Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2004

will house cafes, bars, seating areas, book stores, and similar establishments. Outside will be a promenade and shopping area, which will stretch all the way to the train station, revitalizing the whole route. The tree-lined University Mall on the main campus is also a busy location where urbane characteristics can be introduced. A wa l kway l e ad i ng to Tolo Ha r bour can be constructed from the Mall all the way to the east. A way of doing this is to connect new buildings along the way by means of pedestrian b r i dges or f oo t pa t hs. In the master plan, there is a bridge linking the Sir Philip Haddon- Cave Sports Field to a small pier by the harbour, across the freeway. Crowds are common at the University Mall when student activities are being organized Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field Campus Master Planning for a New Decade 9