Tag: MIE
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our esteemed Professor Xiaoou Tang on December 15, 2023. Prof. Xiaoou Tang was a distinguished Professor in Information Engineering, an Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Engineering, and a co-founder and executive director of SenseTime. He was a pioneering figure in the field of……
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Rosanna Chan, Adjunct Professor of the Department, has been named a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Education Society 2024-25. This prestigious recognition is given to outstanding educators who have made significant contributions to the field of engineering education. We congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition and look forward……
Prof. Tina CHOI’s course “Creating Self efficacy and Impact on Communication” has been recognized as one of the “2015-2020 Top 20 outstanding courses” in the “Outstanding in-depth innovation and entrepreneurship tertiary education reform award” (深化高校创新创业教育改革优秀成果) by the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China (IEEAC) . The award reviewed entrepreneurship and innovation-related courses by professional judges in……
The use of facial recognition technology has become prolific, and with the rise of Wi-Fi and virtual private networks (VPNs), their security has become a hot-button topic. Two research teams from The Department of Information Engineering have recently revealed security vulnerabilities in mobile facial recognition software and enterprises’ Wi-Fi and VPN setups that have a……
We are excited to share that Prof. Guoliang Xing’s team has won the Best Community Contributions Award at MobiCom 2023 for their paper titled “VI-Map: Infrastructure-Assisted Real-Time HD Mapping for Autonomous Driving”. The award recognizes the work that contains “intellectually exciting ideas, combined with a substantive contribution in computer code, experimental data, or other artifacts……