dao: A Journal of Comparative philosophy. He has been the chief editor of the latter since the very beginning. Huang is also the founding editor of the first companion series exclusively focused on Chinese philosophy, Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy, also published by Springer. Recently, he has also launched a book series, Encountering Chinese Philosophy, published by Bloomsbury and (together with Professor WANG Qingjie) a book series in Chinese, Philosophy from Hong Kong (香江哲學), published by Oriential Publishing Center (東方出版中心) in Shanghai. In addition, he sits on almost 30 editorial boards of scholarly journals and book series in English and Chinese.
Huang has published extensively in the area of Chinese and comparative philosophy, ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of religion, including 6 edited or co-edited volumes in English, five books in Chinese, and three monographs in English, in addition to over 100 journal articles and book chapters each in Chinese and English. For a more or less complete and updated list of his publications, please click here; for the full texts of many of his journal articles and book chapters, please click here; for the more or less inaccurate information of citations to his publications in Google Scholar, please click here; for his Scopus Profile, which contains less complete citations to his publications, please click here; and for his Kudo’s Profile, please click here. Huang is currently completing 4 book manuscripts in English: (1) Patient Moral Relativism: The Ethics of Difference from the Zhuangzi; (2) Knowing-To: The Contemporary Significance of Wang Yangming’s Moral Philosophy; (3) Confucian Virtue Politics; and (4) Chinese Philosophy Matters: Continuing Dialogues with Contemporary Western Philosophers.
Huang also has a very broad interest in teaching. Undergraduate and graduate courses offered since moving to CUHK include Pre-Qin Daoist Philosophy; Pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy; Guided Studies of Chinese Philosophical Classics: Wang Yangming; Virtue Ethics: Neo-Aristotelian, Neo-Humean, and Neo-Confucian; Moral Relativism: Agent-centered, Appraiser-centered, and Patient-centered; Liberal Neutrality, State Perfectionism, and Confucianism; The Contemporary Significance of Wang Yangming’s Moral Philosophy; The Neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers and Contemporary Moral Philosophy; Democracy, Meritocracy, and Confucianism; State of the Field: Confucian Political Philosophy in the English Speaking World; State of the Field: Ethics in the Zhuangzi in the English Speaking World, and Moral Realism, Anti-Realism, and Confucianism.
(Courses taught at Kutztown University include Introduction to Philosophy; Critical Thinking; Introduction to Ethics; Business Ethics; Introduction to Religious Studies; Chinese Philosophy; Asian Philosophy; Modern Philosophy [Rationalism and Empiricism]; Contemporary Political Philosophy; American Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion; Hermeneutics: Theological and Philosophical; Philosophy of Human Person; Comparative Studies of Religions; Two Philosophers Worth Knowing: John Rawls and Robert Nozick; and Contemporary Theories of Justice).
Research Interests
- Chinese philosophy (Mostly Confucianism and Daoism)
- Comparative philosophy
- Ethics
- Political philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
Selected Publications
- Virtue Ethics: From A Neo-Confucian Point of View 美德倫理學:從宋明儒的觀點看. Beijing: Commencial Press 商務印書館, 2022.
- Ernest Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy (edited with an Introduction and a contributing essay). Bloomsbury, 2022.
- Confucian Political Philosophy: Dialogues on the State of the Field (co-edited with Robert Carleo, III). Springer, 2021.
- Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy (edited with an Introduction and a contributing essay). Bloomsbury, 2020.
- Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy (volume 13 of Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy), co-edited with Kai-chiu Ng. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.
- Contemporary Virtue Ethics: Contributions from Ancient Confucianism 當代美德倫理:古代儒家的貢獻. Shanghai: Oriental Publishing Center 東方出版中心, 2019.
- Why Be Moral? Learning from the Neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers. State University of New York Press, 2014. (Chinese translation, Oriental Publications Center, 2021; selected as one of the 100 best books [one of the 15 best books in social sciences and documentaries] published in 2021 by China Reading Weekly 中華讀書報)
- Moral Relativism and Chinese Philosophy: David Wong Responds to Critics. (Co-edited, with Yang Xiao, with a co-authored Introduction and individually authored essay). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014.
- Confucius: Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum Publications, 2013.
- Politics in a Global Age 全球化時代的政治. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2011 (Simplified Chinese characters version, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2018).
- Religion in a Global Age 全球化時代的宗教. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2011 (Simplified Chinese characters version, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2018).
- Ethics in a Global Age 全球化時代的倫理. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2011 (Simplified Chinese characters version, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2018).
- Rorty, Pragmatism, and Confucianism: With Responses by Richard Rorty (edited with an “Introduction” and a contributing essay). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009.
- Religious Goodness and Political Rightness: Beyond the Liberal-Communitarian Debate, vol. 49 of Harvard Theological Studies. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2001 (Chinese Translation, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2016).