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Earth System Science Programme
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image of Prof. Chan Man Nin
Room 318, 3/F, 
Mong Man Wai Building
(852) 3943 9863
mnchan [at] cuhk.edu.hk
Home > People > Prof. CHAN Man Nin
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image of Prof. Chan Man Nin
Room 318, 3/F, 
Mong Man Wai Building
(852) 3943 9863

CHAN Man Nin 陳文年

Associate Professor
  • Ph.D., Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2012
  • M.Phil., Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2004
  • M.Sc., Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2002
  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2000
Academic Employments:
  • 2020 – Present: Associate Professor, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2020 – 2022: Director, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2014 – 2020: Assistant Professor, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2012 – 2013: Chemist Postdoctorate, Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 2004 – 2007: Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Fields and Current Research Interests:
  • Chemical Transformation of Organosulfur Compounds via Heterogeneous Oxidation: Implications for Atmospheric Aerosol Sulfur Cycle
  • Chemical Transformation of Isoprene derived Secondary Organic Aerosols via Heterogeneous Oxidation during Daytime and Nighttime
  • Evolution of Heterogeneous Reactivity of Atmospheric Aerosols over Time
Honors and Awards:
  • 2018: Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2015: Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2014: The Best Young Researcher Award, 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, Hong Kong
Undergraduate courses
  • ESSC1000 – Exploring Earth System Science
  • ESSC2800 – Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • ESSC3220 – Atmospheric Chemistry
  • ESSC3800 – Global Environmental Change
  • ESSC4230 – Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols
  • ESSC4240 – Air Pollution Science and Engineering
Postgraduate courses
  • EASC5001 – Research Frontiers of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • EASC5103 – Aerosols Physic and Chemistry
  • EASC5240 – Air Pollution Science and Engineering
College Affiliation in CUHK:
  • New Asia College
Professional Activities:
  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Association for Aerosol Research
Guest Editor
  • Atmosphere: Special Issue on Heterogeneous Reactivity of Atmospheric Aerosols
  • Environmental Science: Atmospheres: Atmospheres themed collection on 'Levitated Particles'
Open Positions/Research Opportunities:
If students are interested in aerosol chemistry, they are encouraged to contact Prof. Chan to discuss research opportunities.
Full Publications in Google Scholar:
Selected Publications after Joining CUHK:
    (An asterisk * indicates corresponding author and group members are underscored in the author list)
  1. Ng, S. I. M., Ng, K. H., Yeung, P. W. F., Xu, R., So, P.-K., Huang, Y., Yu, J. Z., Choi, C. K. K., Tse, Y.-L. S.* and Chan, M. N.* (2022) “Chemical Transformation of a Long-chain Alkyl Organosulfate via Heterogeneous OH Oxidation: A Case Study of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate”, Environmental Science: Atmosphere, 2, 1060–1075.
  2. Xu, R., Ng, S. I. M., Chow, W. S., Wong, Y. K., Wang, Y., Lai, D., Yao, Z., So, P.-K., Yu, J. Z.*, and Chan, M. N.* (2022) “Chemical Transformation of α-Pinene-derived Organosulfate via Heterogeneous OH Oxidation: Implications for Sources and Environmental Fates of Atmospheric Organosulfates”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 5685–5700.
  3. Lam, H. K., Xu, R., Choczynski, J., Davies, J. F., Ham, D., Song, M., Zuend, A., Li, W., Tse, Y.-L. S., Chan, M. N.* (2021) “Effects of Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation and Relative Humidity on the Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Inorganic–Organic Aerosols: Insights from Methylglutaric Acid/Ammonium Sulfate Particles”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2053–2066.
  4. Xu, R., Ge, Y., Kwong, K. C., Poon, H. Y., Wilson, K. R., Yu, J. Z. Chan, M. N.* (2020) “Inorganic Sulfur Species formed upon Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Organosulfates: A Case Study of Methyl Sulfate”, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4, 2041–2049.
  5. Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Lambe, A., Xu, R., Lei, Z., Olson, N., Zhang, Z., Szalkowski, T., Cui, T., Vizuete, W., Gold, A., Turpin, B., Ault, A.*, Chan, M. N.*, Surratt, J.D.* (2020) “Heterogeneous Hydroxyl Radical Oxidation of Isoprene Epoxydiol-Derived Methyltetrol Sulfates: Plausible Formation Mechanisms of Previously Unexplained Organosulfates in Ambient Fine Aerosols”, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 2020, 7, 460–468.
  6. Xu, R., Lam, H. K., Wilson, K. R., Davies, J. F., Song, M., Li, W., Tse, Y.-L. S., Chan, M. N.* (2020) “Effect of Inorganic-to-Organic Mass Ratio on the Heterogeneous OH Reaction Rates of Erythritol”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 3879–3893.
  7. Brüggemann, M., Xu, R., Tilgner, A., Kwong, K. C., Mutzel, A., Poon, H.Y., Otto, T., Schaefer, T., Poulain, L., Chan, M. N.*, Herrmann, H.* (2020) “Organosulfates in Ambient Aerosol: State of Knowledge and Future Research Directions on Formation, Abundance, Fate, and Importance”, Environmental Science and Technology, 54, 3767–3782.
  8. Yin, B., Chan, C.K.W., Liu, S., Hong, H., Wong, S.H.D., Lee, K.C.L., Ho, L.W.C., Zhang, L., Leung, K.C.F., Choi, P.C.L, Bian, L.*, Tian, X.Y.*, Chan, M.N.*, Choi, C.H.J.* (2019) “Intrapulmonary Cellular-level Distribution of Inhaled Nanoparticles with Defined Functional Groups and its Correlations with Protein Corona and Inflammatory Response”, ACS Nano, 13, 14048–14069.
  9. Lam, H. K., Shum, S. M., Davies, J. F., Song, M., Zuend, A., Chan, M. N. * (2019) “Effects of Inorganic Salts on the Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Organic Compounds: Insights from Methylglutaric Acid–Ammonium Sulfate”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 9581–9593.
  10. Lam, H.K., Kwong, K.C., Poon, H.Y., Davies, J.F., Zhang, Z., Gold, A., Surratt, J.D., Chan, M.N.* (2019) “Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Isoprene Epoxydiol-Derived Organosulfates: Kinetics, Chemistry and Formation of Inorganic Sulfate”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 2433–2440.
  11. Chim, M.M., Lim, C.Y., Kroll, J.H., Chan, M.N.* (2018) “Evolution in the Reactivity of Citric Acid towards Heterogeneous Oxidation by Gas-Phase OH Radicals” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2, 1323–1329.
  12. Kwong, K.C., Chim, M.M., Hoffmann, E.H., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H., Davies, J.F., Wilson, K.R., Chan, M.N.* (2018) “Chemical Transformation of Methanesulfonic Acid and Sodium Methanesulfonate through Heterogeneous OH Oxidation” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2, 895–903.
  13. Kwong, K.C., Chim, M.M., Davies, J.F., Wilson, K.R., Chan, M.N.* (2018) “Importance of Sulfate Radical Anion Formation and Chemistry in Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Sodium Methyl Sulfate, the Smallest Organosulfate”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,18, 2809–2820.
  14. Chim, M.M., Cheng, C.T., Davies, J.F., Berkemeier, T., Shiraiwa, M., Zuend, A., Chan, M.N.* (2017) “Compositional Evolution of Particle Phase Reaction Products and Water in the Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Aqueous Organic Droplets”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 14,415–14,431.
  15. Chim, M.M., Chow, C.Y., Davies, J.F., Chan, M.N.* (2017) “Effects of Relative Humidity and Particle Phase Water on the Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of 2-Methylglutaric Acid Aqueous Droplets”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 1666–1674.
  16. Cheng, C.T., Chan, M.N.,* Wilson, K.R.* (2016) “Importance of Unimolecular HO2 Elimination in the Heterogeneous OH Reaction of Highly Oxygenated Tartaric Acid Aerosol”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 28,978–28,992.
  17. Cheng, C.T., Chan, M. N.,* Wilson, K.R.* (2015) “The Role of Alkoxy Radicals in the Heterogeneous Reaction of Two Structural Isomers of Dimethylsuccinic Acid”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 25,309–25,321.
Research Grants:
  • General Research Fund, 2021/22, "Aqueous-Phase Processing of Organosulfates: Implications for their Environmental Fatesand Impacts"
  • General Research Fund, 2018/2019, “Chemical Transformation of IEPOX-SOA from Isoprene through Heterogeneous OH Oxidation”
  • Early Career Scheme, 2016/2017, “Investigating the Effects of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation on the Molecular Transformation of Aqueous Inorganic-Organic Droplets oxidized by Gas-Phase Hydroxyl (OH) Radicals”