CUHK: Focus at 50
15 傳承 Embrace our Culture 陳英凝教授 Prof. Emily Chan CCOUC 災害與人道救援研究所所長、 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院教授 Director, Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC); Professor at the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care 「我希望可把一個信息帶給所教的學生、護士、醫生,或一些公共 衞生人員,令他們知道要做的事情未必要很偉大,其實可以是很簡 單,如給予病人尊重,這已經令他們感到生命有尊嚴和價值。」 ‘I hope to pass a message to my students, nurses, doctors and other public health professionals. It does not need to be doing something big. Even simple things such as giving the patients respect can make them realize the dignity and value of life.’ 吳恩融教授 Prof. Edward Y.Y. Ng 無止橋慈善基金創會主席、建築學院教授 Founding Chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation; Professor at the School of Architecture 「我經常跟學生說,如果做人只看到自己,是很辛苦的,能夠看到 別人的生命,就能活得更快樂,所以我們將來的生活,不要只為自 己、看到自己的需要,反而應該要看看別人需要甚麼。」 ‘I always tell my students that life would be very hard if they only focused on themselves. Life would be much happier if they share their visions with others. What we should do in the future is not to focus on our own needs but the needs of others.’ 鄧慧蘭教授 Prof. Gladys W.L. Tang 手語及聾人研究中心總監、語言學及現代語言系教授 Director of the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies; Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 「我希望將來能做到更多,令亞洲、香港和中國的聾人教育做得更 好,令他們不再是語言殘缺的一群,而是能雙語並用的聾人。」 ‘I hope to do more towards developing education for deaf people in Asia, Hong Kong and China, so they will no longer be a group of people with an incomplete language, but deaf people with bilingual skills.’
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