Annual Report 2007–08
21 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 中大又分別與中國科學院(中科院)、復 旦大學、南京大學、台灣中央大學、北京大 學、山東大學、國家海洋局及清華大學等 續簽或新簽署合作協議,加強與兩地的學 術聯繫。 外訪方面,中大領導層多次訪問內地夥伴 院校。校長劉遵義教授先後率團往訪復旦 大學、南京大學、上海交通大學及浙江大 學,與他們交換最新發展和科研動態,鞏 固及擴展雙方的合作關係。 大學共接待了一百六十七個來自國內及台 灣的訪問團。北京大學校長許智宏教授、 山東大學校長展濤教授,以及中科院院長 路甬祥教授等聲名顯赫的學者咸在其列。 二零零八年一月二十八日至二月二日,中大 首次舉辦「院士訪校計劃」,五位中科院 院士應邀到訪: •中國人民解放軍第四軍醫大學神經科 學研究所鞠躬院士 •中科院動物研究所劉以訓院士 •中科院昆明植物研究所孫漢董院士 •中科院上海生命科學研究院生物化學 與細胞生物學研究所張永蓮院士 •中科院上海生命科學研究院植物生理 生態研究所趙國屏院士 他們的講座吸引本地院校師生踴躍出席。 中大於二零零八年六月二十三日至八月 二日首辦「內地研究生暑期研究體驗計 劃」,推動兩地的研究合作及促進研究生 交流。來自內地多所大學的二十七名研究 生,分別到中大不同學系及部門接受六周 的研究培訓。 CUHK signed or renewed collaborative agreements with Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Fudan Uni- versity, Nanjing University, National Central University of Taiwan, Peking University, Shandong University, State Oceanic Administration, and Tsinghua University. During the year, the senior management of CUHK paid strategic visits to partners on the mainland. Vice- Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau led delegations to Fudan University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Zhejiang University to consolidate collaborative relationships. The University received 167 delegations from the mainland and Taiwan for the purpose of enhancing academic collaboration. Visitors included prominent scholars such as Prof. Xu Zhihong, President of Peking University; Prof. Zhan Tao, President of Shandong University; and Prof. Lu Yongxiang, President of CAS. The Academicians Visitorship Programme was first launched in 2007–08. Distinguished guests including five Academicians of CAS visited the University during 28 January to 2 February 2008. They were: • Prof. Ju Gong, the Institute of Neurosciences, Fourth Military Medical University • Prof. Liu Yixun, the Institute of Zoology, CAS • Prof. Sun Handong, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS • Prof. Zhang Yonglian, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS • Prof. Zhao Guoping, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS They delivered public lectures which received encouraging response from local academics and students. The University launched the Summer Placement Programme for mainland postgraduate students from 23 June to 2 August 2008. The programme was aimed at forging research collaboration between the mainland and Hong Kong, as well as facilitating exchanges between research students of the two places. A total of 27 research students from different universities on the mainland received six weeks of research training at various CUHK departments. 首次舉辦的「院士訪問計劃」 The First Academicians Visitorship Programme 劉遵義校長(左)與中科院院長路甬祥教 授續訂交流協議 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) and Prof. Lu Yongxiang, President of CAS, renew agreement for academic collaboration
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